Steem Wars - Aussie Gold Edition

in #teamaustralia7 years ago (edited)

Team Australia have battled the World before and against all odds have come out smelling like roses time and time again.

Don't believe me? Lets recap.

We will win through sheer determination.

We will win through incredible Team work.

We will win through hard work and persistence.

If all that fails.. We will win cos we're the Lucky country. Just ask this guy.

Yeh... THAT just happened! BOOM




Womens Rugby 7 2016 Rio Olympics
Ian Thorpe Manchester 2001 Commonwealth Games
Cathy Freeman 2000 Sydney Olympics
Steven Bradbury 2002 Winter Olympics


Lol that's great 🤣

Haha Brilliant! Go Team Australia! Woot! Woot!

Go Team Australia!!

I'm hoping to see some creative, innovative and interesting posts. The clock is ticking so get your thinking caps on and come up with some steem wars gold! I think the battles will be fiercely contested and hard-won. Remember no battle plan survives contact with the enemy; Be creative, think on your feet and above all else...REPRESENT. :) All the best to the combatants. @galenkp

OMG @galenkp I feel like I'm almost tapped out. I need a spa or something to recharge. Can I pass the baton? I say Relay Race!! :D

Have some Vegemite! That'll
pep you up! 🤣 You're doing great though. Push through it. A massage and spa may be a good idea though!

lol I actually just might thanks for the pep talk!

Funny stuff guys.

Love the Steven Bradbury shot. I remember his face, even he couldn't believe his luck!

Me too! I couldn't believe it when he won. I laughed and laughed for days. Good on him!

Love this too Arly - some of the Aussie greats. I went to a Conference once where Bradbury was the keynote speaker - it is a terrific story. SK.

I'm glad :) I bet it was. The caption was either gonna be Lucky or Patience or both in his case!

yeah he spoke at one of my work conferences.. Really great story!

Brace yourself, Australia is coming! ;)


Great going for Team Australia.

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I'm new to steemit (1week) but i came across this group and feel the patriotic urge to stand up and say to team australia "You Shall Not Pass!"

I am canadian! And even 1 of us can pull out the northern whupp-ass! So bring it on!!!

I'm chattier than a wall-o-be
Can jump higher than a roo
I can type with 13 fingers
You won't know what to do

If you see the maples coming
You better stand aside
I piss Fosters for breakfast
And raise the bloody tides!

I've even seen New Zealand
Their almost as cool as us
But we pray to a beaver
While they eat platypus

Canadians are loved and will prove the facts
Like everyone stitching us on their backpacks

haha BRILLIANT!!! How the heck did I miss this?!!

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