🌞 Steemit Vision Quest - Highlights from “Star Medicine” & “The Seed”

in #svq6 years ago

Today, we shine the light on Weeks 13 and 14 of Steemit Vision Quest ( #svq ), where we collectively envision the themes: “Star Medicine” and “The Seed.”

Steemit Vision Quest
Week 13: Star Medicine

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The Spotlight

Each week, we spotlight one artist whose artwork exemplifies the theme, and illuminates the mission: Envisioning a brilliant and beautiful new dawn. Our approach aligns with the traditional Vision Quest, which is a dedicated search for inspiration. Here, we bring our inner visions into focus, prompted by the question: What does my higher self see?


✏️ Star Medicine - Steemit Vision Quest by @cronosclocks

This week's spotlight shines on @cronosclocks. This is her second time earning the SVQ spotlight!! Her poetry and animations delight the eyes, the mind, and the imagination. Mmm, her heart intelligence resonates and radiates.

In my personal interpretation of @cronoclocks' words and images, I recognize this vision as an artistic statement about the ego trip. I can relate with the issues of an inflated ego: arrogance, self-centeredness, over-indulgence, sickness... And the ego trip is remedied by the stars. Their vastness and their magnitude makes our troubles seem so very small, by comparison, and herein exists the medicine. In a similar way, the medicine exists in the sun, the moon, the mountain, the sea...

In my perspective, this vision illustrates a vital step in conscious awareness–realizing the difference between soul and spirit. To me, the "soul" is the individual self whereas the "spirit" is the entirety of all. Soul and spirit are intimately connected, as if one is "above" and the other is "below," or "inward" and "outward," and when we nurture the one, we nurture the other. When the one becomes shaky, the other shakes.

When the soul expands, the spirit expands, and vice-versa. According to Deepak Chopra, all cells share one common goal: expansion.

Star Medicine - Steemit Vision Quest

Poem Excerpt:

Stars are the ice refreshing the cosmic nectar
of this medicine that heals me from you, ego.
Cure me, winter, but don’t make me eternal,
I need to be sick so I can see how strong I stand.

Just a sip to remind me of the small space I encompass
and that if I disappear, everything else will stay existing.
Just a sip to remember that longing for you
is how I will be able to reach expansion, and endlessness.
Just a sip to love, truly love, and not like others do.

A medicinal sip to treat my ego,
with the refreshing stars that shine since long ago,
ever since they started dying.

Star Medicine - Steemit Vision Quest


🌞 🌜 🌟

The Showcase

The SVQ showcase is presented in the order of flow, meaning it is as is. Here, we take another look at the wealth of wisdom that exists in our collective subconscious, celebrating the new visions as they radiate, ripple, and echo. Truly, this type of creative exercise is capable of expanding the consciousness of all the world, because when we imagine the world we wish to live in, we actually think, feel, and materialize these thoughts, words, and actions.


🎵 How To Make a Cymatic Sounder by @fishyculture

This post is by @fishyculture is absolutely stellar. It's certainly one of the most expansive posts we've seen in all of SVQ so far! "Cosmic harmony" is what we're seeing and imagining here, through a homemade machine that illustrates the way an audio vibration shapes its surroundings. It shows that the world around us is shaped by our words, songs, vibrations, and other forms of expression.

In fact, I've heard that the Egyptian pyramids were raised entirely through sound vibration. Seems impossible, but here's the proof. It's an awe-inspiring realization! With her homemade sound art machine, @fishyculture shows the way the audio vibration shapes the sand, and this enables us to imagine it on a grand scale.

Running with this example, we can imagine a harmonious world, brought together through the rhythm and melody of the medicine songs we sing together. Personally, I am resonating with these truths, and continuing to journey into the possibilities. I'm imagining a tuning fork that shakes our inner bodies into divine alignment, and perfect health, as we share the exact vibration of the cosmos.

Now sing into the open end of your sounder. Raise and lower the pitch of your voice. Watch the particles dance, a different jig for every note.



✏️ Steemit Vision Quest - Week 13: “Star Medicine” by @trucklife-family

Another one of this week's deeply-inspiring posts comes from @trucklife-family. It feels like a calling, inviting us down to the earth, to get to know our nature. And by doing so, our nature gets to know us. @trucklife-family invites us to consider the possibility that Mother Nature will embrace us–her children–as we grow to know her more intimately. I admire the idea that our surroundings naturally provide the very substances we need to survive and thrive.

I'm really grateful for this post, and the way @trucklife-family speaks so openly about the gifts that occur when we connect with nature. Yes, I've often contemplated the medicine that comes to us from the land, and the stars, and I love her way of suggesting that we also bring our medicine to our surroundings. Yes, I love the idea of walking barefoot to connect with the land, as we and Mother Nature acclimate to each other. #truth


To me Star Medicine is more than herbs, it is the very soil itself, it is our Earths Skin and through our contact with this star medicine we experience so much healing. It provides so much abundance, everything we need to live comes from the soil. Our connection to it keeps us in balance and I really believe that if more people made direct contact with the soil, worked with it, walked bare foot on it, nourished and feed it, we would feel more in balance. In this modern age we are being pulled away from what is natural, away from soil. Some call it dirt, and consider it as something negative. Creating chemical treatments to clean this dirt from their homes and getting upset when their children get dirty. I have seen children get upset when they get dirty. Yet this dirt contains so many microbes that are beneficial for our bodies, that allow our immune system to mature and function probably.



The post by @trucklife-family also brings to mind a remarkable song: "Dirt," by Phish.


🎨 Steemit Vision Quest: “Star Medicine” by @heatherthebard

We're happy to receive another SVQ entry by @heatherthebard, who was spotlighted in Week 6: Queen of the Forest. Her original painting features a standing rock and a starry sky. It is meditative to me, as I see myself in that rock shape–learning to be quieter, calmer, more restful and grounded, even as I look up to the heights. I see a kite shape in the star pattern, suggesting a flight. This artwork holds a Celtic feeling, as well as a Lakota vibe.

Steemit Vision Quest: “Star Medicine”



🎨 Steemit Vision Quest - Week 13: “Star Medicine” by @jesuskin

I admire the visuals @jesuskin create with his words, as well as with his artwork. I resonate with his appreciation for the simple things in life–the finer things: "a cup of coffee a starry night and a breeze that bounces in the being"Admiro las imágenes que crea @jesuskin con sus palabras, así como con sus ilustraciones. Resueno con su apreciación por las cosas simples de la vida, las mejores cosas: "una taza de café una noche estrellada y una brisa que rebota en el ser"

Steemit Vision Quest - Week 13: “Star Medicine”



🎨 "Sunlight and a beautiful girl for a motorcycle ride" by @betzaelcorvo

What an fantastic joy ride! I like the way @betzaelcorvo imagines how he'd like to immerse yourself in the sunshine. Yes, he's right–the Sun is our nearest and dearest star.Qué paseo tan fantástico! Me gusta la forma en que betzaelcorvo imagina cómo le gustaría sumergirse en la luz del sol. Sí, tiene razón: el sol es nuestra estrella más cercana y querida.

"Sunlight and a beautiful girl for a motorcycle ride"



🎵 “Blue Star” - Original Song for Steemit Vision Quest by @cabelindsay

When I think about star medicine, I recognize the way they fill our lives with wonder, and wishes. Sometimes, they mesmerize us, with their dazzling display of light. Lately, I've learned to appreciate the way some stars twinkle in many different colors, like quarts crystals, casting rainbows all around.


Steemit Vision Quest
Week 14: The Seed

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The Spotlight


✏️ Steemit Vision Quest - Week 14: “The Seed” by @trucklife-family

For the second time, we shining the spotlight on @trucklife-family, who was also spotlighted in Week 7: Lucky. We're grateful for the abundance of thought-provoking and heart-opening poetry she brings to SVQ, week after week, and this new set of poems is one of her finest SVQ entries so far, in our opinion.

Poem Excerpt:

Everything starts from a seed
It is the beginning of creation, of new life, of new ideas
All of our visions and dreams started out as seeds,
held within our minds,
they come to us like a spark
that lightens up our way.
These seeds that we must nurture in order to allow them to grow,
we hold them in our hearts.

Steemit Vision Quest - Week 14: “The Seed”


🌞 🌜 🌟

The Showcase


✏️ Steemit Vision Quest: Conscientious Seed Planting by @fishyculture

If there's one Steemian who exemplifies the mission and vision of SVQ it is @fishyculture. Her entries each week stretch our capacities to imagine. Her humility is noteworthy, as she works to put words to experiences that are often hard to articulate. Her insight is incredible, as she taps into experiences we all share and relate with. I honor her for showing up for us, bearing with the ebbs and flows of Steemit, and treating us each week to her excellent visions. Aho.

In this week's SVQ, with the theme: "The Seed," I'm thankful to @fishyculture for introducing the perfect analogy of a seed in human form: Jesus. We all know that SVQ tends to highlight articles on the subject of spirituality, and it is a natural place to discuss Jesus, Mary, and other characters we know from Christianity, as well as the exemplary human beings and ascended masters we celebrate from other religions.

I personally hold a place in my heart for Jesus, and I also appreciate the presence of "Jiminy Cricket," a.k.a. my conscience. ;) I honor the spiritual paths of all of you as individuals, and I appreciate your willingness to hold space for various beliefs, as we all share a common religion: Love. We recognize the vital role of Love in our lives, and we work to bring Love into focus.


Anyway, about that seed. The most fulfilling, wholesome thing we can grow is love. Loving our family and friends is not really the tricky part, loving those who do not show us love is where the challenge lies. The only way I know to do that is to plant love seeds with my words. I have control over what goes into and comes out of my mouth. If I actually exercise those I have a healthy body and create a loving environment around me. In our society there are a LOT of people on diets trying to learn to control what they put in their mouth. How much faster would life improve if they showed equal concern for what comes out of it?

The act of speaking is sacred. You take that precious breath that the Universe gives you and you take a concept and you give it life. You infuse it with vibration that resonates and is perceived by others. That is some serious power, and I do endeavor to use it wisely.



✏️ “Your Heart Is A Seed” - Poetry for Steemit Vision Quest by @wildfamily

Ah, the first SVQ entry by @wildfamily is a breath of fresh air. She shares the visionary artwork of Vanja Vukelic of Merakilabbe as the illustrations of her original poetry, inviting us to cultivate the heart seeds inside.


All your heart seed needs is deep nourishment:
The waters of your emotions to flow through unimpeded,
The light of your courage to penetrate and warm the darkness,
The loving reflection from your sisters.
Shake off the tendrils of doubt!
Allow your creativity to root inside your belly,
So that your stem and petals can reach all the way up to the expansive blue.
Let the world see your colors, magnificent and uniquely you,
So that the colibri and mariposa can feed their spirits from your nectar.
Let your mind become a vessel for the blooming of your soul,
And the fragrance of the wild will heal you.

Art by Vanja Vukelic of Merakilabbe



📷 “We Are Seeds” - Original Animated Gifs for Steemit Vision Quest by @cabelindsay

For Vision Quest #14, "The Seed," the source of my inspiration is a video clip I recorded at a wedding. This clip is a sun rainbow. It's the first full circle rainbow I've ever noticed, in my memory. I saw it in the mid-afternoon, and I captured it on camera, looking overhead through a tree.

See the sun rainbow, beginning at 0:18.

“We Are Seeds” - Original Animated Gifs for Steemit Vision Quest


The Rewards

Steemit Vision Quest showcases Works by some of Steemit's most wildly imaginative and gifted creative thinkers. We appreciate these people for braving the storms of this day and bringing themselves into the Flow that is Steemit Vision Quest. This a true act of courage, and it deserves to be applauded, and rewarded. $5 STEEM will be go to each week's standout posts. We wish for the humble beginnings of our rewards pool to grow immensely, so we can give with Great Spirit.


The Continuation

Thanks to @eaglespirit, @rensoul17, and @girlbeforemirror, for co-facilitating this Quest. Thanks to each of this week's artists. Thanks to you, for being here, and for being you. And thanks to the invisible forces, always working wonders with us. As we can see from Week 11, SVQ continues to create a sense of awe, with a blend of surreal, ultra-real, and superconscious visions! A new journey is underway in Week 15, with the theme: Far Away.


Thank you so much, I feel honoured to be amongst all these great people who are part of the quest. I have really being enjoying the journey this quest has taken me on, giving me an opportunity to share and learn in equal measure and opening my heart up to receiving that which has yet to come.

So happy to hear you're enjoying the journey. Me too! What a fun experience, getting to know ourselves as we imagine the world we wish to live in.

What a joy, I feel very happy, this artistic space is wonderful, very good presentations and a big greeting to all, really grateful to be with you. Successes to all.

Thank you so much for featuring me! 💕 Sorry I didn’t catch it until now. Farming kinda ate my life the last couple weeks, lol. 🙃

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