Life Without a TV

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


First, I'm not going to lie, I just can't afford to have a TV at this moment. Sure, there are cool shows out there now and I just feel dumber not being updated with anything. If someone asks me about a show, I know I've heard it but I'm just not following anything. Worse, I feel left out, so I would rather socialize with people who don't talk about TV shows. Anyway, in case I want to watch anything, there's always the internet.

Since I've emancipated myself and started living on my own, I've never had my own TV. I just prefer to read a book then sleep after coming home from work. That was years ago, and the only time I got to watch TV again was when I was traveling. When I'm in a hotel or in someone else's house, as it can be quite interesting to see other channels and local soap operas in other countries. It is also a language practice for me. But then, I'm not used to it anymore, like I can't see myself staying in front of the TV for a long time. I know it can be quite weird for others, but once you get used to it, it is a liberating experience.

Here's the first benefit of not having a TV, it saved me a fair amount of money. How do you think I would be able to travel anyway, I did it by minimizing my expenses and having less stuff in my life. Because less is more. I was able to spend money on what is more important to me, like life experience. Cable fee, subscription to 500+ channels and other bills would cost me a lot, so I decided to save money to purchase plane tickets instead. Since we have crappy local channels here, same old stories, mediocre programs with lots of commercials and such, I feel like it is not worth my time having a TV at all. And the most important thing, TV doesn't get to feed my brain with what I need in life. I know I'm not easily tame like that, and I know exactly what I need and what I want these days without having to depend on TV advertisements.

Call me a boring, old lady but nobody argues with me anymore. I like not having a TV too. I will feel guilty just spending my time watching TV anyway, instead of working on the things that are more important to me, like my project. If I need to unwind, I will really unwind. Like go to the beach, watch the sunset, walk, swim and other outdoor activities. When I'm at home, I prefer to read a book or sleep. Because I like to sleep like my cat.

I like to watch movies though, but I have the internet for that. But still, I try not to watch movies all day, I have to embrace self-discipline in order to work on my life goals and anti-goals (not-to-do). I just don't let TV control my life.

After traveling for a while, I feel like I have just isolated myself in order to focus on important things. So not having a TV gave me a reason not to further succumb to isolation. Here on the island, I don't really need a TV, I would always be outside anyway. I prefer to spend my money on scuba diving and other adventure activities that would be more helpful for my startup project.

Forget about being a couch potato, I don't get to eat in front of the TV either. Aside from having a financial diet at the moment, fancy food and eating a lot don't really appeal to me when I am living alone. Without TV and easy access to bad food, I get to take care my body and force myself to burn more calories.

Not having a TV means I'm listening to music and thinking more. Thinking more means I am reflecting on my life more, and having these unlimited ideas to write about. So I get to write and be more productive without any kind of distraction and other temptation.

Some people would think that life without TV is absolutely boring, but I respect them. It is a personal lifestyle choice and I don't need to be understood by everyone. I've met some people who don't have TVs and they survive. It's nice to have some real conversation too, not letting your friends sit on the sofa and stare at the screen all night. Go get some bottles of beer, drink, and talk. Turn off the TV.

Instead of being ashamed that I can't answer the Did you see...? question, I would proudly announce that I don't have a TV. I don't preach all this consumerism and brainwashing stuff to people around here as they would find that even more weird. They don't even want to understand despite my attempts to explain. I just simply say - I can't afford a TV. I am jobless can't you see?

I'm part of a culture where people are raised in front of the television, I guess it is the same everywhere else huh? So it clearly reflects on what people choose to eat, what they wear and what they buy. People are just following the heavily advertised consumerist lifestyle. Don't be left out, follow the trend kind of life. It is easier to conform and it hurts to be different. It is more convenient not to think for yourself these days.

Nobody really tells me to turn off that TV! anymore, I'll do my own homework. And I don't have a TV to dictate who I want to be and what I should do in my life.


I went without a TV for 4 years or so, then my mom got a new TV and gave me her old one. Now I have a 46 inch computer monitor and video game screen.
Admittedly, I watch Fox News Sunday every week(if I'm awake in time) and I occasionally watch The Price is Right while I eat breakfast.
Other than that, it's just a big-ass computer monitor.
I will never pay for cable again.

Yeah, I prefer a big monitor or 2 these days. 😊

No more cable tv bill.

Amen friend, amen.......🙌🏻
Been MIA, and I'm catching up today, hugs your way!

I love this. I spend so much time watching TV and I know that I could be spending that time doing something productive with my life.

Society encourages us to watch TV because that's what's "popular" and that's how we can converse.

What if nobody had TVs and we used our newfound "free time" to read more books, and grow our knowledge about life and the world around us? We wouldn't be getting our information from a third party. We would all be able to make our own decisions on subjects because we were the ones who read and learned about those subject ourselves. NO MORE BIAS (except for our own, of course)!

Before I run down too deep of a rabbit hole with my last comment ... Great Post! It's awesome to be able to "set yourself free" from the constraints of consumerism that is constantly forced down everyone's throats via Television. =D

It makes sense right, what if we all think for ourselves and use our free time to read books, to be smarter, to travel and socialize more with people, that would create a perfect world. And our society does not want, it needs to maintain war, poverty and conflict. So thanks to TV and all its propaganda!

But.. but.. but.. but.. Desperate Housewives of < insert US City here > is so entertaining, I can't live without it!

Tv's suck your soul -and steal your time away from you - with no return.

The TV is the opium for the masses.

terence makenna's book 'food of the gods' describes TV's narcotic qualities, very well.

The one unique exception to this drug -unlike any others- it's the only drug where other people ( the programmers) , decides on your trip - which is very scary indeed

Yeah I agree, TV is the new kind of bad drug these days. People don't realize it, such a shame.

Shame on you for not wanting to be mind-controlled/programmed:D
I keep my T.V. to The Golf Channel when I do watch it. I do this because of the amount of LSD I did! The Golf Channel is the most mind-controlled corporate channel out there! It's destroyed a rather fun game and turned it into a shill channel for the neoliberal corporatocracy​. This corporate​ mind-programming channel​ has absolutely no effect​ on me and u may be able to understand why. I am living proof that humans can withstand unending propaganda!

Good for you that you can withstand unending propaganda! 😎

I have a TV, but I don't at the same time. I pay the smallest amount I can to get cable/internet and still have the golf channel. I haven't watched a TV show in a long time. I don't turn the thing on except for a big golf tournament, my wife likes the mindlessness of the shopping channel now and again.

In fact it's a true waste of money in our lives. I couldn't tell you who the latest stars are or what show is most popular, I really don't know. Funniest thing about this, being a truth seeker in life, people realize that about you and then start suggesting shows I might like.

People continue to tell me that "House of Cards" sounds like the stuff that I talk about, that I should watch it. I tell them, I'm watching that show, only in the reality of how whacked out the political/world spectrum. I don't need that show to tell me in the MSM fashion of what is really happening, I'm already watching it. smh

Ok, I can see the trend now of people who like the golf channel here haha. And I see that there are people who can control themselves and not let themselves be controlled by the TV. I prefer to stay away from it since I can be out of control sometimes lol.

It's a shame too that I can't tell you the latest stars.

I watch the tournaments on mute. I hate the announcers. The propaganda they spew is reprehensible. I would love an option to watch sports without announcers, crowd noise only.

Glad that you aren't caught up in the TV Brainwash. I can't imagine having guests in my house and having the TV on. If me and my guests couldn't carry a conversation, I wouldn't have them over again.

There are people who like to watch a football game together or something. This thing happens in South America, usually in a sports bar though or some cheap restaurant with TV. But that should be about it. After the show, back to conversation about the result lol.

Hey, I'm hell with a 60-degree wedge; my short game​ is not too shabby, so it's not all about the couch:)
And yeah, muting was something I picked up on when I was young and used to do 6-hours of motor skill guitar practicing. My next openmic upload tomorrow is going to have a cool Coda at the end with the refrain: I've gotten old and gray.
Damn, I'm with wakeupsheeps:)

Ok yeah, I get it. Fine, I'll go find someone to cuddle with in front of a TV (but not for a long time).

PS. I'm done with in defense of TV life.😊

You can't be done with it until you watch, Breaking Bad! Arguably​ the best series ever produced:)

I've never really had the patience for TV, but whenever I'm staying at my boyfriend's brother's place we all end up watching a lot of Netflix together on our shared account. Like, seriously, a whole one or two hours a day. I also use Youtube for language practicing, which basically counts as TV in my mind!

I now understand that it's also a form of socializing, as you mentioned, but I know if I ever return to living alone tv shows/movies would be one of the first things to go!

Oh yeah, the internet can be a TV too, especially youtube!

How we manage our time in front of the screen would really be up to us.

Yeah, I don't think you are missing much. Most of it is crap and so much commercials. Like the late, great comedian Bill Hicks said, "Watching TV is like spraying black paint over your third eye." or something to that effect.

Too bad for those who really believe and follow everything they see on the tv.

I have lived without a TV since about 2003. It's great! Very freeing. If I do watch it these days when visiting somebody, I am amazed at how fake and plastic everybody looks on TV all the time.

Finally someone without a TV too!

I didn't know people still had TVs, I do watch around 15 hours of youtube a day though, better than any other edumacation I ever got

Hahaha, yeah sad to see people still have TVs

Great post! I've not have a TV for nearly three years now and I feel great. Yes I watch stuff on the internet but without the adverts !!! Much less programming and I choose what I want to watch and when. Normally films and documentaries . The TV is the tool to control the human mind and the more people who brake away from this the better. Its the speed in which the screen flicks between image that puts you in a trance allows the programming to occur then they slip in the hidden images.

I much rather be on Steem or out in the woods watching real life :)

Good on you for making the change keep it up you will see more and more benefits :)

Nice to read comments from people who don't have TV too! It feels great.

I agree. I choose what to watch and what will affect me. Thanks!

It takes a while to feel the effect but its well worth it. Then just watch a little at friends or the like and you can see all the subliminal messaging and brainwashing so clearly. Its really quite scary !

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