Steemit´s birthday is coming closer - What is your 'first year´s memory'?steemCreated with Sketch.

'Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment, until it becomes a memory - Dr. Seuss'

If I had to chose 'that one steemit memory' looking back until July 2016 - when I signed up-,
I´d seriously struggle. 

It´s been rather a colorful, entertaining, wild, exciting, adventurous and joyful mix of uncountable tiny moments so far. Not even talking about the ones to come!

However there is one experience I´d like to single out and share with you.

The milestone recap

According to the books, steemit was launched on the 24th of March 2016. 

That means: three days from now it will be time to celebrate though.

What do we usually do on milestone events? We look back - weighing the positive and negative experiences - and we look in front - estimating how we may turn these learnings into an even brigther future. 

If I needed to point out one memory from the past months on steemit it would be the following one.

My steemit momentum:

steemit is the very first social media network where I´ve been to that is able to build a bridge between the virtual and the real world. 

The true value of the platform is not monetary, it lies in the social bonds that have been created. 

These are social bonds that overcome any geographical borders underlining that we are all just the same: Earthlings. 

I don´t lie if I tell you that I´ve found friendship here, and that´s actually a big word.

This community has proven that it doesn´t matter where you come from or where you are going, if you are black or white, poor or rich, old or young there is a place where you are free to raise your voice and you will be heard. 

Thanks for being such an amazing community, steemit! For sharing your time, paying attention, listenting, talking, discussing, exchanging experiences, providing value, sharing knowledge and last but not least

Which one is your '1st year´s memory'? 

Marly - 

PS: Don´t forget to follow  #theeverydayproject: The Everyday Project

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I joined in June and started up voting and commenting right away. In about a week I wrote my intro post. I got it online right before I left for the gym. It was over a dollar as I was leaving. Picked up my buddy, told him about steemit, he checked the post and it was at ten dollars! After we got out of the gym it was over a hundred dollars!

I know its not all about the money, and it really hasn't been much about the money for me. I enjoy reading, voting and commenting. But there was a big thrill in those early days, and still can be for people who post and socialize with others here.

Happy Birthday Steemit! Great post, Marley!

Thank you Kenny! I am happy you enjoyed my little reminder and shared your thoughts here.
I think we all know these outstanding moments when we press F5 and can´t believe our eyes! :-) It happened to me not long ago as well. I received an upvote from blocktrades that boosted the corresponding post from zero to hero. It was an incredible feeling!
Yes, money is not everything - but it´s definitely part of this (adventurous) game!

Happy happy anniversary to all of us :)

Great post! I rank this past year as being one of the best of my life. I'm not going to lie, it's been a roller coaster but it's taught me so much. The very best part of it all are the people I've met...mentors, cohorts, friends. The memory that stands out for me was when @roelandp messaged me and asked me to speak at SteemFest. That was truly a life-changing experience.

Thank you, Eric! It´s been truly a roller coaster - one of the good ones :)

The memory that stands out for me was when @roelandp messaged me and asked me to speak at SteemFest. That was truly a life-changing experience.

I can only imagine how you might have felt in that moment :) That gives me the creeps!!

Aug 2016 and I think we can all agree that 0ne word to sum up the memories is @craig seeing him all over the place and even till now ;)
It was like yesterday! I remember I was on CoinMarketCap and there I seen a add about Steemit. I ignored it a couple times but after my trading account was wiped out lol I was like hey, let me get this free money Steemit is offering. Turned out that I couldn't touch it as it was in S.P. but, it hit me that this was something unique. My s0n started school a few days after I found out and he happened to be the first I blogged about, check it -

Can't seem to find my 1st blog:( This is exactly why I wanted @Steemit to implement this change of separating our personal blogs form our Resteems ;( And now it only goes down to a certain point where I can't even get to my 1st postings ;(

Yeah the design is improvable but there are these rumors that a new design team will start by next week at Steemit Inc. aiming to improve the front-end. There will be surely some good and innovative steps to be expected soon.
@craig-grant is unique. I'd say he is the one that is definitely a physical part of the steemit DNA already ;)
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your memories. Wishing you a great day! ;)

Well the last two weeks have been fun. I have met some cool people. Can't wait to really get involved.

I gave you a vote courtesy of @htooms.

It's all about fun here!!! Enjoy :)

My best steemit experience / memory is definitely when I met @jacor and @naomi.louise in Jo'burg when I visited that city last December!

Great to hear that! So - yes - there is a bridge between the blockchain and real life called steemit ;-)
Thanks for stopping by! Have a pleasant day!

You too (night actually now ;) )

I'll certainly toast to steemit's 1 year!! So grateful for the great people and posts I've encountered and I too have made some true friends here . I joined up in early August 2016 and have been an avid reader and commenter almost daily although I only post about 1x a week. My favorite memories are all about the moments of connection and conversations with steemit friends as well as the kinship that I feel when I read someone's post that expresses my feelings and values with more grace than I've ever been able to.

the kinship that I feel when I read someone's post that expresses my feelings and values with more grace than I've ever been able to.

That was very beautiful! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your birthday thoughts here ;)
**Enjoy your day! **

I feel old now! Time keeps accelerating!

Yeah, time is running fast. However we are making the best of it ;)

Amiga que alegria haberte conocido por aca, disculpa que no hable en ingles, pero soy un desastre! Un placer seguirte por todo lo que aportas a la comunidad! Viva @surfermarly! jaja besote!

Jajaja Yo también prefiero el español siempre ;) Muchas gracias por tus palabras! Te las tengo que devolver, un placer seguirte y a tus creaciones.
Un abrazo

Just registered few days ago. Very proud to do that in the first year of the service as a real pioneer :-)

Yeah we are all exceptional early adopters ;-) Feels good!
Best of luck for your steemit ride, good to have you on board! Following you now...

I joined in January 2017 so I've not been here for a long time. 😩😢

No worries! It's the future that counts ;)

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