How to Control Your Brain to Maximize Your PerformancesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #success6 years ago (edited)

After talking yesterday about How Our Brain Works, the question now is how you can actually use this information in a productive way?

Controlling Neurotransmitters

We can influence the production of neurotransmitters to increase greater productivity, happiness or whatever else. We’ve learned neurotransmitters can alter our mood and our ability to learn, so changing the balance of these chemicals could certainly be very useful.

Many people often rely on drugs, supplements and medications to influence the production of their neurotransmitters. This is also what caffeine does, by removing the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine (or neutralizing it, to be more precise).

The problem with this strategy is that it fixes the brain into a specific, unnatural state and prevents you from being able to easily ‘switch modes’. No one brain state is superior to all others. For example, creativity actually requires relaxation, not stimulation.

Worse, the brain can adapt to those changes by creating more or less ‘receptor sites’ (the points where the neurotransmitters work) to make us more or less sensitive to the neurotransmitters in question. This can eventually lead to addiction. What is a much more useful solution is to look at those factors that natural influence neurotransmitter release. If you want to hack any system, then the answer is to look at what the inputs are.

Brain Hacks

We know that bright light can increase energy and make us less sleepy, so why not consider investing in a daylight lamp which is designed to combat SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) by simulating the sun’s rays? We know that cold likewise can increase focus, while heat can help us to feel more relaxed and happy. We know that the sun and that exercise can boost our mood through the production of serotonin.

We also know that our brain is subject to certain natural cycles, those relating to sleep and hunger for instance. By timing our productivity around those things, we can work more effectively and freer from distraction.

If you find yourself feeling very stressed or depressed, then it might pay to consider some of the biological factors that may be causing that. Perhaps you’re hungry or you’re a little ill and the pro-inflammatory cytokines are causing brain fog? Once you know the problem is transient(lasts just a short about of time) and biological, it can be much easier to let it pass.

Controlling Your Brain

More importantly though, it is critical that you learn to create the moods and the feelings that you need by changing the way you think and use your brain.

The thing that makes humans unique is our ability to visualize – to internalize events and to imagine future scenarios or possibilities. This is our working memory at play and it is what enables us to think of long-term goals and to invent new ideas. When we visualize or imagine, we do so by lighting up the same neurons in the brain as though the event were really happening. Neurologically, we find actually doing something and imaging doing something almost indistinguishable.

This means that you can use visualization in order to practice things and develop skills. You can trigger brain plasticity just as though you were really practicing the event! Not only that, but you can also use this as a way to trigger the correct neurotransmitters in order to put yourself in the correct state of mind.

Ultimately, this will lead to the ability to control your own emotions and trigger the best possible mental state for the task at hand. It requires training of your visualization skills and the awareness to then use those skills to ease your anxiety and to motivate yourself to focus and to become more alert as necessary.

This is also why it is so important to avoid bad habits, even in our thoughts. This will strengthen connections and make those habits harder and harder to break.

There’s a lot more to making the most from your own brain, but this at least gives you a basic breakdown on how to better understand the brain and give it you a bit more control if you implement the correct measures.


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Nice post buddy. Solid info right there. I like that daylamp idea.

Ya that is a great one. Thanks @pbgreenpoint!

Great post and video my friend. Like I always say "Take care of your body and your body will take care of you".

So true! We must take care of our bodies to get all the other benefits because if our body is ill, it will take away the progress we can make with our mind, spirit, and many other things. Thanks @javybar!!

No one brain state is superior to all others. For example, creativity actually requires relaxation, not stimulation.

I never thought about it this way. This is something new. Simple but I needed that extra reassurance haha

I like how you said even thinking about doing something may light up the same neurons that light up when we actually do that thing. This applies to working out as well. Say, when you're curling, instead of just doing it, there's studies that have shown that thinking about the muscle that is working can actually make that muscle grow faster/better!

Yea I have been just learning more about it myself.

Wow that is a great example with muscles. Didn't even think of that. This all really opens up my mind to so much more to understand. Lots of learning to do here still. Thanks so much for this amazing comment @cabernet!

Hey great call. One of my favorite hacks it a 20 min morning walk. 5 minute focused on things im grateful for. 5 minutes planning my day. 5 minutes visualizing my future. 5 minutes repeating a positive mantra.

I try to do it before I drink coffee so I teach my brain to shift without using drugs...

Cheers man. you're doing big things. much appreciated

These are some great positive examples to use here @happymoneyman! Perfect way to start the day. Thanks so much for sharing this. Following you!

I can totally agree hunger changes the mood of the brain, also, I believe what kind of food too .

I have read somewhere (I think also from the newspapers) that a healthy gut influences the brain (especially the mood) as well.

For Malaysians, we have been so used to the tropical hot weather (and we sometimes complain too much sun) but we know that the moment we are hit with days of rain Malaysians will tend first turn to laziness (oh we love to sleep during rainy days) into somewhat depressing.

So sun definitely impacts the brain activity.


Yea both things do influence us totally. Interesting insight on the gut. I have been working on getting mine better as I have had some trouble with it for years. Many foods are sensitive to me now. It for sure affects the mood and performance. When the gut is messed up, hard not to focus on it.

The sun's rays have a tremenous affect on us, helps with energy as you mentioned. This is why it is important for us to get our Vitamin D in the winter as Canadians. Great comment here @littlenewthings!

Well, I try to use natural yogurt / greek with fruits and nuts for my first meal or last meal. If you are not allergic to it you can give that a try.

I have elimated diary from my diet. It was one thing that caused me problems. I try to stay away from diary, bread, processed sugar, fried foods and cutting back on meat... Not much left with, it sounds like lol. Thanks for the recommendation though. I do love fruits, veggies, and nuts. Trying to get more into that raw diet!

oh we have a gluten free home chef Steemian here, @heart-to-heart
she is specialised in Vegan diet, and she is very creative!
You should check her profile for ideas!

Already on top of it! :)

Yes, yes, very true! Great talking points. I love the idea of brain hacks. People should be aware that you can strongly influence your state of being almost instantly, sometimes thru a mere thought. Good work and solid video again.

Yea for sure. I have worked on this in the past year or two and control my thoughts and emotions almost completely. Unless something crazy happens. It is an awesome thing we can all do. Thanks @mental-extract!

Very welcome brother. Keep making great content for the platform!

You are spot on, @bitdollar!

Neurologically, we find actually doing something and imaging doing something almost indistinguishable.

I have found this to be true in the practice of martial arts. Improvement occurs whether visualizing the practice or physically doing the practice.

Ultimately, this will lead to the ability to control your own emotions and trigger the best possible mental state for the task at hand.

This even works with childbirth, enabling the woman to deliver the baby without pain control medications.

This is also why it is so important to avoid bad habits, even in our thoughts. This will strengthen connections and make those habits harder and harder to break.

That makes total sense. I had never really considered this before.

I've upvoted and resteemed this article as one of my daily post promotions for the @mitneb Curation Trail Project. It will be featured in the @mitneb Curation Trail Project Daily Report for 18 JAN 2018.


Fantastic examples here @mitneb! Thanks for sharing them. Interesting with child birth. Most pain is physiological, as we bring it on with our mind and own self.

Thanks for featuring my post my friend!

As a mature woman I am always looking for tools on how to maximize and stimulate my brain power. This was a very informative post and video and gave me some great tips that will help enhance how I keep young at heart (or should I say young at brain). Two things that I found that really helped me have a clearer mind and helped with focus was taking sugar (glucose)completely out of my diet. In my case I use ketogenics which is replacing glucose with ketones. Amazingly my brain fog and focus improved 10 fold within a week. I will never put sugar back in my body again or sugar substitutes. I have a very clean diet. The other thing that you mentioned that I love is visualization. One of the best ways for me to visualize is to create a vision board. I have a big one for long term goals in my bedroom and a small one on my fridge with short term goals. Thanks for sharing you always get my mind thinking and stratagizing. Below is an example of a vision board.

I find eliminating sugar does have great benefits as you mentioned.

So many people use a vision board to help with there goals. That is fantastic @donnab! I have pictures on my computer of things I want to achieve but need to make myself a vision board. Thanks for this inspiration and reminder!

I am big on putting the intention out into the universe so big on stuff I can see and touch. It just works for me. Great topic can't wait for tomorrow's post and video.

Ya that’s what we need to do!!

I love how you talked about visualization. Many years ago I watched the movie The Secret (probably everyone did LOL) where they shared a lot about the power of visualization. I took advantage of it and it truly worked. Our mind is such a powerful tool. I believe that we can achieve much more than we actually believe we can.

Yea along with visualization, you start to see the steps and the things you want, that makes it easier to be able to get them also. :D Thanks for commenting @silviaturon

hi @bitdollar, this post is very useful. Thanks for share

Thanks very much!

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