Tarot Reading - OSHO Zen Tarot: "How Do I Expand upon the Mastery within the Ordinary?"

in #tarottuesday6 years ago (edited)

awareness osho.jpg

Awareness & The Veils of Illusion.

Once you start dropping thoughts, the dust that you have collected in the past, the flame arises - clean, clear, alive, young. Your whole life becomes a flame, and a flame without any smoke. That is what awareness is.

  • Letting go is sometimes the most difficult thing to do. It is so difficult in some instances because we are simply not aware of how tight we are holding on. This is like a point of friction that is smoking and burning up as like these fumes being created that are less than pleasant - it's because there's a dissonance in the squeeze and holding pattern.

  • Awareness emerges here to simply be here and be open to recording/witnessing and making note of our happening's here. Include the thoughts and experiences that come to mind. This can be utilized as a practical structure to in fact garner awareness into our "holding patterns"...seeing the veils of our own self-created illusions.

  • We create movement patterns and sequences everyday. Well - mostly we act out already pre-defined movement patterns and sequences - we have conditioned behavior movement patterns for better and for worse. In becoming aware of our posture holding positions - Here comes "change" as we all of a sudden - are making new connections - tunning into parts of ourselves that were suppressed.

  • Let Awareness be like a point of intimacy for you where you intimately read what is here - what comes up - what moves inside. In becoming an intimate reader of ourselves and our world - we become a point of stability and support as our sound structuring here.


The awareness that is growing in you now is not the result of any conscious "doing", nor do you need to struggle to make something happen. Any sense you might have had that you've been groping in the dark is dissolving now, or will be dissolving soon. Let yourself settle, and remember that deep inside you are just a witness, eternally silent, aware and unchanged

Final take away Play

  • Write things down periodically throughout your day. It's is simple as that. This is your gold. this is your treasure to explore - to work with - to play with. To articulate as what's going on here.

  • It's important to keep an open dialogue of communication - this starts with ourselves and our ability to take note of our observations with a bit of vigor, vitality and seriousness.

  • Be the best Detective onto yourself as a point of regard and honor for the best of yourself.


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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

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"Write things down periodically throughout your day."

I do that by requirement. Necessary for anybody who is highly creative and does not have a perfect memory.

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