"Our Mama Terry" Lives On By Means Of Steem/Steemit And By Means Of Every & Each Of Our Good Deed Towards Humanity (The Brother Next To You!).steemCreated with Sketch.

Upon seeing posts about the passing away of Maria Wilma Ajayi Aranez, Facebook proactively disconnected her account, turning it into a memorialized account by default, thus, denying her kids access to her account, which was logged in on her phone. 

We didn't have her password all along too and we didn't prepare for her death out of positivity thus, we never asked. She also didn't know to have added a legacy contact as Facebook now requires!

Still looking at how we will get access to her account, in the meantime though, we turn to decentralized steem!

Please Start This Journey Here!

During her later days on Earth;

she professed constantly, her desire to be on steemit; "she is on steemit now!"

She returned to dust in the physical but she lives on, on the steem blockchain, for even though she is not physically here, her utmost desire of touching lives positively, lives on, by means of our noble deeds (even by means of steem/steemit) towards humans now and towards generations yet unborn.

She knew of steemit! 

She knew of @surpassinggoogle and his deeds by means of steemit, in relation to impacting lives positively and though she wasn't a steemian, she would hangout on steemit, to see these proceedings and she would feel prouder as mother. 

And during times when she wasn't physically present with her son, she would hangout on steemit to read his posts and the loving return-comments and by this means, she was able to connect with him and she would ask to join steemit. 

Then she fell critically ill and it was so abrupt. It was her first real illness. Her first time in a hospital since she bore her 4 kids and it was a big deal. 

"3 months of turmoil began" and while she was still away from @surpassinggoogle, until the last 16 days of her life which she ended up spending with him in Manila, steemit helped matters! Even during her weak times on the hospital bed , she would read his posts, his feelings, the reaction from steemians e.g to when he start the #untalented curriculum and she would feel close to her son and she wanted to see him, for it's been close to five years since she last set eyes on him.

Then from 2-weeks-of-not-being-able-to-walk-or-talk; she rose again and with her last energy, she took the 24 hour flight (unaccompanied) to Manila, to meet with @surpassinggoogle, were they spent her last 16 days together, from hospital to hospital.

Till her final days, she wanted to be on steemit but she was growing too weak. We kept on hope that she will be brought to a fixing and recover, so we never got to prepare for her passing away, even in our minds. We thought she will recover strength again even once and she will be able to join steemit and write out her first post but her last 24 hours happened very quickly. From simple weakness, she entered a state of extreme discomfort and livelessness began to happen fast. 

She fought it out, hour after hour; even in her unconscious state. "She so wanted to live but she died!"

She so wanted to live!

Her resuscitation process took 30 minutes. Normally, the doctors would attempt this for 10 mins but life never fully left her or she never wanted to leave life. She still had a mission here; she wanted to stay; she wanted to live!

We grant her some of her desires by keeping her alive on the steem blockchain.

She was a teacher! She taught till she broke down. She imparted knowledge and impacted lives even outside of her comfort zone. 

Even as she died, she wanted to fix. She bothered so much about us (kids); she didn't want us to stress or spend much on her behalf. 

Some of this bother, may have made her fight weaker. She didn't understand fully yet the potential of the steem blockchain; that there is a bit more hope and love in the world by its means. Gosh, she didn't know and even as she grew weaker, "where is the MONEY from" was her incessant bother. 

"Oh how we tried to resound to her, that its all better now; "giving is now more possible"; "there are steemians too and the world is now a bit more loving", so please allow yourself this once, to deserve some of the FINER things of life but she did keep bother about "where is the money from" than her undoubted deservedness of life. 

This is common with the developing nations and this can't go on forever! We can't suffer all life and still have "dignity" stolen, even when we have one fight to live. "Steemit helps matters!"

We must make the rest of humanity especially those in developing nations more deserving of life itself. Let them have some dignity and not just lose life like goats or hen, because they fought like "half humans"

If a tiny vote can fix this, we go for it!!!

Let's go!

We will maintain an incessant repository of every amazing thing said about Maria Wilma Ajayi Aranez by everyone; steemian or non-steemian; whose life she touched. 

We create more beauty on the steem blockchain by this means and inspire and touch more lives, empowering them with hope, so that they feel anew about their person and can afford to deserve more. 

For every writeup published in the words of a non-steemian; we will show them the beauty they have created (the resulting steemit post and all its comment reaction and rewards) and bring them on this beautiful creation called "steemit".

We will dent all her deeds and legacies into the steem blockchain; "videos, pictures, diary pages, powerful deeds, mama-aspects, display-of-love, display-of-selflessness, acts-of-self-sacrificing-love towards humanity, display-of-integrity, deeds-of-a-wife married loyally for 35 years, etc

You will visit this blog and gain strength, for Maria Wilma Ajayi Aranez is here present; by means of her met desires, by means of us and out noble deeds towards humanity (the brother next to you), by means of the power of decentralized steem etc 

Though she is unconscious and back to the dust, her impact lingers still.

We try to keep this account powered up, so that its rewards is put to more good use on behalf of humans in general who are downtrodden, so that their load is a bit lighter. 

We will give her suffering some more essence and restore her dignity by giving room for many more to shine. 

We will give solace to many.

We would not be wrong too, to call her "Our Mama Terry"

We will definitely not be wrong to call her "Mama @surpassinggoogle" or "Mama #steemgigs" or "Mama #untalented" for all these amazing curriculum and noble deeds, we readily dedicate to her, for even to her; "literate or illiterate, minnow or whale" meant nothing; there is the "human" race; nations are locations; "we are genius"; "everyone has something to offer".

Current Efforts Dedicated To Her

1. Upcoming steemgigs interface that will sit on https://steemgigs.org

"Everyone has something to offer!" (Rewarded for "proof of deed")

2. #untalented curriculum which will eventually be hosted on the "steemgigs" interface.

"Flaws allowed; relegate reservations; maintain your human; everyone is genius etc"
Everyone is rewarded for attempt at out-of-the-boxness!

Note: #untalented removes every barriers to entry, also to reduce on spam by telling spammers they can get rewarded for attempts/intentions at awesomeness/out-of-the-boxness

3. The most historical human bot on Mama Earth

4. A STEEM interface and hub of tools on "https://surpassinggoogle.com that will make each steemian a celebrity and fix the content discovery and curation challenges that is seeming to exist.

5. A full public RPC node (256 GB) to balance the steem ecosystem currently running on: 


6. "steemgigs" witness running (32 GB RAM) with scalabitlity as required.

7. https://steemit.com/created/untalented-mama a curriculum to empower all the mamas of mama earth and a steemit growth effort to bring all mamas on mama Earth on to steemit.

8. etc.....

Our Mama Terry


What's Next?

The next post will contain recorded videos and heartfelt writeup from a non-steemian; friend and boss of Maria Wilma Ajayi Aranez, who had the most amazing things to say about "Our Mama Terry".

You can support us and this entire cause, also by supporting our "steemgigs" witness, if you have an extra witness vote!

 To vote the "steemgigs" witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!

If you want us to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.  

Stay Awesome

Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented).  

"Everyone has something to offer!" 


Thank you @surpassinggoogle for fulfilling this scripture
Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love: 1 Corinthians 16:13
You have taught me to do everything in love and be courageous. That is a slogan that you uphold "Letting your human shine"
Even in this you are still preaching it.
Its so joyous to see that Mama is on steemit. Cant wait to see how the world would be transformed through her.
Most people can only dream about seeing an angel. I believe you had the pleasure of living your whole life with one, and remembering her after she flew away into the heavens where you will meet her. Its hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember. I believe that those we love wont go away, they will be beside us always just like your mum will be beside you and with us here on steemit. Greater works with be accomplished here with her, more lives will be touched.
Mama if you get to look down us, just know that we are all missing you. Memories are always special. Sometimes we laugh by remembering the days we cried and we cry by remembering the days we laughed, that life. Her impact on steemit will forever be know and the most important reason why i love her is that she gave birth and nutured a boy that is changing generations and the world at large. She gave you the mindset that everyone adores now. She is the foundation of all these special things happening here on steemit. When we meet after this life in a better place, i will personally give her a hug for raising you and probably ask for the tips and lessons on how to raise a boy who wants to change the world :) if there would be another world.
1 Corinthians 2:9b
God bless you

We will create awesomeness and meet with her in Paradise.
Stay awesome

Yeah we will.
Losing those we love is indescribably difficult. But, we can take comfort in knowing that our believing loved ones are safe, at peace, and in the presence of God, no longer concerned by all of the many worries of our world, but resting in the arms of the Savior. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 says that we do not grieve like the rest of the world, which has no hope. We don’t have to look for signs or hope for the spiritual presence of our loved ones. We can know without a doubt that they are happily escaped from a world of great sorrow and pain, and we can console ourselves, knowing that they would not wish to be privy anymore to the sadness and troubles of this life.

We can trust God on this. We can believe His word, and we can enjoy the memories of time with our loved ones until we see them again in Heaven. Stay awesome too

Mama Terry lives on... Not just in Steemit or Steem Blockchain, but also in everyone's heart and lives of whom she has touched! I may not have known you Mama Terry, but I feel your love... Through sir Terry's messages of love and description of you... You have been known.. and you have touched a lot of Steemians in ways you can't even imagine... <3

So true. She did a lot

It would have been great to meet her... But I'll know Mama Terry more through Steemit... I'm looking forward to getting to know you Mama Terry! hugs

I have read a lot about @surpassinggoogle he is one of the most social steemit figures ever, who always cares about all the small fish who want to contribute. On this platform, before I make my first post posting, I first see the developing realm. I just joined, by looking at your post I was reminded again about @surpassinggoogle who keep his mother who was sick until the death to pick him up. I am sorry about this. I also pray that surpassinggoogle is steadfast in facing it. I will also contribute to the program @surpassinggoogle always think about the interests of the crowd. I like you @surpassinggoogle. thanks so much for you who have shared this post.

You are awesome. Keep that up. Let your human shine

Thanks so much.

Her legacy lives on in Terry and siblings, good to have a window to get to know her much better through the Blockchain

Thank you bro. You will get to know her by means of the voice of many, even non-steemians and by means of more amazing deeds from steemians henceforth as these deeds will have extra essense

welcome @ourmamaterry chers:)

Mama Terry lives forever In Steemit & Steem Blockchain, as well as in everybody's heart and lives of whom she has touched! I might not have known you Mother Terry, but rather I feel your adoration... Through sir Terry's messages of adoration and portrayal of you... You have been known.Her heritage will always be recollected. It's a dismal minute losing friends and family.
Happy to see @surpassinggoogle looking cheerful in his current post on steem.
God favor your family.

Thank you for your incessant love by means of your heartfelt comment

'We grant her some of her desires by keeping her alive on the steem blockchain.'

Awesome @surpassinggoogle, no better way to honor mama than to grant her wish of being on steemit.

When I first saw this post, I was really confused, I was thinking '' is there wi-fi in paradise for mama to have joined steemit from paradise'', and then I realized she had actually joined from paradise.

You are the hands through which she has joined. You've done the physical part, while she did the spiritual part by giving you inspiration.

This is such an honor to the steemit community, it's an honor to us, to know that mama has graced this platform with her presence.

Thanks a lot @ourmamaterry, you are welcome to steemit. Your legacy lives on.

'For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.-2corinthians 5 vs 1

A most technical loveable comment. We will all meet her in paradise. For now we do good and service Jehovah by this means while he grants us undeserved kindness by virtue of his perfect son Jesus amen

Amen to that. We surely give all the thanks to God for His undeserving kindness.

I was not able to meet her physically here on earth, but I know surely we will meet in eternity. Am a believer and I believe in the after life with all my heart.

'' Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”''

I believe this with all the Fibre in me, and that's what keeps me going, no matter who I lose, otlr what happens to me, for I know we will surely meet again.

Thanks again and God bless

This is good Terry. Mama is finally on steemit. It just a sign that she lives on even in her sleep. Wonderful introduction post @ourmamaterry You are welcome to steemit.

'Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?'
-1corintihans 15 vs 55

Even death could not stop her. She rose above death, and even in her sleep, she is still impacting lives. A lot of people will read this post and will surely be encouraged.

God bless Maria Wilma Ajayi Aranez

Jehovah bless us even moreso, we who are witnesses of this, for she lived a good life

'' for she lived a good life''

That's what truly matters.
I just want to use this medium to speak to as much people as I can, to let me know that that is the real purpose of living.

It's not about the cars or the houses or the fame. It's about ''did you live a good life''

How well did you influence and affect those around you?
From the pictures and little get together I saw during her burial, I concluded that she must have lived for others during her life time.

Just as the scriptures say,

Matt 25 vs 35-40

'' 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.''

No matter where you are, what you are doing, her memories will always keep you smiling. i am sure you really miss her and its a good thing that you are remembering her this way. this is a noble thing to do @surpassinggoogle. a mother's love is truly irreplaceable.
Below is a link to a video i did for you in honour of your mum with respect to steemgigs. That was the least i coud do.

Thank you for love and exerted effort to display it

Thank you too. Just to appreciate all your work and effort. You might not see how far you are touching lives, but you have really gone far. It wont escape my memories anytime soon. God bless you richly.

Wow. This is really a nice step to remembering her. So happy she is on steemit and also going to affect lives here. She is really immortal I really see how lovely she is just from the video shared above. Thats a woman who wants to change generations. All her efforts would not be on vain. The block chain will never forget her.
Nothing hurts more than the pain caused by losing a mom and a special one for that, the love is there forever though, we lose her only from the physical plane, because where love exists there can be no loss. Remembering her should not get tears in your eyes, but smiles, that they are in a better place than us.
Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean he longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? . . . No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below. Indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord: Romans 8:35 - 39
Mama lives on. She is so beautiful inwards and outwards.

Thank you for all the love here present. Stay awesome

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