Chapter One | How to Travel the World? Street Music Boy! #NextEdSheeran

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Hey there,
by now YOU are about to enter:


A Story of a young, german Fella and his Dream to travel the World
just him and his Guitar - how far will he take it?

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Holy Moly - that was a real novel-style intro, wasnt it?
I hope you will be fine, if I keep telling from now on in a more Johannes-Way.

Where does the Story begin?

( Singing ) Just a small town boy, born and raised in South.... Germany!
Growing up by going to the school till 16 - just like everybody else does,
I grew a Teenage Boy more or less like everybody else.
I was a lot into Sports and loved hanging out with my friends, literally seeing them grow.
A perfect childhood living in a cozy bumpkin town - everybody knowing everybody.

Could not have wished for more!
If there wasnt 1 certain Thing - my passion for the Music!
I guess it started back then in primary school, Grade One.
As a teacher of mine uselessly tried to stop me singing in Class.....

Throughout the Years this Passion for Music hadnt stopped growing and so it became a Love !
I tried countless different Instruments.... till i finally got obsessed playing the Guitar <3

Looking back, the Suicide of my loved Grandfather was the key event,
that finally and unalterably brought me into singing and writing my own songs.
At first it started as a Therapy - later on I discovered,
it was an excellent way to satisfy my huge urge to communicate and feeling fully understood.

After School:
I sucessfully finished my apprenticeship as a 'Businessman in wholesale and foreign trade'
And from there on I worked fulltime as an 'Area Manager' for a company in Switzerland.

5 Years I tried my best to fit into the System that most of the People I know call Life.
Forcing themselves daily to a work, they truly hate - just living for the Weekend!
Daily i wished for the Time to pass faster - and so it did! And the Week did!
Living just for the Weekend sometimes just for Sunday than REPEAT !
F@$% Monday again!
Wished for the Day to pass! And it did - and the next Day did -
and the Week did - and the next Week did... STOP !!!!


That was the moment I truly understood, that I was consantly wishing my Life away.
Wishing my Life to pass faster? My Youth to pass faster! Just in exchange for money.
My Lifetime and Hapiness against poor, dead Money!
And if I wouldnt stop this MYSELF,
I would end as one of those embittered, unfulfilled Gear Wheels of this System!

Step 1: I quit my 'Hamster Wheel'-Job
Step 2: I started living my dream! TRAVELING THE WORLD MAKING STREETMUSIC

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I thought a lot about the Easiest Way to Travel - and came up with the Idea,
to build Myself a little Campervan just into a normal 'Citroen Berlingo'.

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The Video contains snippets to my works on my Safe Haven in the World,
from a Skeleton to the coziest Hideout I could imagine.
( Me singing in Luxemburg, my 1st Tour-Stop on the Europe-Tour)

Are you already infected by my Berlingo-Way-of-Live? :D
1st Chapter - my Beginnings and Work on the Camper
Next Chapters - are about my 1st Europe-Tour and Everyday Life as a Street-Musician / Busker

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Want to see more?


You are fortunate to have realized your were wasting your life away at such a young age. You have so much more freedom to enjoy!

Incredibly thankful I made this decision that young - even though most of the caged people will never understand! Gonna keep chasing my dreams and what i was made for <3

Wow, your camper is even smaller than my first one!
I love what you've done with it. I wish I would have made my storage as reachable as you back then :D

Also, very talented! If you happen to come to Austria any time soon, get in touch. Maybe we can sing together some day :)

All the best! I'm subscribed to your channel now :)

Hey brother,
Yeah my Berlingo is my save Haven - even its lacking a lot.
It really is quite small, so you never can stand upright, it lacks a heating in the winter or even isolation in the summer and maybe a toilette. But hey, if i just have to miss those things in order to see the world - im quite fine with that :)

What was your first camper and whats your acutal one? Cant wait to here, feel free to share some pics!
Id love to see how you manage your inner Architecutre :))

all the best from germany,

Hop over to my channel to see my old van. I had pretty much the same circumstances as you. Just far less professional when it comes to the carpenter work haha

The new van is a campervan, which might be a little less personal, but the comforts of having your home ready-furnished did make up for that ;)

And being able to stand up and actually socialise inside does increase life quality by far. At the same time I'm happy I started as small as you: This way you appreciate every cm all the more ;)

Brother just another rad comment <3
Love the fact that you started out jut like me...
Id love to hear you opinion on the difference - of course there is much more comfort, but how do you handle the parking question?

Is it much more trouble to get you camper somewhere parking - and of course, people do always know that there is "a nomad" camping in it. With my "undercover" Berlingo most people wont even recognize someones in! I dont know how the law on living in a camper on most countries of Europe is because nobody cares about a normal car.

Could you share your Experience on that - i was always wondering if this could be a weakpoint?

all the best brother,
jojo :)

Hey Jojo,

Well, first off, our current camper isn't much bigger than a big car. That's what I like so much about the set up: Even though it is a comparably small camper, it does still have all of the comforts of a big RV (excluding a toilet, but there used to be one, as far as I know - and of course we could just get a small camper toilet). That's mainly due to the fact that you can fold the bed away to the ceiling with only one arm movement. We were really lucky with this van!

When it comes to stealth: Yes, it's not AS easy to stay under cover. In many places we realised it's not even necessary. We've become far more cheeky, living in the van openly. Depending on the city of course.

Besides that, during day time people can hardly see through the windows (unless they come really close) and at night we just put down the blinds, so no light from the inside, makes it's way to the outside. People would simply not know whether or not somebody is sleeping inside.
I'm more concerned about people getting the idea of breaking in than people complaining about us being in there. In fact, with the old van, I had two instances where people tried to break in, while I haven't had any with the camper. Probably because small transporters look more likely to have valuables on board than a camper van, that doesn't have any stuff laying around visibly (We always keep the room that you can see from the windows as empty as possible).

Hope that helps. Enjoy the ride! Curious what's to come next :D

Great story! Keep it up man!

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