Side Trip to The City of Den Bosch

in #tory7 years ago (edited)


Having presented my travel story differently last night gained me a better interaction. There are less empty comments and by that I meant :"nice post, good post, beautiful pictures..etc" that are being thrown in a matter of 4 seconds after I pressed that POST button.

So I guess I'd be doing more of it. Now, we know how this works unless you just read the tags below and didn't bother reading what I presented in the slides. I think it's but fair to cast a 10% upvote to anyone who really paid attention to this post. This will go on like so unless my VI is down to 40%. I might lower the up like tonight after all .. my VI will have to recover, too.

Again, kindly ANSWER ONE QUESTION ONLY, don't be greedy for answering more than one would not give you any. If the question you answered has already been given then I'm sorry but you don't get the 10% upvote anymore. Be cautious, some questions are actually asking for two answers, be aware of that and only answer one of them. If you answer both, you don't get the upvote. I hope you read all of these. This applies till this post gets paid out. I'd highlight the answered questions in teal so you won't have to look for them anymore

There are questions in the slides themselves, if you could answer any of those and please answer ONE ONLY, 12% ups shall be rewarded to you as extra bonus for looking for them. Kindly, write the question then your answer to it and no it doesn't have to be as exact as how it was written there.

So tell me, was it that hard?

This content's 100% mine. I took each picture with my smartphones and used the filter in there, too.

EDIT: added text

Here are my most recent posts: **TIP : DON'T WASTE YOUR VOTING POWER on posts that are old and have already been paid out. ONLY Upvote POSTS THAT ARE 6 DAYS OLD below. .

Are you new in Steemit? Kindly read the Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide Revised Edition authored by @thecryptofiend to help us all get along well with each other. Hopefully you do get to read it now since there's nothing else that comes after it except that picture below.



You headed straight into the city centre cos you wanted to climb up a church tower. One question... Bang!! One answer boom!!!

Lol, I as looking at YouTube and saw this and remembered you. You remember your gambler song!

How very kind of you @meesterboom to add the guitar music for @englishtchrivy's singing.

Well done.

Kind Regards.

Hehe, it was a particularly bad attempt but I felt it really added to it at the time :0)

@meesterboom sorry for the late reply chico and thanks for this video!
hey! it must be approximately 1 year then?

unfortunately the question you answered has already been given by @koskl there above but bonus points for that video! thanks! happy old mementos back when we were out of planktonship hahahah

Funny, you wrote #tory for your tag, what is that mean? xixi

it's a trap for faultfinders

it's a trap for faultfinders

greetings, englishtchrivy
Q: What do you think I ordered for a drink?
A: Mint tea? Looks like it.
Q:Why were we hasting about going to the city center?
A:You wanted to climb up some church tower, going up there is by schedule, and you actually might have already missed the last batch.
i am exhausted now; i need to lie down for an hour :D
btw; i am loving this. very clever of you to do it by video;
i might do it myself too

sure do it, too

but you didn't read the instruction hahah
so you don't get the up

I'll give you a chance edit your reply and remove one answer to a question hurry before someone sees that

oh .. I didn't get that first one till I realized what you mean okay I owe you 22% now hahaha

What a lovely post....just as if we are there with you, mon ami.

The pictures of the gingerbread houses are fab.

You do enjoy the heights but alas it was not to be.

Sushi is a favourite here....raw or cooked....have not had cooked mackerel...will be on the look out for that bbq eel?

Wishing you all the best. Cheers.

gingerbread it is!!!! that's where I compared it indeed thank you for reading

okay I stripped that part ^ ^

yes, that was also honeyed eel on the pic, no we didn't eat bbqed eel
too smelly hahaha
I ended up eating most of the mackerel hahaha

"nice post, good post, beautiful pictures"

Am I still allowed to compliment you, or will I get paddled? "Cartoonize" filter, ey? (Save your VP) BTW, I believe you can turn that Quik-outro off and put your own there, but I haven't used the app in a while. Never saw the term "Quik Stories".

There is one more app that might suit your purpose, by the makers of the Quik app. It's called "Legend". Great for turning photos into 1080p animated titles for import in other progs:

On a different matter: I have a video of a medieval Christmas market in production which I'll upload tomorrow evening or sometime Tues. I think you might like it. AFAIK you're not following me, hence this remark. Nitenite!

lol :D
I just flagged someone earlier who did that
6 minutes after this was up
I hate doing that specially that I read later that the poor person actually resteemed my post
but it's very annoying already
I guess this is part of being 40 hahahah lame excuse

okay I'd go check that Legend out thanks a lot!

yes you got #16 right !
thanks for checking it out!

Promised you a Christmas market. Here it is:

And now for the questions:
Which one is my dog?
What is the dog wearing?
Is the woman holding the leash my wife or my girlfriend?

100% upvote for the right answers; not worth too much, I'm afraid, but I promise to buy you a nice mint tea next time I'm in the Netherlands. (Burgers' Zoo is on my list for spring.)


that's a lot?
why not on the post?
haha .. I think I saw two dogs while the drone was on flight?
one with a white knitwear and another with a red one?
I'm guessing yours is the white and she's probably your wife? who knows hahaha

if you do drop by BZoo keep me posted in the chat !

Close enough. "Red" and "wife" is good. The white knitwear even I didn't notice in 10 hours of editing. Too busy salvaging the grossly underexposed footage. LOL

so I guess your dog's fur is just black and white? it wasn't a knit wear at all ? am glad they found your post!

No, he's the little white Maltese with the red Santa Claus suit. (no hat) About 4 min in. Intersting, this homework assignment business seems to work even on the person who invented it. :-)

I see :)
okay I admit I didn't pay attention on the first minutes wahahha
how could have I missed the maltese!
yes :) but at least you know I really viewed it but not in utube .. it doesn't show the views does it ?
mine says only a few but many here claim they watched it but we already know it doesn't show the number of views on the other side .. very annoying .. you know, I even almost answered, the black little dog a guy with a costume is holding but I wasn't sure it was indeed a black little dog I paused it but unclear so I left it to what I only saw, I saw one more man with a huge dog - white and black spot I also almost answered that but then he looks like he was only holding a leash the other hand was empty so I thought it couldn't be you .. the other hand must have the RC for the drone so it was the maltese all the time! Arf!

08 )Maybe you went shopping ;)
I just wanted to participate lol
It sure seems fun !

indeed ^ ^
what's a lass to do ;)

Error occured....your video ..i can't watch..
actually many of us they don't read post properly ..the just say nice, beautiful etc..
it's not right way i think we should be aware about this...
thank you...


Re-steemed @englishtchrivy

Now I know at least one place to go when you both come overhere. The tower of Winschoten!

Thanks for slowing down the slideshow. Hard to keep my focus, with that sushi thing. That chicken Japanese style looked quite tasty though. Beautifull classic buildings there.

And then another fish commercial, hahaha. Is 'paling' a fish or what is it actually, dunno.

Can be reached by train, now that already makes it a city to my liking. :-)

okay we'll cimb it when we go there :)

I actually had to redo the video and use the film maker again :)

yes Paling is a fish :) it's an eel .. or is it? errrrrrrr hahahah

It is an eel, do not know if that is to be considered a fish. :-)

The redo of the video worked out fine!

I will try Questions 5: honestly those questions were fun but hard lol... Gonna give it a try.

"You were in haste to visit that city centre probably cause to have some relaxation time and experiences a good time with your husband in such amazing place and I guess it's beautiful in that city centre to meet with peoples and enjoying season time ... Lol.. I did try my best hehe..

Re-steemed to others at least to give you some vote for your nice travel experience
Hehe 🤗

BUZZER ! hehehe
nope try again ;)
I wrote it there :)

but thanks for participating

I do get it this time around thanks for second chance: you have something in common with our Lord Jesus Christ who gives chances to try pulled up new life

Quest 5: Why were we hasting about going to the city center? answer" because you wanted to climbs up some church tower which you usually does when you visited any City Center but you haven't (both) climbed a one which is called 'Den Bosch' so both of you in haste to climb it" hehe... 😎😎🤗

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