Patent laws under my court wrath!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

If Satoshi Nakamoto, whether he is real or not, had patented the block chain we will not be enjoying it. And you would not be able to read this post. Below you will see why patenting great inventions is enormous risk.
From my experience trying to patent an invention and during my research I came across interesting and sad realities. I concluded that the laws were designed to keep fascinating and out of the ordinary things out of public use. So “they” can control dispensing new technology in a way that will give “them” the most profit and keep the masses under control. (Your I phone has well over 250000 patents, No wonder it costs over a $1000. See link 1 below) In the process if your invention is big enough you will end up being killed, crazy or committing suicide. And here is my proof. I will define “they” in future posts.
From the 2010s virtual block chain technology back to last mysterious real block chain ever created in the 40’s; patenting was a mechanism to chain down great ideas and innovations.
coral Castle5.jpg

• In the 40’s, someone claimed that he knows the Egyptian secretes. And how they built the pyramids. Edward Leedskalnin demonstrated by building his famous Coral Castle ( see link 2 below) that he (120 pounds) alone can cut from the ground, move and left over 15 tone stones. He applied for a patent for anti gravity device, got a visit from some Gov. agency, got beaten up, and never followed up with it. (This is what I remember reading years ago. Do your research to verify) Here we are after 80 years, yet few people know anything about this man.
• John Nash (see link 3 below) Math genius, his contributions are used now by economists and wall streeters. ( streeters? I just added one more word to English. Copyrights, heir I come.) He worked for the gov. code breaking and code encryption. He became insane. He was forced to take medication only to get worse. He recovered when he decided to refuse all medications. He received Noble Price. His great contribution to game theory is largely used in patent infringing disputes. See link 4 below to watch documentary about his life, beautiful minds. His wife killed In NJ Turnpike Crash.
• Aaron Swartz had tons of great ideas. I can say that he, alone, defeated SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act.)
He was driven by the gov. to commit suicide at age 27.
From Wikipedia: Aaron Hillel Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) was an American computer programmer, entrepreneur, writer, political organizer, and Internet hacktivist. He was involved in the development of the web feed format RSS and the Markdown publishing format, the organization Creative Commons, the website framework, and the social news site Reddit, in which he became a partner after its merger with his company, Infogami.
Watch link 5 below for the full story of his life.
Aaron swartz2.jpg

See my post Why I hate the word Justice?
However, if you have some small invention, then go ahead and patent it. I am not against fair rules and regulations.
If Edward Leedskalnin did what Satoshi Nakamoto did, we most likely would be driving different kind of cars.
magnetic car.jpg
If you have a great idea you must put it in use and spread it to as many people as you can. That is the only way to save your life. And you or your children and grand children will benefit from it any way. Or do not say anything.
This genius 13 years old man got most of it right I hope he will not be disappointed. Let us learn from his wisdom.

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