Tarot Tuesday Twosome #5



Note ---> An interesting pattern has emerged in the relationship between the two Tarot readings I've begun doing each week. And yet, it's perfectly logical when you think about it. Spiritual Sunday gives an overview of the "week's work" we are moving into as Sunday ends and Monday begins. (Of course, this can describe actual physical work, but usually it addresses the inner work, the personal evolution and growth issues we're meeting -- and how those will manifest in the next several days.)

Then ... Tarot Tuesday Twosome (which was actually the first one I started) gives advice on how to work with what's happening, how to respond to events -- and occasionally an observation about what it all means and how you are changing as a result. As I said, this makes a lot of sense, but it's interesting to me how it assembled itself -- and interesting, too, how life responds when you have the wit to watch and listen. But ... enough philosophizing. Let's get down to work.

My Tarot Tuesday Twosome takes two cards and explains what they suggest about the present and immediate future. Two cards can show point / counter-point situations. They can show a situation and further details to consider. They can indicate the present situation ... and the near future or the next step in the progression.

They give literally twice as much information as the familiar One-Card Reading, and I have found them to be surprisingly prescient in my practice with them. So, I decided to bring them here to my Steemit blog -- to show you what I mean and invite you to consider their weekly message / prediction ... and step into a more conscious life.


Mother of Wind = achieving clarity, being unbiased, finding truth, using good judgment, speaking directly and honestly

The Hermit Rx = withdrawing into contemplation, inner assessment, feeling isolated and lonely, not knowing "where you fit"


A comment on current conditions
What are these cards saying?

(My impulse tonight is to try to explain these cards in detail -- so you can understand them as fully as I do ... sort of. But I've had to confront my own tendency to "over-explain" -- a lot. In fact, that could be part of the message here. To put it in the words I have come to understand -- after years of doing it otherwise -- "I don't want to learn to be a gourmet cook. I just want a decent meal, ok?" So, let's see if I can hold it down and still give you something of value.)

You've reached a point of significant insight and understanding -- about yourself and some issues that have occupied your attention. Your perspective has changed. It's become more complex, more nuanced, more profound. Your comprehension of both knowledge and meaning is more sophisticated -- and wiser. But it's caused a lot of soul-searching and inner reflection.

You aren't the person you used to be any more -- and deciding how to move forward, how to engage with life, how to "be the person you are now" requires some careful thought ... and maybe some different choices than those that have served you so far.


A forecast of the future
As a one-two sequence,
cause and effect / situation and result,
present situation and next situation

Recent experiences have been both educational and sobering. You've learned some important things -- and maybe come to some important conclusions. But you may also have learned some things that take some "processing," -- things that have stretched your mind to new dimensions, maybe some things you've denied -- or didn't really want to know ... or admit.

Regardless of whether these truths were exciting (and astonishing!!) or whether they were troubling (and unpleasant) -- or (more likely) some of both, you've had to pull back inside yourself for a while and give all this considerable thought. Basically, you've accessed new dimensions of yourself -- and figuring out how to move forward from here will take some work and attention.


A point to ponder
Simple words of wisdom
to make the journey more interesting

Life is a journey. (It's fair to say it's a real trip!! ) Part of its purpose is enjoyment. But a big part of its purpose is discovery and learning, evolving and growing ... becoming smarter than you were when you began. Some of the learning is great -- and some sets you back on your heels -- but it's all part of the experience.

If you're doing it right, learning and living change you. You become a new-and-improved version of who you are ... and who you used to be. It's this more evolved person who steps out into the future. This reading suggests you've reached a moment of acknowledging these changes (or discovering them!) You may be incorporating a lot of shadow-work into your new personality -- accepting talents and traits you didn't know you had, admitting things you've tried to avoid, coming to grips with a new self-image and a new vision of how you want to proceed.

The reversed card speaks of a lot of "stuff" going on inside. You may still be trying to make sense of it all -- deciding what's real, what you can trust, what you can and can't just shuffle aside any longer. You may not be ready to "come out" and be totally public about everything you've encountered -- but you are, at least, (I mistyped "at last" ... and corrected it ... but that wording works, too.) being honest with yourself, and that's a start. It may also be part of the "significant change" this reading describes.

Being who you are now may take courage ... and it may feel awkward for a while. But you've encountered moments of growth and insight before -- and handled them. Well, here's your chance to practice those skills again -- because the person you've become is better, smarter, more capable and definitely more honest. You'll like what's happened once you can wrap your mind around it.

It may be a little early to say you'll agree all the work that went into this was worth the upset and aggravation, but you'll get there. (Because it was ... and part of your new persona is more honesty and candor, remember!)


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Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!

@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.

To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post here.

It is so interesting to see how you read into these tarot cards. I find it fascinating! Where did you learn to do this?


Thank you so much for this. I appreciate your interest. I still want to talk with you -- and you're still on my list. Rising to the top ... faster!

🎁 Hi @enchantedspirit! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Wednesday Walk In The Neighborhood Of Life Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

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