How To Become A Talented SteemHunter and what is Steemhunt?

in #talentedhunter5 years ago (edited)


Steemhunt is a product hunting platform built on the Steem blockchain, which allows its users to post cool, and geeky products.

After being active for more than a year, it has become one of the most used Steem based Dapp.

It offers users the feature to hunt for cool and geeky products, amongst various brands.

If it is geeky, have a purpose, and a webpage then it can be hunted.

With over 61k hunted products available on the Steemhunt platform, the average pay of $3.02 per hunt post, and a whopping sum of $247.13 all-time earned for single hunt post, Steemhunt is currently rank 19 in stateofthedapps.


Users from different continents can access, post, vote and comment on hunt post daily with little or no issue.

Over time, it has gone past the mindset of hunting for geeky products with the hope of getting curated but rather a platform to source for geeky everyday use products.

I have come across one or two posts with users testifying how they were able to locate products they needed by searching with key phrases on the Steemhunt platform.

The mass adoption of blockchain technology is here and Steemhunt is already at the frontier of it.

Getting started with Steemhunt platform might be a little tricky, but no worries, I made some intro post about it a while back.

Steemhunt 1

Steemhunt 2.

Although, some updates have rolled in and some previous features updated as well.

Before we advance further, lets quickly recap at some Steemhunt terms.

What a talented steem hunter is

Anyone can be a steem hunter but what differentiate you from others or rather what makes you talented?

My definitions are,

  • Sticking to the rules guiding the Steemhunt platform Guidelines

  • Looking for the best out of the best of geeky products

  • Getting approved on hunt post

  • Avoiding plagiarism

  • Giving details about your hunt post via hunters comment

  • Using the right tags

  • Well and detailed description about your hunted product

  • Answering or giving directions to new and old users to solutions about any problem they might have concerning the Steemhunt platform.

These and others.

Where are the places to dig for cool products ?

What are cool products?

These might differ amongst users.

Economics thought to us that humans have different needs and different satisfactory level.

But, Steemhunt already streamlined these cool products to the list below

Innovative Engineering/Design Products
Web services
Mobile apps
API, IT solutions, bots, open sources or other types of software
Tech gadgets, hardware, IoT/connected/wearable devices

Different users hunt for different products amongst the list above.

One of such users is me.

I mostly hunt on games and software-related products.

Below are some of the locations I use

  • Youtube

  • Google.

The internet is a global village and information at your fingertip.

Using special keywords like game genres, platform, and date, you will be surprised at the number of information you can collect.

What would you like to see in a Steemhunt post

Hunting a product is one thing and being able to summarize what the product is about is another.

There is no penalty of writing two lines about your hunted product, but it reduces interaction with a potential user and visitors.

The hunter's comment section is meant to accumulate a thousand word and I think users should try to use it more and make the hunted product somewhat presentable.

Not just basketball 2019, a good game to play with friends and family

But, something a little in-depth.

Use of clear pictures.

Picture speaks louder than words, and when it is blurry or not related to the hunted product, it might mislead users.

What are the requirements to post cool products

Users are advised to follow the posting guideline, which is self-explanatory, but there are still some points you have to watch out for.


Most times, users might not willingly post a product twice but due to miss-information, they end up doing just that.


Steemhunt has a search bar to locate different products and to search if the product you are about to post has been hunted before now.

Sometimes this might be tricky.

When searching for a duplicate, I would advise users to use a product general name and go through their description (if available).

That way, you find out if the product already exists in Steemhunt or not.

You can never be too careful.


Steemhunt has 0% tolerance on plagiarism.

If for any reason you copied a statement that isn't yours, do well to quote and source it.

In the end, if you stick with the posting guidelines, you should do alright.

How does one get a hunt approved

All hunt post is reviewed by Steemhunt mods.

If the hunter sticks with the posting guidelines, it will be accepted.

On rare cases, a moderator might decide to seek correction.

When such happens, the hunter is given a period of 24 hours to make all necessary correction.

Failure to do so will lead to the delisting of the said hunt post.

How do steem hunters interact with each other

For enquires or solution, you can easily reach mods, influencers, and hunters via the steemhunt discord server

Users are required to keep the room clean (no spamming, insult to fellow users, and any other thing you seem inappropriate)

Use the rooms available for the various purposes

How to understand HUNT tokens

Hunt tokens come with different usability, but the present one is the User Score

A detailed post on how this affects the user score can be read Here.

Future usability are,

Makers buy HUNT tokens to run review campaigns for hunters.

Hunters can also use HUNT tokens to purchase products with a discounted price.

Hunters use HUNT tokens to back crowdfunding projects, trade NFT (non-fungible tokens) and purchase products pre-launch. Source

How to prepare for Review hunt

Review hunt

With review hunt just around the corner, intending users are asked to signup.

Also, what is review hunt?

Makers/companies spend an enormous amount of time/efforts to raise attention from early adopters because their word of mouth impact is exceptionally high. With Reviewhunt, it’s never been easier for makers to attract early-adopters by offering newly launched products with large discounts or bounties in return for quality reviews that will boost up their launching buzz. Reviewhunt

Makers can ask hunters to create custom content that penetrates Reddit, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Medium, and hundreds of other sites.

Read more about review hunt here.

To be among the earliest user,

Create an account Here.

With that been said, you are halfway to becoming an extraordinary hunter

Useful Links for @steemhunt


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Amazing post,Nice information

Thankyou very much and Best of luck

Thanks 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

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