99.99999999% convinced - Good enough to take the leap

in #teamgood6 years ago

No armor needed

I'm not exactly sure how that happened. I asked for civil discussion last week about voting bots, and every single person that commented on my post (and I believe it's a new record for longest string of comments on my posts) was kind, insightful, open to discussion and respectful.

I thought for sure that there would be that one person..... but, there wasn't. So thank you! I think THAT was exactly what I needed in order to have the confidence to further discuss that topic openly.

Here is what I confirmed after talking to many people in the comment section.

Voting bots are neutral, but the person who uses them determines whether they're used for abuse or for use. (I did know this before, but it was good to see so many people agreeing that "bots" aren't bad. Abuse of bots is bad.)

There are people with large accounts that are not using their daily votes (for a number of reasons). Bots help to keep the steem flowing and being exchanged and distributed. This is a good thing - that we can encourage people with large votes to actually USE their votes! We WANT this. We NEED this. Who wants a $30 (or more) vote to go unused every 2 hours? This is good for EVERYONE. It's a win/win/win/win. The only time that it's bad is when.....

People abuse this by writing nonsensical posts and then buying a vote on their post. THIS is another reason why people with HIGH QUALITY content SHOULD be using voting services. Why? Because it helps to NEGATE the abuse. The more people that use these services (like @smartsteem, @sneaky-ninja, @booster ...) to promote high quality content - the more all the rewards get dispersed across the board. When there are more high quality posts getting the same recognition as the junk - who would you vote for? The junk? or the cream? Exactly.

Bots aren't ideal. Ok. Maybe not. But they are here to stay for a while. All the more reason to use them properly while the bad content is abusing them (see previous point)

"Buying a vote feels weird." Does it feel weird because you're afraid of what people might say or because you think it's wrong? When I wrote my first book, I didn't hire a marketing company because I wanted to do it all by myself. I found out the hard way that a marketing team is the way to get your voice heard among the crowd. Steemit is no different. There is nothing wrong in promoting your hard work to increase visibility. That's exactly what we're talking about - buying promotion.

The cost of purchasing that promotion is usually the same amount of profit that you receive, however the benefit is that you're possibly gaining new followers with that attention, and you're increasing your SP, and your reputation as well. These are all valuable things to Steemians who want what's BEST for Steemit in the long run. By having people who are willing to promote their good content, this strengthens the platform. It's very discouraging to see the crap posts getting high rewards. Good posts can be getting the same thing, let's just stop bashing bid bots unfairly - and recognize that we can negate the abuse by promoting the proper use.

Final point - have you ever been the recipient of a large vote? You know that when a Curie comes - the 300 votes that follow are automatic, right? I absolutely LOVED getting my Curie. It was like winning a jackpot! My GINA went nuts with ding! ding! ding! But those were automatic votes, from people following a trail. Why is it that people have no problem accepting a Curie - but then frown upon other automatic votes? I'm sure you worked just as hard for the Curie as you did with other posts (if you're concerned about content). What about if someone purchased a vote on your behalf? Did you accept that? So, I say to you - if you're ok with one, you should be ok with the other. If you would prefer not to buy a vote for yourself, then I have another suggestion for you. Why not purchase a vote on someone else's behalf? Spread the love throughout your community, support high quality content, strengthen the platform and make a stronger Steemit that showcases people who deserve to have those votes.

In conclusion, I've seen a lot of people say they took a week to experiment, and found it to be what finally convinced them to do it on a continual basis. I'm taking the plunge! I've registered with @smartsteem, and I've started the process to be whitelisted. If you're interested in knowing more about how they work - check out this post by @therealwolf. You can either buy a vote straight out - or you can choose to bid (with some risk). See what works for you! I will also be promoting the posts for our new @welcomewagon initiative, so that our account will grow stronger, get our message out to more people, and our votes will be worth more to our recruits. I'm excited to be able to do that for our community, for our newbies, and for a stronger Steemit.

If anyone else wants to try, I'd love to keep in touch with you and see how your experiment turned out as well!

Thank you again - to all the people who contributed in kindness and respect! @bengy, @iamthegray, @thehive, @robertandrew, @creatr, @c0ff33a, @lost-ninja, @penderis, @zen-art, @nikolina, @ydraz, @anjkara, @youngboss, @giddyupngo, @ancapbarbie, @enginewitty, @malloryblythe

Image source: Armor

Text dividers by @scuzzy


Thanks for the first post about this and now your conclusion. It's so informative and clarifies this problem that bothered me so much before I started. I just didn't know what to make of it to see posts on trending with hundreds of votes, only to then be bitterly disappointed after reading them. I mean, as a newbie who didn't even know bots existed, I had certain expectations of these posts, haha. So my assumption was that bots were generally a bad thing, and I'm so glad you cleared that up for me. I was never good at selling or promoting myself, so once I have enough steem to buy anything, I'll probably try out the buy-a-vote-for-someone-else scenario first. Anything that helps the platform is good.

I'm not sure if you had the opportunity to read the comments also - but if you haven't, (and you have the time hahahaha) read about other's experience and questions too. It's almost like listening into an interesting discussion!!! :)

I had the same experience as you @ydraz. Disappointment, expectations, assumptions... so I just decided to try to talk about it with people! It was so informative - and I think a lot of people who have found that they do promote well, are maybe quiet about it because they don't want to rock the boat and cause controversy. So I was extremely pleased to see so many commenting on their positive experience with them!!!
Maybe they just needed the opportunity to speak without being attacked! :)

and i think that would be a GREAT way to see if you like it or not.... buy a vote for someone else! :) The nice thing about that is.... well two things. How fun to get to feel like a whale for a moment and drop a big vote onto someone's post!!!! hahahahha and the second thing - how rewarding that you get to boost the visibility of a post that YOU feel is worthy!!!

Awesome! I love it :)

As I've said in other comments, I suppose it's all a matter of who is using the bots - that determines whether they're good for the platform or not. right?

You and I.... I think we would use them for the GREAT of the platform ;)

hehehhehe thanks for your comment!!!

@dreemsteem, for the Welcome Wagon

I'm with you! I just learned so much about how, if you believe in what you're doing, then you should advertise...even Disney advertises and we don't blink an eye haha It isn't something to abuse, it's something to use...did you like the rhyme? haha

Well, i just loved your rhyme!!!! hehehehehe i'm a big fan of rhymes - its part of the times.

see that??? too much?? hahahahahahaa

and yep - I'm learning about some pretty GOOD bots to use that 1. help you 2. help the community and 3. help Steemit to be the strongest platform it can be ..... so what are we waiting for??? let's get crackin' :)

I will start using it most likely today - but can't wait to be whitelisted on smartsteem! :)

and you asked me about dustsweeper the other day!!!! oh girl - its the best. you seriously need to do it!!!
Anyone who is a commenter (and I know you are!!!) will LOVE dustsweeper!!! it starts working the first day you add to your bank! Here you go

So, I totally checked out dustsweeper and signed up! Thank you the suggestion!

No rhyming is ever too much! Haha I literally just wrote a poem...feel free to read it and upvote hahaha

i need to go pour love all over your blog! i've been remiss lately! went away this weekend. had a migraine all day yesterday - slept all day and was up until 6 am this morning. honestly. HONESTLY. going to love you now hehehehehe

Yes! I mean...I'm so sorry you had a rough weekend. Haha But really I am...migraines are terrible. Are you feeling better today or pushing through?

Yesterday my hubby called me Popeye cuz i couldn't open my right eye. LOL but he was the ultimate hubby. I seriously need to write a post about him. cuz he... is amazing. but - strangely - i feel great today. I need to probably take naps though cuz i hear that day 2 after a sleepless night is the worst hahahaha

but i'm feeling decent right now!

I'm glad you feel great today! Yes, please write a post about him!

I concur. The bots in and of themselves are not bad, anymore than a shovel is bad. Both of these items are tools. Now if one uses bots in an unethical (subjective term) manner or hits someone upside the head with a shovel, it is not the fault of the tools but the user of those tools. Makes sense to me!

hahahaha agreed @sgt-dan! And now Im dreaming of hitting someone upside the head with a shovel...... i mean... wait! That's bad! Right - that would be a BAD use of a tool! hehehehehe

Thanks for your thoughts on this! I'm excited to try it!!! and I can't wait to have more steem to sprinkle alllllll over my newbie recruits :)

You wrote a book?!

hahaahaha 2 under one pen name, 1 under another pen name , and 1 under ANOTHER pen name. :) I like to be anonymous ;) you know that hehe

buttttttt. if you want to read a reeeeeeeeally good one @swolesome... you should read Fireflies that is ONLY available to Steemit readers hehehehe

I know... shameless plug. but - i love love.... LOVE my Steemit readers. There isn't another platform that I've found that lets you interact with readers and feed off their energy in the same way! If you DO check it out... there are the chapters listed all at the bottom. have fun ;)

You have a new reader.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh :) I'll add you to the Sweet Subscribers' list??? so you can get notified of the new chapters???? Next chapter will be out today/tonight

I need to read all of them first but sure dreem ;p.

Hi @dreemsteem, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Join us on Thursdays for Pimp Your Post Thursday at 11am EDT or 7PM EDT in the Steemit Ramble Discord or:

If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord. If I use the post, you earn a portion of the rewards.

Pimp Your Post Thursday is a live curation show where you get to know others and they you. You can promote your post or someone you think needs more notice.

Thank you @shadowspub!!! :) I can't wait until PYPT - i have lots to share! hehehehehe but don't worry - i'm home all day and won't ask for special permission to bombard you with posts this time! I'll wait my turn hehehehehe

Very good overview of the bots. I am one who needs the explanation!

hahahaha i did too @simgirl :) if you have the time... you should read through the comment section too - cuz people brought up some great points and questions in there too! this was SUCH a great discussion that ended up happening over these two posts!!! love it!! :)

Yeah, bot aren't bad in themselves. They are more or less promotional tools.

I'm interested in seeing what benefits using bots will give you in the long run.

For me, I used smart market just immediately after I post so I got more than I would do if they upvoted after 30 minutes

But then, I realised that most of my 'supporters' were less inclined to give me good upvote when they see something large already. They simply reserve it for other 'struggling' writers.

But yes, the SP and REP score that comes with it is awesome. With my rep score, I can type 'good post' and almost get away with it. Someone with a replacement score of 30 might just get flagged.

Right - that's what I'm seeing too! I believe that the benefits in the long run have more to do with the increase in your SP and reputation score at an elevated rate, and less to do with big financial gains in SBD.

Plus - if I do personally see some small profits, I'm going to start dropping some unexpected bid-bot votes on unsuspecting people! (with their permission first, as @maverickinvictus pointed out that some people would prefer to NOT have the vote of a bid-bot) I've been the recipient of this before - and its a THRILL and an honor! I'd love to do that for others :)

Yesterday on TOTL with @ethandsmith, we joked that it could be like a mini-Curie. But instead of saying "Ohhhhh I was Curied!" the mini-version would be..... "Ohhhhh I've been Dreemied!"

hahahahahahaha we had a lot of fun with that.... and I think another idea has been born ;)
(don't yell at me @shadowspub! I know I have too many ideas - but this one is a teeny, tiny small one!!! hehehehehe )

That's true though @iamthegray - about your regular supporters seeing that they would rather give a larger portion of their votes to someone else who is seen as a struggling writer. If that's the case - that's truly their decision. I think, in time, their votes will return as long as you continue to produce stronger and stronger content, as you grow on Steemit.

Which - to address the other point you made -yes! I think the temptation would be for people who start to use the bid-bots to start becoming lazy and try to get away with only typing "good post" and submitting.

You know what I've found? People who are inherently lazy and greedy - will only have those qualities magnified when the money starts to roll in. It's not that they "become" lazy and greedy. They just haven't had the opportunity to express those traits in such an amplified manner because they've had to struggle to survive. When the struggle decreases, the mask slips - and their true selves are revealed.

But - the opposite is also true. People who are inherently generous and hard-working - will usually have THOSE strengths magnified as well - when money starts to roll in.

So - I don't think that the bid bots change a person. I think the bid bots amplify the inherent traits already at the core of a person.

I've seen your posts. If you ever became the type of person to submit "good post" and throw a bid bot vote on it..... it would shock me ;)

I think you will always be a person that has genuine care for their creations and protect them from becoming lackluster. But then again.... people appear one away online - and can easily be another! so.... hehehehehehe I suppose the best advice I can give is.... know thyself ;)

Thank you for your interaction - I always enjoy it!!! :)

I've been dreemied!!!

I have a lot to say

Not just here but to many of your comments

I just need to get into the mood

Catch you later

That's such a sweet idea...buying it on behalf of others. Like buy a coffee or a meal ahead for someone else.

Don't quite know much about bots. Still learning the ropes around here.

Thank you for this enlightening post.

I didn't know much about bots last week. I now do. hehehehe And let me tell you :) I have been the recipient of the "meal ahead" before... and also had my entire bill paid by surprise when dining.... it feels AMAZING.

I've also had a bot vote purchased for me by surprise no less than 4 times... it came from friends who really loved what I had written and wanted to support me more than their vote would allow. and i can tell you - IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!

so for anyone who feels "icky" about using a vote bot on themselves... i HIGHLY recommend that they try to spend it on someone else :) Its very very very nice and soooooooo appreciated!!!! it's like getting a mini Curie!!! hehehehe

Awwww. That's so kind of them. Yes it is the greatest feeling in the world.

I was half following the witness discussion, and the boots too. Need to sit down and do some reading.

I've already cast some votes and will get around to adding a few more. But I'm not quite sure I know what it is for. Lol....

My brain is aching from too much information coming in every direction in my life....some thing has gotta give.

I've just about had a huge learning curve on setting up Facebook page for business....doing it up nicely...leaning about social media marketing...etc etc.....am also doing lots of content creation for my workshops and courses....plate overflowed and went to the next table ages ago....but...oh well. At some point it will all come together.

well - soon there will be an Under 180 video on Witnesses ;) so you can hear about it in 3 minutes or less hehehehehe

i'll help you friend <3

Oh, that would be lovely!

Thank you @dreemsteem, a friend in deed ;)

Nice job, @dreemsteem. You make a very convincing argument for the ethical and practical use of bots.

I did it yesterday for the first time in ages with my 6-word story contest. My rationale is that I don't keep any of the SBDs I spent but will distribute it as prizes.

Then I went on a bit of a roll. Oops. Never mind. I am happy to feel less dirty about using them and thank you for putting the thoughts together on our behalf.



See... this is what I mean! How fun to have a little extra to distribute to others! Right??? :) That's what my final point was all about.
we CAN be using this to turn it around onto others :) There are ways to do so many things!!! We just need to be creative and not be "scared" away the propaganda. Let's just get it - and go have fun and do good with it :)

Yes. I hadn't previously thought about the inactive accounts that are now selling their votes, circulating all that juicy SP. Yeah, the bot owners are making a killing and there are shitposts aplenty hitting the Trending page but, as you say, the pot has more in it as a result.

Cheers :D


I have been using minnowbuster and am on their whitelist but will try smartsteem too and make my own little comparison. Good luck with your bot games.

ok - I want to know how to use yours too ;) maybe we can talk after TOTL today??? :) and yes - I've been hearing a lot of good things about @smartsteem! but let's make a comparison and see which is best and then compare notes! :) I'm up for it! heheheh

It's a deal ;)

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