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RE: Why The Problem Isn't More Jobs, Its More Skill And More Purpose

in #technology7 years ago

YES! I really agree that us millennials have a unique opportunity to revolutionise the traditional approach to education and work to ultimately create more meaningful and purposeful lives.

I've already achieved goals beyond my wildest dreams by following a similar philosophy - kind of by accident...

  • Using technology as the base of a future-proof skillset: all self-taught via free online resources
  • Applying this in a field within my interests and passions: which for me is renewable energy
  • Combining the two to work towards a higher purpose: again for me is to try and combat issues of climate change and inequality through a sustainable and equitable energy future

Thanks for finally simplifying this philosophy down to it's essential elements!! Many of my friends come to me for career advice so I'll definitely keep this bookmarked to pass on. Keep up the awesome work & glad I came across you guys @heightenedliving :)


Well thank you! And yes as time goes on we will be able to create a new approach which in totality gives power to learning back to us, allowing us to become who we need to be

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