Chapter Seven | Preparations for the BIG TRAVEL

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hey Friends,
as we have just completed the BeNeLux-Countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg) in the previous Chapters - its now Time to prepare myself for the next Bigger Step on my Europe-Tour: SCANDINAVIA 🌍⛺️🚐

strassburg (1).JPG

Experiences have been made...

The last couple of Month just gave me a lot of experiences,
what its like to Travel to foreign Countries, Solo and just by Car,
living in it and playing Streetmusic dayin and dayout everywhere I go!

Sounds like a dream? - ineed it is! It was and still is my biggest Childhood Dream 😇
Make sure to checkout the previous Chapters to get to know: how i made it happen !

1st Chapter - my Beginnings and Work on the Camper
2nd Chapter - The Travel begins.. Luxembourg
3nd Chapter - The Tase of Freedom.. Belgium
4th Chapter - Choco, Waffles and Deep-Friedstuff.. Belgium
5th Chapter - Cheese, Weed and Campervans.. The Nehterlands
6th Chapter - Coffeeshops, Bicycle-Nation and Busy Nightlife.. The Netherlands

Changes have been made...

  • I bought an Amplifier:

Up to this Point I played about 90 straight days as a Streetmusician. Those Days busking in Benelux´s Streets i made the experience: It doesnt matter how talented you are in singing or playing! MOSTLY VOLUME MATTERS ! Whether you get attention or not..

Believe me when I say, busking acoustically withouth amplification in busy cities for a couple of hours every day is pretty exhausting! In that case I finally bought an AMP that should help me gain more Attention and to chill my vocal cords a littel bit. By now I just had a bunch of different ones but there is just one Recommendation: #Roland #Street #Cube ✌️ no doubt about it!!


  • I bought a little Camping Cooker:

I guess by claiming to really love food - 99% of the People can agree to. In case I never met anyone not beeing crazy of certain delicious dishes ! (haha sick rhyme - thats what i love the English Language for ^^ )

And so I do. Our relationship is maybe just a little deeper 😍
Knowing this background you can easily imagine how i dealt with the following circumstance:
Eating the last 3 Month, on my Benelux-Tour, only cold dishes - mostly salad !

As I arrived back home to settle things up for the BIG upcoming Travels, my most important purchase was absolutely clear! A camping cooker! Just bought one of Amazon with like 20 tins of gas. With my experience now: Its just awesome! Buy yourself one - its no money and really stays forever. 1 tin of gas lasts about 1 week so maybe just count with 2 tins /a week and you´ll be safe ! 🔥🥘 #best #purchase

Beeing able to cook whatever you´d like to have, will reduces homesickness to a minimum !

  • Blankets, blankets & blankets:

According to my Plan - to visit all of the Scandinavian Countries, I´m making sure to upgrade my Comfort. By now my Berlingo just had 1 thin blanket. But as we stray further north and the year draws slow, but steady to a close. An Upgrade on the warmth should be needed soon! Even more because of the missing insulation on my selfmade Camper!

In order to brave the bone-chilling cold of the North, I added a couple more blankets. Including an unbelieveable heavy sheeps woollen blanket of my Grandmother ❄️
My best working routine is:
1 woollen blanket beneath me > me in a sleeping bag > 1 woollen blanket above me > and on top 1 normal sheet !


Preperations: Check ✔️
Next is the Big Travel!
Hope to see you in the upcoming Chapters.. 📚

Are you already infected by the Berlingo-Way-of-Living ?
1st Chapter - my Beginnings and Work on the Camper
2nd Chapter - The Travel begins.. Luxembourg
3nd Chapter - The Tase of Freedom.. Belgium
4th Chapter - Choco, Waffles and Deep-Friedstuff.. Belgium
5th Chapter - Cheese, Weed and Campervans.. The Nehterlands
6th Chapter - Coffeeshops, Bicycle-Nation and Busy Nightlife.. The Netherlands

Want to see more?


That's an incredible way to live and travel. Seems really interesting and you are guaranteed to have an adventure and meet lots of interesting folks. I envy anyone who can do this for any length of time.

In Fact everybody of us is able to do it! Most Times its on how lucky you are to realize that at any point of Time...
Im verry happy I found there is nothing holding myself back from beeing - how i really want to be excepting me! Really appreciate your kind Comment qberry.
I hope to take you with me on my journey, I share for those - that might have to many bonds to act so careless like I can act!
jojo :))

Man.. I'm envious. If I were A bit more talented i would love doing this. Keep your head high you sound great!

Hey Brother,
cheers I really appreciate that :)
If doing something like this attracts you like a magnet, maybe something inside you would like to try it!
Speaking of Talent - i guess my first 10 Streetmusic Gigs i must have sounded awful but it always made me happy. So i kept doing it and improved :))

And speaking in all honesty, its not the buskers with the best vocals i stop and listen to:
mostly for me, the ones im really interested in have a wrecked up sounding vocal or they dont hit each and every note perfectly but furthermore the feeling the transport!

Sometimes its just about the feeling ;)
And vocals that have not the most practice but are full of feelings do mostly really well in my opinion!
Just pros for I try for you ;)


I have a video up if a song I wrote. But I've found some of the best musicians are buskers. It takes real courage tobset out with nothing and try to make ends meat I definitely respect you for it

Wow, Johannes! (Ich kommentiere mal hier, dein itroduceyouself, den ich gerade gelesen habe, ist ja schon etwas älter)
Mega schönes Video in deinem introduceyourself! Und toller Ausbau in dem schönen kleinen Fahrzeug! Ich glaube, ich muss sofort alle deine Artikel verschlingen! :D
Sag mal, eine Frage hab ich noch: Verdient man denn "gut" als Straßenmusiker?

Wooooow unglaublich lieb hey :)
Versuche alles relativ schön aufzubauen und in jedem Post relativ viel zu vermitteln..
Ich starte diesen Bloq nicht aus kapitaltechnischen Gründen oder als Werbeinstrument - einzig und allein als Tagebuch und eventeull um einen kleinen Mehrwert in der Welt zu lassen einen Ort an dem meine Gedanken gebündelt. Als kleine Sonne in einem riesen Ökosystem und als warmen Zufluchtsort für alle, die vlt in ihrem Leben ausversehen gerade auf einem "Eisplaneten" gestrandet sind und sich an meinen Gedanken aufwärmen und vlt inspirieren lassen wollen :)

Habe manchmal den Hang poethisch zu werden - alleine deshalb liebe ich diese Plattform :p
Und auch, da man seine GEdanken die vlt für jemanden genau richtig und wertvoll sein können - unziensiert hier reinstellen kann. War schon öfters in Zeitungen zu lesen aber durfte nie meine Lebenseinstellung thematisieren...

Sooo jetz wünsche ich dir aber noch einen maximal erfolgreichen und schönen Tag :))

ps. Jaaa bei Eisplanet musste ich an #Starwars denken :´D

Aaach, das hast du schön geschrieben! :)

Schade, dass du Zeitungen das nicht wollten. Wurde das explizit so kommuniziert? Umso besser, dass du hierher gefunden hast :)

PS: Habs nicht so mit StarWars ;)

Thanks for sharing. Your travel adventures are interesting. You can also post your music here on @dsounds or @dtube. Also submit a post to @blockmountain. If you have talent you will fly.

Ah man, I wish i had had a tiny amp, I tired my voice out every day without one! Busking was really fun for a while!

Well... i totally got you!
Sometimes its just yelling!
Fighting against the surrounding noise of cars, MOTORBIKES :// , rude people...
trust me with an amp you are way more chilled and the people that want to hear you will hear you!
Just try it with a Roland Street Cube - you can even buy it and try it. If it isnt yours just return it :))

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