When the girl of your dreams turns into a nightmare.

in #story8 years ago (edited)

When we are young and you know someone, we tend to get carried away by appearances. This for some may end in unfortunate situations.




A couple of years ago, I went out with friends to a nightclub. At that time, we went out every Saturday and as we were all single, we not only wanted to have fun but also tried to meet girls.




We were drinking something, having a good time. When we see three pretty blondes. They attracted much attention and imposed such a presence that no one approached them.




Honestly, I've always been a nerve in these situations.




I don't care what other people think and I'm not afraid of anyone. On many similar occasions I have been rejected (thousands of girls) but I always try. I prefer the "NO" than to stay with the doubt. In addition, I have been successful and this is one of those opportunities.


Seeing that no one approached them (really intimidated), I took courage and decided to try with the prettiest blonde.


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I will not deny you that I was nervous. In front of her we started talking, Caroline was her name. And at 10 minutes, very respectfully tells me that she wanted to go back with her friends. Without further explanation, return to where they were. And me...




Assimilating the blow I had just received. I went back to my friends. And I think:

Are you going to give up?


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I took courage and went back to where she was. Always my goal in this type of situation is to make them laugh. If I get the girl to laugh, everything is easier for me.
This time she doesn't reject me. We started talking about our lives. I felt confident and comfortable, until she starts talking about her ex...



She began to tell me all her personal history and from one moment to the other began to cry disconsolately, in the middle of 500 people.



I wanted to die, everyone in the nightclub, they looked at me like the Son of b... who made to suffer this poor girl. I begin to console her so she can calm down, I achieve. And I understood that maybe it was just a bad time for her. Let the event pass as a simple anecdote and don't worry too much about what happened.

That same night we exchanged cell numbers and the days after began a kind of "relationship".

At first, I was dazzled because she was really cute. But, there is always a but". Two weeks later,

In my personal Facebook I post songs that I like, without dedicate to anyone in particular, I only publish a simple link. Many times I upload music in spanish that honestly, I have no idea what the lyrics say.

So, I post a song and at ten minutes later, she sends me this message:

“I am glad that you have the cordiality of being respectful, and that somehow you let me know. I'm not happy to end this relationship like this, but it's your decision. I enjoyed meeting you and I hope all your wishes are fulfilled.”



When I read this message the first thing I thought was: WTF????

I write to her without understanding anything at all, asking her why she thought I was ending the relationship. To which she responds:

“Nothing, I translated the lyrics of the song you published and I understand that you do not want to continue with me anymore. No problem.”

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I read this message and thought again: WTF???????????????

Here I started to frighten, because I couldn't believe that she thought the relationship was ended by a simple publication on Facebook. IT WAS ABSURD, being two adults.

I explained to her, that my post had nothing to do with her. And I was very concerned about her reaction. That we were adults and if I wanted to end a relationship, I would do it personally and not through Facebook.

She regretted apologizing, she understood that she had acted wrong. Accept her apology and we continue the relationship. With this, I had already set the alarm. Very cute, very cute but began to happen things that made me rethink every day if it was really worth the stress that she generated me.

Another time, I decided to post a photo with my best girl friend on Facebook. Nothing compromising, just celebrating our friendship.



I don't know how, Caroline got my best friend's phone number and started to fill her with messages threatening her that if she didn't stop bothering me, she was going to have problems.



Totally ashamed, I apologized in every possible way for what happened to my best friend. And I decided to end the relationship with Caroline. The situation completely surpassed me.

She showed real repentance, she asked forgiveness countless times for what happened. And the truth is, I was blinded by how she was physically, I decided to give her one more chance...



The first month after these events, everything seemed to have normalized. She didn't have very crazy attitudes. And the relationship went pretty well.

Until one day. She started to claim that "you didn't have time", that "we never saw each other", that "you lived alone and because of this you were dating another girls". That I didn't want her anymore. She started calling me 15 times a day. She called my mother (I do not know how she got the number) asking her why I was acting like this? That I was hurting her. That I was a bad man.



She ended up convincing my mother. And not only did she call me 15 times a day, but my own mother called me saying that she had been wrong as a mother? What kind of son had she created??



Here my patience finished filling up. Forgive me the term, but F... this girl!!! I deleted her from Facebook, blocked her phone number and I never saw her again.

Conclusion my friends: Appearances deceive, beauty is not only on the outside of people and angels out there can be real demons.

I hope you enjoyed it!

If you liked this story and want to read more. Here are the links:

Me... drunk

Friendship destroyed, by a girl

I fell in love with a girl on Steemit...

I met @ned, personally...

My Steemit's password was stolen...

Yesterday my son was born...

A date in a Citroën 2 CV.

All my stories are fiction.




She's like the living embodiment of the overly attached girlfriend haha! I say you should've severed ties when she overthought the song. Jealousy is a real bitch, and paranoid jealousy is the worst. Great story, my man! Admittedly this wasn't as "woah is this real??" as your past stories, but it's still a great read :D

Haha thanks jedau! I think the same. Already with the song, I should have realized what could happen.
I appreciate your comment, maybe this does not sound so unreal because a lot is true. Big hug my friend and I hope you have an excellent weekend!

Thanks man! I really appreciate it! Have a good weekend!

All kinds of people out there, and it's hard to tell who they are by how cute they are! I too have learned this the hard way. Hope you have a healthy happy relationship next !

I totally agree. Sometimes, we lose ourselves in physical beauty and then we find ourselves next to Maleficent.
Now I take the time to meet someone and I do not dazzle for anyone.
Thanks for comment man! Have a nice weekend!

Great story bro!! You call it fiction, but I'm not convinced. The story was well told, like you lived it. Nothing to be ashamed of, in fact life's best lessons are learned the hard way. That's where my education came from, the school of hard knocks!

Thanks my friend! Part of the story is real, especially the beginning and the video on facebook. The rest is not real for some reasons. First, because if only the story was the real part, it would be very short. And the humor would not come out so easily. And the other reason is because I do not want to talk about anyone personally. It is not my intention to hurt someone.
I honestly am not ashamed of anything that happens to me, and I agree with you. You always learn from the mistakes we made.

Funny how beauty blinds us.
You have really nice stories, keep it up.

Physical beauty is not always all that matters, you have to look inside. Thanks man!

I agree with you, inner beauty matters alot. You are welcome, kindly follow back .

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