Random Musings 004: My Issue with Zack Snyder's Batman

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

Now I am aware that this post is something of yesterday's news. But EVERYTIME Batman vs Superman or Justice League gets mentioned, there's always a bad taste in the mouth. Like if you had onions for breakfast kind of bad taste.

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WARNING: This post is a screen rant and contains spoilers of Batman VS Superman and Justice League.

OK! getting right to it!

Honestly, the movies.. it's not that bad if you don't usually watch the comics and just like something nice for the family, you enjoy great CGI. Then the movie is perfect for you!

IF you're a Superman fan, you probably would just get lost in the movie or in Henry Cavill's abs.

If you're a batman fan, the movie is ruined the story is churned. From the director who had the audacity to say something like this:

Everyone says that about “Batman Begins.” “Batman’s dark.” I’m like, “Okay, no, Batman’s cool.” He gets to go to a Tibetan monastery and be trained by ninjas. Okay? I want to do that. But he doesn’t, like, get raped in prison. That could happen in my movie. If you want to talk about dark, that’s how that would go. -Zack Snyder-


Who's bright idea was it to cast this guy as the director anyways? (I warned you, this is a rant! I repeat, this is a rant!)

So uber short summary; Batman and Superman both think that the opposite party is a threat to justice and must be stopped, ok legit;

They fight, It's inevitable;

Lex Luthor plans for them to fight it (sure why not);

They start fighting, Batman ends up losing his cool (NOT ACCURATE BUT OK);

Batman wins (sure, that's usually how it happens);

They stop fighting because of a common thing they share. Martha. Martha Kent. and Martha Wayne.



THE BATMAN, the World's Greatest Detective and I mean the guy! Within the DC universe known to be the one who has the means to take out the entire justice league. Go watch the this comic it's great!

The guy who doesn't sleep until he finds an answer;
The guy who has enough foresight to anticipate aliens;
The only guy smart enough to see through Clark Kent behind the glasses;
The guy who could find the one greatest weakness of Superman
The guy who hacked into lex luthors files to uncover other metahumans
The guy who could defeat Superman
The guy who Superman describes the most dangerous human being in the planet and I quote this from JLA The Tower of Babel

DOESN'T have the cahoots to run a background check on Superman's parents?
Aka Martha Kent?

Decides to plan an elaborate attack on a guy who could fry his brains with his sight. Launches a pre-emptive attack on Superman (He's dressed as a bat but surely; he never strikes first)

Abandons his aim for revenge becames friends because of a connection of their mom's name!?

C'mon, DC has fans, don't do this to them

Seriously, I know, you're the director and you're the author of the story, can't blame that. But really ...

As much as Zack Snyder tries to bring out the batman from The Dark Knight Returns (The dystopian near future washed up version. ). There are really some parts that are a miss. BIG MISS.

At least he got the fight scenes right.

Sure poetic licensing allows you to stray away from the original source and allow you to put in something extra into the fray.

What we all love about Batman is his immense drive to seek out the truth of every situation, solves the mystery, and the butt-kicking of course!

So no, Batman's super power is not just that he's super rich, it's that he's super driven, more driven than any human or alien.

So I guess Angela Duckworth the author of the book Grit has proven it. I guess grit is a super power;

Which Zack Snyder got terribly wrong.

If you have the time for some comic-relief, check this video out!

DISCLAIMER: Images all taken from Giphy

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In my opinion, it's not Zack Synder fault entirely.
DC comic is in deep shit partly because the CEOs, VPs, etc of Warner Bros is interfering with the creativity work if the director, photographer, screen writer etc.

Zack Synder have some wonderful scene construction. It's unconventional but it give us different view point. Just that things went wrong very quickly with reshoot, edit more edits.

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