Will it ever get better?

in #thoughts5 years ago

Sometimes I wonder what this world is going to look like in 20 years from now, What will the environment situation be, the pollution, the latest tech and what people will do with it and, will people be content with the lives they live? I think about this as I personally look long, but I want the best for my daughter and that will mean the best for the world. At least much better than we are currently doing by my measure.


I have often wondered if having a child has changed my outlook on life, but I don't think it has. What it has done however is focus my attention more toward what consideration of how I intend to get there. I am just one person of course, as we all are. What I would predict is that those with children likely have a different outlook on life in some way and perhaps, a longer time frame.

Every parent wants what is best for their child and I think that requires thinking further out than what school to go to or what toy to buy. My daughter is always going to be my daughter and that means that if I am to try to improve her chance of a decent life, that has to look well past her childhood and frankly, well past her.

For those with children, imagine having a very sick child, one that was suffering, one that was missing out on life due to all kinds of ailments, economic repression and all kinds of other hurdles in life. Would that make you happy as a parent? Perhaps that is a rhetorical question. What about as a grandparent? If as a grandparent my grandchild was in such an position, would I see my daughter getting the best from life?

We all face challenges, but I wonder how our actions now are going to affect the life of my potential grandchild and subsequently, my daughter in her role as a parent. I know how heartbreaking some aspects of parenting can be, and we are lucky - we have access and availability to healthcare, we have jobs, we have possibility. I can only guess at the feeling of not being able to anything to ease her suffering and, she is not in the worst case scenario by a long shot.

If there is some kind of duty as a parent, that would mean that it has to extend forward for the lifetime of the child and then be able to help that child do the same for their own. It would seem that if we don't look at improving the world and our actions degrade the conditions and hamstring our children's potential, we are neglecting our duty. How far would this extend and are we heading for improvement now?

I am guessing that every generation thinks about these things, no matter what they are actually doing toward adding to improvement or the problems that cause the degradation. While conditions in some areas may be improving, how far does it scale? We are expected to live longer than before, but fewer and fewer hands hold the reigns of economic control required to maintain it. Governments are becoming increasingly unstable and impotent in their ability to govern. Automation is chipping away at employment opportunity. Obesity is on the rise, depression is on the rise, burnout is on the rise, violence, extremism and polarization too.

Change is coming. I don't know if it is going toward a direction for the better or worse, but I believe that there is going to be a great deal of disruption that is going to happen over the next decades and those that are unable to adapt are going to suffer more than those who are able. This has always been the case though, hasn't it?

For me I feel there is a chance that we as a world are able to make this world better, I also feel that we are far from actually accomplishing much and the reason is that we spend more time arguing over irrelevance on far too little on actions toward where we want to be. The resources we spend, the governments and corporations we support and the way we treat each other, all have an effect and it is slowing us down enormously.

In an ideal world with the right plan, I wonder how fast we could move if we collaborated and worked together rather than against each other. I imagine that a great many of the problems we face as a world would dry up, heal and start to value add instead of be a burden. Though, that isn't going to happen anytime soon is it.

What I am hoping is that my investment into Steem is a small piece in the puzzle that could lead to some kinds of improvement, play a role in the paradigm shift needed. Is it the answer to every ill? Far from it, but it could make a difference in many lives and therefore, many communities and in time, they will extend their own actions to add to change to the world and perhaps improve their own, their children's and even their grandchildren's lives a little too.

Ever thought how hard we make this life by spending our time worrying about and working for the cause of bullshit? I think that most of what we spend time on doing is busy work that has been fed to us by those who benefit from us concentrating on what they want, rather than what leads us toward that world that gives the best to our children.

Tomorrow is another day at work, but I am not sure any of life is ever work-free for those who have a duty of care for the future. Again, isn't that all of us? Of course it isn't though, as there are plenty who live with no responsibility for others, even those who haven't the possibility to take it for themselves.

People worry too much about life after death and forget that here we are living.

[ a Steem original ]



The anxiety behind your thoughts are the reason I never fathomed having a child. Its a view that I've held since I was very young.

Empirical evidence and pragmatism is so often mistaken for "un-optimistism", or seeing the glass has half empty.

We are alive now. We can't change the past, but we certainly can influence the direction the future takes to some extent.

I won't sit on my nihilism soapbox all the time, but its a rather comfortable vantage point...

I'd say that people thinking things can't improve or are only getting worse dates back 2 million years. Life may indeed be meaningless other than the meaning ascribed it by the individual who experiences it.

I can't even prove anyone other than me exists, yet I think about the lives of grandchildren my subconscious might create in the future.

I prefer to err on the side of hope.

There's overwhelming evidence that you exist, but there can never be definitive proof. 🤫

But the evidence could all be fabricated by a single mind, our own. The best evidence that my mind isn't creating the world is, I would have given myself a better body ;D

Do you have proof of this claim that there can't be definitive proof?

I have to admit that I don't see things improving however that's just me. And what actually is improvement anyway? Improvement from what? Is life better now than in the year 1719? I have to say yes overall, but from certain aspects also no. So, fast-forward 300 years from 2019 and who really knows?

I'd like to be optimistic man, but I see so much wrong with society, with the way people think. Things seem...Broken, I guess. But then back in 1719 I'm sure things seemed the same for many. I also see us making the same mistakes we've made in the past and wonder if humanity can break the cycle.

What I know for sure is that I hope for the best, despite my somewhat pessimistic outlook. I also know that here and now is all we really have and so I want to live the best version of now that I possibly can. And I do.

So, fast-forward 300 years from 2019 and who really knows?

It could be very, very different - especially if we annihilate ourselves.

But then back in 1719 I'm sure things seemed the same for many.

And yet here we are. I assume that every generation is filled with people who can't see it getting better or us surviving and most aren't going to work toward a better future. But, some do and it has so far been enough of society that we continue on as a society of some kind.

Well, rest can be constructive, too. As in stepping back to see the whole picture. I think I need to learn how to rest more...eh, better. Restless mind lately. Less concentrated. Good thing I am not a robot, I would have short-circuited.

Let's go to a good future, anyway. Good intent is a good step, right? Good action is more...relative. Writing one's thoughts out might be a good enough action for somebody. In a world made of words.

Intention, action, words, behavior - it all adds to the greater conversation of the world in which we live.

Rest is important. So is knowing when to get up from the couch.

We got a saying that translates as something like..."Work for madness, don't stay idle for madness."

That is a great saying :D

Oh gee, current mood! My eldest has decided she doesn't want to bring children into this world to experience the crap we're going through at the moment and I'm feeling inclined to agree. I'm feeling bad enough that this is the burden I've granted to my girls. As government starts to weedle it's way into every aspect of control over our lives I foresee more and more people on the streets unless they have enough money to be able to pay someone to help them navigate their way through all the bureaucracy.

In an ideal world with the right plan, I wonder how fast we could move if we collaborated and worked together rather than against each other.

Oh, if only...
It seems the best we can get is collaboration on a project for a period of time, but anything long term is guaranteed to eventually fall apart as disagreements begin. Far easier to blame someone or some group for things.

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I question our decision to bring a child in also, however I still believe there is a good chance of improvement. And now regardless, since she is here, I have to push for it. I wonder if the increasing decision to not have children will lead to more nihilistic positions.

The worst thing we can do is fight to remain the same at this point.

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Don't ask what you can do for your children. Ask what your children can do for you.

Nice post. I am for once, at a loss for words.
Write on continual writer!

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