YL Tasteem #9 - Katsuo Udon Hong Kong

in #tasteem6 years ago (edited)


Today's edition is introducing one of the best Udon restaurant in Hong Kong. Although @yanyanbebe has already written for this, the tastiness of the Udon makes me still want to write about this one. Their cold Udon is really outstanding from others and I guess the reason is they're using wheat flours and Udon production machine directly from Japan. Also make it and cook it freshly. You will see later they placed the machine in front of the customers so you can see that is freshly made.


With just fews seats set in the restaurant, we always expected to wait at least 30 mins. With many choices(10+) around, you can see how yummy it is!!


The menu in Chinese and Japanese. This time will have ordered cold udon for both of us, One is made with barley


and the other is made with seaweed flavor.


"Chop chop chop", made the dough and cut them in strips. Every strip is like the same, they also weight the same size for every set we order. It's quite remarkable since the first time we visit and every time when we saw they are producing the fresh udon, it will be very appetizing.

This is the flag of origin place -Takamatsu, with the wish "big haul of fish".


A picture of historical building shows the old time of Sanukishi


Udon varieties: 6.2 ~ 10 STEEM
Side dishes : 3.5 ~6 STEEM

This time I spent: 12.4 STEEM
(Typical lunch for Hong Kong people is 6.2 STEEM)

Final words:
Fantastic place for Udon lover, fresh and chewy
Decoration like in Shanukishi, Japan
15 mins walking from transportation
Expect to wait for at least 30mins

Katsuo Udon is really lovely, just really need to be patience to queue. Once a week!!

今日要和各位介紹的是香港一間非常美味的日式烏冬店. 雖然@yanyanbebe已經介紹了, 但由於實在太好味令我也想寫一寫他!! 鰹特色的冷烏冬對比其他我吃過的還是有過之而無不及. 我想是因為他們的秘密是特別選用了日本的小麥麵和日本的生產機器, 並即整即煮, 所以十分好吃. 稍後我也有一張GIF看到他們的製作過程.

店鋪的坐位十分少, 所以每一次也要等最少30分鐘. 雖然附近有很多好吃的選擇, 但仍然見到長長的人龍, 可想而知有多好吃!!

餐廳是中文日文的. 而今次我們點了必食的大麥烏冬和海苔竹廉烏冬, 相當美味!!

在等侯期間可以見到製作過程, "把麵團整好後, 放進機器內切條". 每條份量幾乎一樣, 每一份的重量也是均等的, 我曾經見過他們放在磅秤上量度. 每每看見個製作過程, 都會令人食慾大增!!

佈置上有用一塊來自日本讚岐金刀比羅宮的旗, 祝願漁獲豐收. 也有一幅描畫從前的讚岐.

這間讚岐烏冬真的十分好吃!!! 但真的需要很多耐性去等待.

!steemitworldmap 22.339335 lat 114.154345 long d3scr

YL Tasteem#7 Ootoya Japanese Restaurant
YL Tasteem#6 Sing Lum Khui Sour & Spicy Rice Noodle Restaurant, Hong Kong
YL Tasteem#5 KweiKee tofu factory, Hong Kong
YL Tasteem#4 - SEOUL BROS, HK
YL Tasteem#3 Little Creatures, Hong Kong
YL Tasteem#2 Barista Jam, Hong Kong
YL Tasteem#1 - Patricia Coffee Brewers, Melbourne

All photos are taken by @minloulou, otherwise will be mentioned.
Lines contribution by @yoshiko

Restaurant Information

Katsuo Udon
Po Wah Court, 450-464 Un Chau St, Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong

YL Tasteem #9 - Katsuo Udon Hong Kong
This post participated in the Tasteem contest Your weekly choice

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great review, I didn't know about that place...next time I am in HK will definitely go there and then I will add it to my series of posts about Hong Kong: HONG KONG - A sort of second hometown - thanks for sharing!

Let me know if you need any other suggestions!? Welcome and very appreciated for loving Hong Kong

Posted using Partiko iOS

udon made from seaweed looks attractive. it seems like I have to look for udon made from seaweed in my city

If you made one, let me know~!! Let me come over do a review


Posted using Partiko Android

如果是喜歡日本菜和烏冬, 真的要來試一下!!


看起來好好吃 改天來朝聖哈

Posted using Partiko Android



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