Steemit Vision Quest * Week #11 * "Eleven-Eleven"

in #svq6 years ago (edited)


Steemit Vision Quest is already one of my favorite things.

And it's only my second week participating.
Last week, I followed #svq's prompt of "Twin Flame."

This week: "Eleven-Eleven."

With Great Spirit, we bring you Steemit Vision Quest - Week 11. A Vision Quest is a dedicated search for inspiration. In this way, we bring our collective Visions into focus, prompted by the question: What Does My Higher Self See?

What does my higher self see regarding "Eleven-Eleven"?

There are a lot of positive, favorable, affirming explanations given for the noticeable/repeated occurrence of 11:11. This video covers several of them in only a few minutes.

'Eleven' holds a very different significance to me, now.

In this recent video, I noticed two deep vertical frown lines,
where the blue circle is in the top picture.

The area of the blue circle, is called the GLABELLA. Frowns on it are actually called "elevens," or "11's."

The three most common ways people use to smooth those lines out, include:

(1)facial exercise/facial yoga;
(2)smoothing tape; and
(3)dermal fillers, like Botox.

I tried a makeshift version of my own, using a small piece of cardboard cut from a paper-towel roll, and tape.

As best as I could, I spread apart the skin between my eyebrows (after massaging the area, which I'm doing more regularly now).

Then I put tape over the pulled skin.

Next, I put the small cardboard rectangle on top of that,
followed by a second/final piece of tape.

I left it like that for several hours. Maybe five.

I was very surprised to notice myself feeling soothed by that taped cardboard on my glabella!

It seems that having that area pressed flat, has a physiological effect.

An oversimplified -- but precise -- metaphor, is:


Paul Ekman's work agrees.

...if a person merely arranges his face into a certain expression, he will actually feel the corresponding emotion.

This quest showed me that faces are like a journal,
and the lines on them are the writing.

The writing of "11" between my eyebrows made clear to me
how often my focus + concentration has turned to worry + mental weight.

Massaging the area, taping it flat, drawing blue circles on it...
all these things have brought much more of my awareness
to this little spot
which is an instant way for me to now recognize
if I am walking in trust, or not.

I value this learning much more beyond cosmetic appearance,
or beauty tips.

The quality of thought beneath the skin, shows through the skin.

I'm more motivated to think the kind of thoughts,
that will write well on my face, and in my bio-chemistry. :-)

Thanks for creating and tending to this awesome project, @cabelindsay, @eaglespirit, @rensoul17, and @girlbeforemirror!! I love it.

C'mon and join us! Gotta be quick though, because entries for this week's challenge are accepted through tonight/Sunday: ---> Steemit Vision Quest - Week 11: "Eleven-Eleven"


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Your shares here are brand new to me, and so I thank you for the education about the glabella, with its elevens, along with your discoveries in self-care. In fact, just the other day I was appreciating a rose-scented facial oil that's new to me, massaging the very spot you're speaking of. Also, I find it synergistic that you're educating us about the physical element of the third eye area, which is of course the key chakra were are engaging in the Vision Quest. And the YouTube link you shared is fascinating!

We celebrate your Creative Spirit, and we appreciate your entry in Steemit Vision Quest.

May you receive all you seek.

@cabelindsay, I was also sucked into a rabbit hole of fascination when, for the first time ever, I learned about what goes on UNDERNEATH THE THIRD EYE. And now, the tension between spiritual sightedness, and terrestrial worry, is no longer lost on me :-) I know it was quite a deviation from all that's typically discussed about 11:11. So thanks for engaging with the ideas with the same amount care and courtesy.

Ah, it's an absolute pleasure engaging with your ideas. They're fantastic, as are you.

5.5 + 5.5

LOL. Round, plump numbers. Love it, @beginningtoend! 😄

Wow this is a fascinating technique on so many levels. Your outlook and philosophy surrounding it is even more intriguing and well stated. I am so happy I decided to read this post, I can already feel my facial story lines restoring to more positive features. Thank you for promoting this, I will participate next week.

Hey, @elamental! I'm so happy you decided to read this post, too. :-)

I can already feel my facial story lines restoring to more positive features.


And hooray that you're gonna quest! I'm excited to journey with you.

Word I did it to you too! Synergism for the win. Quest journey indeed. I think we met briefly at #anarchaforko.

Interesting. Thanks for sharing!

great post@thanks for sharing

Hai @erikaharris! Keren ini artikelnya dan sudah kami follow.. *-)

That was a most excellent post! I had just noticed those very wrinkles and sort of knew intuitively I was worrying too much, but I love the idea of just tape that worried look off my face and let the worry dissipate, I will be trying that!

Thanks, @fishyculture! That's cool you're gonna give it a try. There are a ton of videos on YouTube about it. This was the first one I watched:

I followed her instructions, and have had a lasting difference. But I think it's because the furrow and crinkling is not the glabella's natural state. Flat is its natural state. And being flattened really does seem to help the muscles remember/retrain themselves to stay at-ease, and not tense and tighten. The massaging helps that retraining, too.

And, maybe most importantly of all, is to pay attention to your facial reactions. Had I not watched that video I made for @jerrybanfield, I wouldn't have seen how severely I squinched! Hope you have pleasing results. :-)

I’m working on loving my story lines. At my age there are lots of them. 😆
The 11:11’s seem to show up more if I have had a good long meditation session in the morning and set my intentions for the day. Then I will see lots of other numbers like 12:12; 3:33, 1:11. Sometimes I wonder if it is just superstition or confirmation that I’m somehow on the right track.

"Sometimes I wonder if it is just superstition or confirmation that I’m somehow on the right track."

This statement made me think of you yesterday, @stillwatersart! I had moved into a super-practical -- nearly dismissive -- view of this 11:11 phenomena. I was glad to have stumbled upon something anatomically significant, so I could still pull lots of meaning from the quest.

So yesterday, as I kinda scurried from one mundane errand to another, I asked a shopkeeper, "Que hora es, por favor?" She smiled, and pointed to a digital clock on the wall that showed:

And for whatever reason, I DID feel uplifted and encouraged... as if my scurrying around wasn't as mundane and meaningless as I previously thought.

Superstition? Coincidence? Or actual divine display? I don't know... but I did feel less alone in that moment :-)

Maybe it’s whatever we think it is. oxox

Another upvote for you my friend

@inspirewithwords, you are so kind! Thanks for your support, Tim :-)

How lovely of you to start this post of yours with a compliment like this. It's is one of my favorite things about Steemit too!

Steemit Vision Quest is already one of my favorite things.

@wildfamily, I so appreciate @cabelindsay's inspired heart! He's created a weekly way to fuse a spiritual practice, with social media. I'll always feel gratitude toward him for doing that. And thank YOU for your support of this special initiative, also. 💗

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