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RE: Why The Problem Isn't More Jobs, Its More Skill And More Purpose

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

Good job, heightenedliving,I have an idea

And I will start it by asking you this, who is more important to any country, let’s take US for example, Holly wood stars or Hospital crews like doctors and nurses?
Who is more essential to society policemen and fire fighters or football players? you can chose one over the other. But if it is up to me I will pay my garbage collectors more than holy wood stars or football players? Sorry. I don’t hate Hollywood stars nor hate football players.
If Hollywood stars go on strike for a thousand years no body’s life gets interrupted. If garbage collectors go on strike for one week the US gov. will declare martial law.
The system is steered by the media. 99% of all media are owned or controlled by groups who wants always to push the system to their advantage. The system’s most important tool is the media and social media also. Those groups is the problem in my opinion. Their job is made easy because of the sheeple who watches their manipulative media and sheeple who buy their products by seeing their adds. They designed the system in a way no media can survive without advertisement. Advertisements is tax deductible. Who will make up for that tax? The sheeple who needs more hollow jobs as you call it.
On the other hand we the people are responsible for this unbalanced income VS essentiality.
Income must be tied to a logarithmic formula that uses, offer and demand, essentiality, training required and its cost, mental and physical skills required, working shift and so on. I should leave this to math geniuses. If a society can develop and adapt such formula, tones of their problems if not all will be solved.
Lastly, What I am afraid of is that if Steemit becomes main stream it will be bought by googgle or a like. This what I call googlization. I have added 4 word to English since I start steeming a week ago.


True, the value of the jobs that do the tasks we need done is major when comparative to sports players or hollywood actors that have no intrinsic value besides entertainment. Although, as I was saying, I would rather have machines and A.I. performing most of these tasks, since they are easily done. Whereas skill, not saying a hollywood actor or a sports palyer, but a phsyicist or doctor does hold a lot of intrinisic value in its right, demanding more skill and more pay.

The free market is actually pretty good at handling the math without needing the math geniuses. The problem being this wouldn't be pure math, so the mathematicians have to decide what values are important. The free market solves this by allowing consumers to make the decision aggregate through their consumption. As an example, if these "math geniuses" got together and figured out what every individual should be doing, buying, eating, etc., how would they be less like sheep? Wouldn't following these orders make them MORE like sheep?

This is exactly the problem. That is the consumers. Consumers are being manipulated and steered by the powers behind the media. Consumers and masses in general collectively, in my opinion, have the brain capacity of a child. One dog can control a thousand sheep in other words. Unfortunately the math geniuses are being used already by the same groups who control the media. For example John Nash, whom I wrote about. I refer you If you please to read my post So geniuses can be employed for the benefit of all. They will not be telling us what to follow. Beside this is not the end. The formula is to make posts short. I can write a complete self adjusting, self correcting and self monitoring system that would be based on such formulas. And I am not a genius. By the way Offer and Demand was the first to consider by the formula which is the base of the free market.

I see, you are saying that someone should formalize how much someone is paid for a task. So greater expertise means higher pay. This is already done for each specific job through competition (that is, employer wants the job done at the best price, so if he needs more expertise then he pays more). You want to expand across all industries (I hope I'm now interpreting correctly). A fault in the logic at its core is this: what if I decide to haul my garbage myself because the very experienced garbage man requires a higher salary? What if I decide the very experienced doctor is too expensive, so I don't go? What if I really want to watch a movie, but no one wants to make it for pennies?

I think the real flaw in your thinking might just be that you think things can be perfect, or close to perfect. You think we can crystallize society in such a way that everyone is happy in his place. But the world is broken and always will be. Utopias cannot sustain themselves. There's nothing wrong with a free market system, we just need more people in it calling attention to the corruption and sheep-like activity.

You understood exactly my points now. I agree with you we live on earth and not on heaven. Earth will never be heaven. Otherwise would be no use to have heaven. But we on earth have two groups of problematic people. The controlling, manipulating, smart, and self-centered ….. on one hand and the naive, short sighted, dumb, sheep….on the other hand. You might say, so what it always have been this case. This the hard part for me. I am NOT a sheep and I can’t be on the first group. And when the conflict between the two groups reaches a point of a civil war or a world war, we all pay the price. The best thing to happen to me in such case, is to be the first to die and leave this fu**en earth for the two groups. Mean while I like do my part waking up the sheepale. By the way thanks for your feedback, and it is nice to find one more who at least cares. Lastly that formula is doable and can be applied to wages, taxes, population control and more. I call it dynamic balancing equations. Just copy nature and keep the balance. Nature goes through balancing cycles short and long. Global warming can be of a long cycle 1 million year cycle who knows. The point is society can have a balancing cycle that keeps the difference between the rich and the poor and keeps the peace as well.

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