The Colorado River is an Oasis in the Arizona Desert

in #travel6 years ago


Driving through Arizona, as I've shared in other posts, was a new experience for me. The desert had hues of tan and brown, with some touches of green.
In the photo above, you may notice a haze in the background from the dust. The wind really picks up during the month of April in Arizona. We witnessed dust storms during our drive from the strong wind blowing desert sand and dust.


My husband and I joked about the large dirt mounds that formed the mountains in the desert because we would have loved to climb them as children. Our conversations consisted of sharing our fond memories from our childhood that including playing in dirt pits and on dirt mounds. I never imagined that Arizona would look like some childhood fantasy playground.

It seemed like a biker's paradise with the wonderful weather, but I wondered how bikers handled driving through the dust the loomed around. I guess that is why I didn't see anyone with an open face helmet.

Since we were driving towards Lake Havasu City, I knew that we would find some body of water, but it was exciting to finally see the bright blue Colorado River among the brown desert.

The Colorado River was like an oasis, or a retreat! The homes were lined up, and boats were cruising around. When we could get a view past the mountains to see a clear view of the river, we saw what seemed like perfect vacation homes.

Finally, we found a "look out" place that we could pull over and get out the car to take photos.



The funny part was when we tried to take photos of ourselves with the Colorado River in the background. The photo above was the best photo of us! Rest of the photos had me being captured in a wind tornado involving my hair.

Just for giggles, here are some blooper photos of me, and how the wind ravaged my hair!


If you would like to see more posts from my trip, please check out the links below:

Beautiful Rest Stop in Arizona:

Driving in the Desert...:

Reason I Went to Phoenix...:


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Thank you for selecting my post! I appreciate that you shared it on your page. :)

yeah u made my day madam....i m really planning to travell arizona this month.....nice to see those pics mam..some happy moments @bossarah mam.....u made my day mam.......i check out ur post regularly mam...but this is the first time i m commenting....have a good day m,am...thank u for sharing this

I'm glad my post could make your day. I hope you enjoy your travels! Thank you for checking out my posts. I followed you! I hope you have a wonderful day too. ;)

U made my day again....hahaha

You're welcome! ;)

Nice Arizona photography you are looking in good mood.
Be happy with your family.
May God bless you

Thank you! I love to travel, so it just makes me feel like everything is right in the universe when I'm experiencing new things and seeing new things. May God bless you too! ;)

The wind tornado hair picture is so funny! I'm glad you were able to get at least one normal shot but I think the wind hair pictures are great, you should hold onto those! The lake is really blue too, I wonder if it's possible to swim in the lake. Glad the trip went so well!

Hahaha, glad you could laugh at my silly photos. The wind was not friendly to my hair that day. I could barely run my fingers through it every time I would step out the vehicle then get back in. My husband loved those pictures though. He said they were authentic. That was the Colorado River, but it was near where the Parker Dam was. At the dam is where I saw a lot of houses on the side of the river, so I'm imagining people probably do a lot of swimming in that area. I'm sure you have to be careful. It can be dangerous to swim in the river. I haven't gotten to the lake post yet, but you are in for a treat when I do. The photos are beautiful.

Beautiful pics! I've been to Arizona once before- emphasis on the once. The AC in my old car was busted, so that was an eventful ride. I was traumatized to go back but you just might've convinced me to give it another go! :D

Oh no! That doesn't sound like you had a good experience at all. Especially depending what time of year you went. My nephew said during the summer there isn't as many breezy days and it feels like the sun is just cooking you. Even if you went when I did, I'm sure rolling down the windows would be hard with as much dust that is in the air there. I would imagine that our rental car would have looked like a sand box by the time we returned it if we would have drove with the windows down.

Not only that- but rolling down the windows did the same thing as opening an oven door in the middle of the underworld. It really didn't help.
I should go back, though- with a fully air conditioned car, of course ;)

That's what my nephew said about it... he said that we just came at a good time. He said in the summer it just feels like the heat is making your skin burn off.

I can relate to that hair and wind challenge lol! See, my hair is just past my ear almost reaching my neck when we went for vacation. We were on a hill by the sea and finding a nice angle for a selfie and groufie is hard plus the strong wind is making it tough because it kept tossing our hair just like what happened with you. Take after take it is just not a good one.

You should have just embraced it... I think by the last photo you can tell I was just laughing and going with it.

Haha! Yes, I did. I didn't mind how I looked or how my hair looked but my friend who was taking the photo was self-conscious much that she has to have a great pic of us all.

I actually wanted nice pics too, but the wind didn't see it that way lol...

Our landscape is so different here, I've really enjoyed your photo's on this trip. And I love the selfies!! :D

It is so different. That is what my mom told me before I went. She said that when I got there it would be pretty, but it would be a lot of shades of brown.

I'm glad you liked my selfies lol. At least I'm not making duck lips in them lol. I was just getting whipped in the face with my hair over and over again lol.

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