Struck By Lightning

in #story7 years ago

I don't have any lightning photos, so I will be using photos that I took of the sky, before a storm hits.

It was a warm summer day in the year 2001. My mom was ill and needed 24 hour care, so I moved into her home to care for her. A friend of Mom's came by to visit, so I went out to the back porch to get some air. I had always loved this back porch as a child. It was a large screened porch with outdoor carpeting and the furniture was so comfortable. There were extra large chairs and chaise lounges with big soft cushions. I spent many nights sleeping on this back porch during the warm summer nights when I was younger, because we didn't have air conditioning inside the house. Things sure were different back then, 45-50 years ago. You never had to worry about anyone bothering you or breaking into your house. Those were the good 'ole days.

I received a long distance phone call from a friend while I was sitting on the back porch. As we were talking on the phone, the sky was getting dark and the wind was picking up. I could hear thunder in the distance. Soon it began to rain and the thunder was louder and much closer. I continued talking on the phone with my friend, even though I was a little bit concerned.

I put my feet up on my chair, thinking it would be safer than if my feet were on the ground. I also assumed that I was safe during a storm because there was a roof on top of the porch, and screens covering the front and sides. I was talking on an old wireless phone that had an antenna on the top of it; similar to the one in the photo.

All of a sudden, there was a huge crack of thunder and I saw lightning strike the antenna on my phone. The lightning strike took the phone out of my hand and threw it approximately 15 feet, where the phone landed on the ground, in the corner of the porch. I think the phone would have gone further if the wood corner wasn't there to stop it.

I couldn't believe what had just happened and I was terrified. I ran back into the house and up to the living room where mom was sitting. She took one look at me and yelled, "What happened? Are you alright? You look like you just saw a ghost!" Later mom explained the look on my face as, "Your eyes were as big as saucers and were bugging out, and your mouth was wide open with your jaw hanging on the ground."

My left arm was still bent upward and my hand was frozen; cupped in the shape as if I was still holding the phone. And the pain in that arm was excruciating. After I had calmed down, I took a look at my arm.

There was a small burn on the palm of my hand. And there was a red streak that went from the palm of my hand, all the way to my upper arm. The red streak stopped, straight across from my heart. It wasn't a burn mark; it was under my skin. Three days later, I was finally able to move my hand and the red streak was gone. I didn't go to the doctor because I was back to normal in a short time. If it had lasted longer, then I would have gone to the doctor.

The telephone was fried so we had to buy a new one. And five months later, I was in the hospital having brain surgery on the left side of my head. It was on the same side where the lightning struck the phone. I had a fast growing tumor removed and now I have a big metal plate on the left side of my head. I also have a little bit of hearing loss in my left ear. Thank God the tumor wasn't cancerous and I feel lucky to be alive. To this day, I wonder if that lightning strike was the cause of the tumor.

And now you know why I am petrified of thunderstorms. Since that day, I no longer talk on the phone during a storm and neither should you. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Image Source: 100% own work.


Your story is quite scary! I was standing in the doorway of my house looking out at the storm through the screened on back porch when lightning ht the iak tree in the backyard. It knocked pictures off the walls in the house and blew a chunk of wood out of the side of the tree that flew 30 ft and hit the house. I was ok...the tree wasn't. It's been leaves turned brown and were welded in place for 4 years before they finally fell. I have a healthy respect for lightning.

Thanks for sharing your experience; sounds so scary. It even knocked pictures off of your wall? Incredible. I am happy to hear that you were OK.

It is a powerful force! Glad you were OK, too.

Yes, I learned the hard way. Thanks so much! :)

Holy moly that was a shocking story. Excuse the pun. It is odd that you had the tumor on the same side as the lightning strike. Seems like more than a coincidence. You are lucky that they found it in time.
They always say don't talk on a phone in a storm even inside the house?
I have a footage of a lightning strike in my back garden. It is very freaky.

I sure am lucky that they found it in time. Do not talk on the phone any time or anywhere during a storm. I would love to see your footage of your lightning strike.

I'll put it up sometime. It's on my YouTube channel at the moment.

Thanks for letting me know. I hope I don't forget to look at it on your YouTube channel, when I have more time.

Dear much love:*

Join us in our new challenge today;)

Aw...thanks so much! :)

You know what, holy shit, lady! I now know TWO people who have been struck by lightning! Holy crap, I am so thankful you're okay! You still have all your faculties and you're still amazing. I can hardly believe it! My other friend who was struck, was a kid, and was riding a bicycle at the time! He can't wear watches or anything like that!

Is this when all your allergy stuff started happening too!!??

Aw...thanks! After this happened, I walked by 2 different toasters and a big spark came out of them. It must have been related. Glad to hear that your friend survived his ordeal.

No, my allergies started before.

Sorry to hear about this! I know now why you are afraid of thunder and lightning! Thanks for sharing this....

Thanks. Learn by me and please never talk on the phone during a storm!

Yikes! I bet it did something that caused that tumor!

Yes, I bet it did too.

I also had a story, I was sitting on a bar stool in my kitchen and lightening hit and grounded in the pot of potatoes I had just stirred. Blew a huge hole in the pot and through the roof! Scary stuff!
love and peace,

Wow! Glad you were finished stirring the potatoes. Through the pot and roof? That is scary stuff!

yeah, the fire department came and the whole deal. I kept the pot for years and then gave it to charity for a scavenger hunt. It has been almost 20

Wow, what a freaky story! Did the medical professionals mention any relationship between your tumor and the lightning? Have you found out what that red mark was, and why your arm got locked in its position? Thanks for sharing, though, and I like the photos you took to illustrate it. I don't blame you one bit for not trying to capture a lightning, waiting for it with your camera (or phone!) in your hand.

When I asked the Doctors, none of them could give me an answer. They all just said, "It might or might not be related." And no answers about that red mark either. I think that my arm and hand got locked from the strength of that bolt of electricity. Thanks for your compliments and for taking the time to read my story. Please learn from me and never, ever talk on the phone during a storm. :)

Just goes to show, even the experts don't know. Which is fine, being a relatively rare occurrence. Okay, I'm sorry, I'm not going to go on mentioning the lottery, you probably hear that all the time.

HaHa! Ah yes, the lottery. I did hear it a few times. LOL!

OMG! I can't believe that happened to you! That is so crazy! You are so blessed to be alive and steemin' away! :)

Don't I know it. I appreciate life so much more now! : )

Yes, I would imagine so! Wow!

Wow! That story is incredible! It's a miracle that you lived through that! That's definitely a day you'll never forget! Anyways I'm happy that you're alive and well! I'm sorry that you had to go through that. I will take note of this so the next time I'm in middle of a thunder storm I won't talk on the phone! :)

Thanks! Yes, a day that I will never forget. And yes, PLEASE do not talk on the phone during a thunderstorm! If I can save one person from my story, it would have all been worth it. Thanks for visiting!:)

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