Why The Problem Isn't More Jobs, Its More Skill And More Purpose

We Need More JOBS!!!!!!!!

Often this is the talking point of so many political debates. 

More jobs somehow equals more money, more economic growth, and more well-being, but....

It doesn't

Why would it.

On paper the GDP and rate of unemployment may seem like good metrics for a countries stability and citizens happiness, but in reality, it indicates nothing of the sort, and could actually be hiding some true pitfalls in the country. 

Why More Jobs Don't Matter, But Importance and Purpose Do

Here's the truth.

Coming in the next 10 years there will be no more driving jobs, no cash register workers, and no trash collectors. 

It doesn't make sense for there to be granted the trajectory of our technological growth.

And in many people's minds that triggers fear and uncertainty.

People need those jobs...

It's a very hollow argument typically coming from someone who doesn't actually work, and hasn't worked for a long time, a low-level minimum salary job.

More jobs is never the key, new developments, technologies and skills for new jobs are the key

30 years ago, most of the jobs today would not have been even foreseen. Software engineering, computer technology specialists, and so much more.

And the jobs of tomorrow won't be the same either.

Despite this, the people who have these new technologically based skill oriented jobs have done something correctly.

They have learned a skill which set them ahead.

Leading to my next point.

The Job Debate Is Actually About Skill and Purpose

This is a two-step progress.

1. Everyone needs to know what their purpose is in order to know where their compass is taking them

2. Skills are required to both fulfill a purpose and compete

Now this is pretty basic so let me break it down a bit more.

NO ONE wants to work as a cashier at a fast food chain, janitor, waste management employee or driver.

Well, maybe there are a few a people, but a number of people doing it are doing it for one thing.


Money denotes value.

Work a job without much value and you will get paid as so, which is not indicative of who the person is, but it is indicative of the service being provided.

That's why college was always thought of a jump to wealth.

Because you leave with a valuable skill, most of the time.

Now, that fallacy has started to fall through as the system steals money, puts people in debt and ends up yelling information at 20-somethings while they party and think about their next tailgate. 

Yet, when purpose is determined and someone knows whether or not that actions they take and the job they fulfill is moving towards or away from their destiny then we see people seek out skills.

College was never obligatory at the beginning, but a place to seek and achieve higher learning. 

Now, with the advances of technology, anyone can learn just about anything on the internet.

You could become the most valuable and high-paid through something like facebook advertising by learning the system and the algorithm behind it, or you could research and start writing computer programming languages and get paid top dollar.

These are skills that are developed.

Different than routine actions like folding a tablecloth, pressing the cash register door open button, or taking a left turn. 

I know I sound harsh, but this is how I foresee what will happen. 

What To Do In The Evolving  World


Now lets talk practicality.

Learning is the most powerful tool that anyone has and with it, reading allows for almost instant journeys into the minds and lessons of the successful.

It's the first start to both finding your purpose and learning a skill.

While the world evolves, we have to as well, learning the new technology and skills required in order to compete and provide value.

The guy who invents the telephone in 2017 has no value attributed to him because it's been invented for a long time.

And the same goes for those of us who learn outdated or old skills.

Staying with the flow of the waves and learning how to ride it is one of the most important ways to develop the skills required for the jobs of the future.

Cryptocurrency is a perfect example, and learning how blockchain technology and the coding works will prove to be incredibly valuable. 

The use of artificial intelligence is also going to become very important.

And as we make the transition, managerial jobs of cash register bots or uber self-driving cars will start, but quickly fade out as the bots becoming more sophisticated.

We need to embed one thought process into the people of this world

Stop Looking For Temporary Hollow Jobs About Making Money and Pursue A Long-Term Mission For Your Life

That is the most important thing.

Its the whole synthesis and application of the Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell.

What is your calling, who are you supposed to be, and will you accept that journey and keep it close to heart, even if it makes all the difference?

We are lucky in this day and age.

As a conversation I just had with someone not a millennial reminded me of how fast this world is progressing. 

It went like this "God, kids nowadays don't realize that things don't just come to them, they need to work. Self entitlement is really high in millennials." 

My response was quick "Actually, it seems that with how quick we are moving that will come to us, and the evolution of our consciousness, the waking up of people, and the growth of our society away from a governing authoritarian and back to loving connection of people will give the people who as for it, what they want, granted it isn't at the expense of others."

Working to work is nonsensical.

Money is easy to make, it only requires a skill that is valuable.

Learn, grow, read, practice and act.


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I despise people who say we need more jobs. I see them as a useless part of society who can't figure out for themselves what to do with their life. I have job but I don't fucking want it, I don't want to work for someone else, I want to do something for myself and be my own boss. That is why I love steemit and it is here to provide an opportunity for people to become their own boss and not to be bossed around and die working for someone else.

Hell yeah man, gotta dive right in an do that job. Never settle, since life has continuous abundance and its up for grabs

Good job, heightenedliving,I have an idea

And I will start it by asking you this, who is more important to any country, let’s take US for example, Holly wood stars or Hospital crews like doctors and nurses?
Who is more essential to society policemen and fire fighters or football players? you can chose one over the other. But if it is up to me I will pay my garbage collectors more than holy wood stars or football players? Sorry. I don’t hate Hollywood stars nor hate football players.
If Hollywood stars go on strike for a thousand years no body’s life gets interrupted. If garbage collectors go on strike for one week the US gov. will declare martial law.
The system is steered by the media. 99% of all media are owned or controlled by groups who wants always to push the system to their advantage. The system’s most important tool is the media and social media also. Those groups is the problem in my opinion. Their job is made easy because of the sheeple who watches their manipulative media and sheeple who buy their products by seeing their adds. They designed the system in a way no media can survive without advertisement. Advertisements is tax deductible. Who will make up for that tax? The sheeple who needs more hollow jobs as you call it.
On the other hand we the people are responsible for this unbalanced income VS essentiality.
Income must be tied to a logarithmic formula that uses, offer and demand, essentiality, training required and its cost, mental and physical skills required, working shift and so on. I should leave this to math geniuses. If a society can develop and adapt such formula, tones of their problems if not all will be solved.
Lastly, What I am afraid of is that if Steemit becomes main stream it will be bought by googgle or a like. This what I call googlization. I have added 4 word to English since I start steeming a week ago.

True, the value of the jobs that do the tasks we need done is major when comparative to sports players or hollywood actors that have no intrinsic value besides entertainment. Although, as I was saying, I would rather have machines and A.I. performing most of these tasks, since they are easily done. Whereas skill, not saying a hollywood actor or a sports palyer, but a phsyicist or doctor does hold a lot of intrinisic value in its right, demanding more skill and more pay.

The free market is actually pretty good at handling the math without needing the math geniuses. The problem being this wouldn't be pure math, so the mathematicians have to decide what values are important. The free market solves this by allowing consumers to make the decision aggregate through their consumption. As an example, if these "math geniuses" got together and figured out what every individual should be doing, buying, eating, etc., how would they be less like sheep? Wouldn't following these orders make them MORE like sheep?

This is exactly the problem. That is the consumers. Consumers are being manipulated and steered by the powers behind the media. Consumers and masses in general collectively, in my opinion, have the brain capacity of a child. One dog can control a thousand sheep in other words. Unfortunately the math geniuses are being used already by the same groups who control the media. For example John Nash, whom I wrote about. I refer you If you please to read my post https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@theclear/patent-laws-under-my-court-wrath. So geniuses can be employed for the benefit of all. They will not be telling us what to follow. Beside this is not the end. The formula is to make posts short. I can write a complete self adjusting, self correcting and self monitoring system that would be based on such formulas. And I am not a genius. By the way Offer and Demand was the first to consider by the formula which is the base of the free market.

I see, you are saying that someone should formalize how much someone is paid for a task. So greater expertise means higher pay. This is already done for each specific job through competition (that is, employer wants the job done at the best price, so if he needs more expertise then he pays more). You want to expand across all industries (I hope I'm now interpreting correctly). A fault in the logic at its core is this: what if I decide to haul my garbage myself because the very experienced garbage man requires a higher salary? What if I decide the very experienced doctor is too expensive, so I don't go? What if I really want to watch a movie, but no one wants to make it for pennies?

I think the real flaw in your thinking might just be that you think things can be perfect, or close to perfect. You think we can crystallize society in such a way that everyone is happy in his place. But the world is broken and always will be. Utopias cannot sustain themselves. There's nothing wrong with a free market system, we just need more people in it calling attention to the corruption and sheep-like activity.

You understood exactly my points now. I agree with you we live on earth and not on heaven. Earth will never be heaven. Otherwise would be no use to have heaven. But we on earth have two groups of problematic people. The controlling, manipulating, smart, and self-centered ….. on one hand and the naive, short sighted, dumb, sheep….on the other hand. You might say, so what it always have been this case. This the hard part for me. I am NOT a sheep and I can’t be on the first group. And when the conflict between the two groups reaches a point of a civil war or a world war, we all pay the price. The best thing to happen to me in such case, is to be the first to die and leave this fu**en earth for the two groups. Mean while I like do my part waking up the sheepale. By the way thanks for your feedback, and it is nice to find one more who at least cares. Lastly that formula is doable and can be applied to wages, taxes, population control and more. I call it dynamic balancing equations. Just copy nature and keep the balance. Nature goes through balancing cycles short and long. Global warming can be of a long cycle 1 million year cycle who knows. The point is society can have a balancing cycle that keeps the difference between the rich and the poor and keeps the peace as well.

Someday we will need an unconditional basic income. When everything gets automated there will not be enough jobs.

I used to think this way, but now, I don't know. Someone always seems ready to invent new jobs.

@heightenedliving. Couldn't agree more. I have recently come to realize that jobs are a mere means to an end. The real value lies in creating a sustainable business that serves to nurture your community, society and the fellow being. Something thaf helps provides a need to society.

I also believe that the global education system lacks in developing mindsets in the youth who strive to become competent managers instead of taking a step to create value.

Love this. Following you and will read everything you write :)

I quite agree - there is so much useless toil rather than meaningful work.

Right, lots of job mismatched jobs and true that needed to be more skilled.

@heightenedliving. This is quite refreshing. For me, the thing that stood out is how many people are willing to bash millennials as if to say the ills of this society should be placed solely at the feet of people who have just come of age. I can go into all the BS we have had to inherit, but alas, I won't . This piece was on point. The world is changing, and the PTB, the hard heads don't see this. Fortunately, it is millennials who are at the forefront of blockchain technology.

YES! I really agree that us millennials have a unique opportunity to revolutionise the traditional approach to education and work to ultimately create more meaningful and purposeful lives.

I've already achieved goals beyond my wildest dreams by following a similar philosophy - kind of by accident...

  • Using technology as the base of a future-proof skillset: all self-taught via free online resources
  • Applying this in a field within my interests and passions: which for me is renewable energy
  • Combining the two to work towards a higher purpose: again for me is to try and combat issues of climate change and inequality through a sustainable and equitable energy future

Thanks for finally simplifying this philosophy down to it's essential elements!! Many of my friends come to me for career advice so I'll definitely keep this bookmarked to pass on. Keep up the awesome work & glad I came across you guys @heightenedliving :)

Well thank you! And yes as time goes on we will be able to create a new approach which in totality gives power to learning back to us, allowing us to become who we need to be

Interesting points raised.

I agree with you that GBP and the unemployment rate basically are useless 20th century stats. They no longer apply or tell the story.

Much of the work people do is out of necessity especially at the lower end. These people have no savings which means they are forced to take a position that pays little. Without that cushion, there is no waiting until something better comes along or improving one's job skills.

At the same time, I have great faith in the advancements of technology and the pace it is going at. For this reason, I see a ton of jobs eliminated. The pace of chance is so rapid people are missing what is going on. Hence, we are going to have a ton of workers displaced minus the skills to succeed in the future. Until people fully acknowledge this problem, little will be done.

Another problem is that technology tends to limit wages. Thus people are not earning more. When adjusted for inflation, we are basically flat over the past 20 years. I read an article last night that software programmers, a job you think in high demand actually has been over saturated with wages being flat.

Corporations are not going to change the way they operate. They exist to make a profit. It really is that simple. Wall Street runs so much that it totally overwhelmed main street. All the stats bear this out.

It's true that we should be looking out for job satisfaction- doing something we enjoy. But sometimes there are just bills to pay. You can only live so cheap, especially when modern society (marketing, financial structure, taxes) is geared toward entrapping everyone with debt.

I don't really think Millenials act any more entitled than previous generations (like mine), some of it is that the exceptions to the rule are too fun not to gossip about. And some of it is a shift in values.

I think you're right that the GDP and unemployment don't tell the whole story, but they do tell a big part of it. Going from not being able to pay the bills to being able to pay the bills results in a huge jump in happiness, just ask someone who's just lost everything. But it doesn't tell the whole story, stories like crippling debt, expenses related to the care of others, health problems, depression, etc.

I absolutely agree that Higher Education has become more of a burden than a boon. I think as the years go by HE will become less and less influential; at least in the coming decade. Who knows beyond that?

However, I don't agree that simply doing what you want will land you in happiness. Just look at everyone using Steemit to make money: if you plan to use Steemit to make money, you have to 1) deliver content people like, and 2) you have to market yourself. If you really love making good content, but hate the marketing, you will have a maximum you can make. If you love the marketing but can't deliver the content, the same- your success will be limited. Or, if you are good at both, but you love posting about politics, your voice may be overwhelmed by all the good political channels already running with thousands of subscribers and thousands in Steem Power.

But perhaps you love carpentry. You are very good at it, but you aren't great at salesmanship and marketing. So your masterpieces sit in your shop, or you may sell one every now and again at the local coop. You certainly can't make a living because most carpentry is automated, and the high-price custom jobs are not only rare, but require considerable non-carpentry business skills.

Long story short, just becoming a master at something you love doing isn't guaranteed to put food on the table. And yeah, if you think it should, then yeah, you suffer from entitlement.

My only disagreement is that becoming a master, and everyone becoming a master, will allow for those like the carpenter to pair with someone like a marketer and work together, bringing back the power to people to do something they leave and benefit from it. A marketer doesn't market nothing, he needs product just like the carpenter needs someone to market too

But the marketing guy can go find another carpenter, or even jump to plumbing. The marketer needs the carpenter far less than the carpenter needs the marketer. Especially if there are more carpenters than marketers. Let's face it, most people would rather be doing the thing, not advertising it. This ends up making the master basically the employee.

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