I'm no serial killer or even a hunter. I shot a bird with a Red Ryder bb gun, and I never killed again. Watching Dexter Morgan

in #story8 years ago

I might look like one, but I'm no serial killer like Dexter Morgan.

I remember my older brother getting the Red Ryder bb gun for Christmas back in 1978 or 1979 and we had tons of targets to shoot at. For whatever reason, I aimed the gun toward a bird flying above me and I shot it dead to the ground.

It was the most traumatic experience in my young life. My parents used to have crazy fights around this time, but they are vague in my memories, but seeing the dead bird on the ground changed me forever. I knew then, that I would never be a hunter.

We are all so different, because one of my best friends in high school could shoot birds out of the sky all day. We had so much in common, but I couldn't understand his ability to shoot a bird out of the sky without having any remorse. Don't tell my mom, but he shot one of my mom's hummingbirds out of the sky. It broke my heart, but he was one of my best friends and I still consider him a good friend, but I will never forget it.

I believe in survival hunting or hunting for food, but hunting for sport is when it hits my heart.

I'm always imagining someone hunting me down, just because he or she wants to. I'm terrified of the idea, that up to 50 serial killers can be roaming the United States according to an article I read yesterday.


Imagine that as you are reading this post, several people are maliciously killing other human beings. Even if someone deserves the punishment, if you believe in the "an eye for an eye", it would be hard for me to pull the trigger.

I pray that I never have to defend myself or someone I love to the death. I'm @runridefly, and I just made myself very nervous and anxious.


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I have been deer hunting with my boyfriend before ! but only as a means to fill my deep freezer , and feed my family for the winter ! Grouse as well ! But we would never even think of doing it for sport ! Never mind how anyone can kill another person for the fun of it ! It really disgusts me ! Thanks for the story , and i like your attitude ! Family is number one ! Steem on ! 👍👪

@karenmckersie, had a lot of elk hunters in my family when I was younger, and I wanted to ride a skateboard or my bicycles. Thank you for the comment.

My oldest son is the same way ! Loves to eat the deer meat but in no way will kill anything ! Except fish! Lol he likes to go fishing! My youngest love hunting with Gaston! So far this year he has , 1 deer , 1 grouse . And he also likes to go fishing! But never would he hunt for sport ! He was raised in the country mostly and has been taght the proper ways. Steem on! 👍

This post speaks to me, I abhor violence and hope I am never in a situation where I have to defend those I love. Followed!

@sazbird, I appreciate your comment. Thank you for the follow.

The only things I kill are flies and does damn mosquito's. I hope the same as you, that I will never be on the spot where I have to defend myself and take a life. Seeing all the hurt in the world breaks my heart! I also understand hunting for food but I will never have respect when it's for fun. Great post and I have to admit one thing though.... When I watched Dexter I kinda fell in love with him....

@poeticsnake, it's weird, but I love the Dexter character. He does a job that I can't do

I would love to work with blood like he does but truth is I will see so much pain and scary stuff that I will end up with a straight jacket. lol

@poeticsnake, I should be in a jacket already.

It might prevent against the cold Winter that is coming! :D

We all are natural born killers, repressed and projected in fear and anger.

Great share and story thanks and upvoted back.

This got me right in the feels. It's one thing hunting for food - or hell, raising livestock for food - but hunting for sport makes me feel awful. Whenever I go target shooting, it's at a paper target, not a living one.

Of course if there were ever a zombie apocalypse, all bets are off, man.

I would hope hunting for sport is not widespread. Unfortunately, "Hunters" are not what they used to be such as back in the 70's. I have two pointers and love being out in the field with them, however, some of the hunters (specifically Deer) I've run across lately are not what I would consider decent people. They are often uneducated, drunk and lacking any soft skills. Because of this, I've quit hunting on any public land, private land access is hard to come by so my hunting is very limited these days. Still have fun with the dogs though.

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