Christmas Elves - 7

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Rated G - Written for Steemit: Elves at the North Pole are Interrupted in their task of making enough toys for children at Christmas ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights Reserved.

Christmas Elves - 7


In case you missed it:

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6

“So what was it that happened?” Saint Nicholas asked, “How did all of you get trapped in the bag, How was all in the Cathedral emptied, and where are all the Christmas decorations at?”
Fairy Queen Shelly came forth and begun, “Let me answer all your questions, one by one: On top of the presents deep down in the bag went all the decorations and that’s where they lay. On top of the decorations is all from our church, it went whizzing in, the Cross zipped in first. The altar came next, then the Advent wreath, then the fourteen stations, then all that’s beneath.”

“Why and how, we all want to know, to help elves like Junior recover so fast, tell us now tell us quickly, what all can we do, to stop the elves from becoming frozen goo,” Santa cooed. “My magic returns see the staff’s brightly hued. Please continue, would you?” Saint Nicholas deferred talk to Shelly with the impetus of his hand open toward her.

“This all started while packing the bag, we saw that the presents were improperly arranged. The list had some folds in it we just didn’t see and so with magic so quick we pulled out all to see. Yes it was true some presents were forgotten. So we straightened the order of the presents laid out, so all would pack true in the bag you would carry. Because we were behind, did not want to tarry, more toys came by the minute from the elves, I yelled a spell, ‘In its proper order, in arrays that are true, all that is Christmas into the bag go you. I waved my fairy wand and immediately, all flew in and all was done.”

Listening to the tale Saint Nicholas surmised including the elves magic it was lucky the whole castle was not inside, “Well, let’s get it all out except presents inside, put back in its places on our castle wide, including elf magic, cathedral things beside, decorations and all hung on the walls, put all that should back besides presents inside.” He waved his staff over the bag and whoosh! The door opened up and the bag was upright, the mouth wide open and out came the Cross, then the altar shot forth, and all in the church. They shot through the door, and went down the hall? Merry Christmas zipped past with a screech of fright,

“Oh my goodness, the second time tonight!”

“Merry!” Saint Nicholas yelled and started on after calling himself fell.

“Duck Santa, decorations are next. Or you’ll be wrapped up in garlands and ornaments smack your head.” Junior yelled.

Garlands, ornaments, wreaths galore, tapestries, stuffed animals, and more to adorn began to pour forth like Niagara Falls. In the nick of time Saint Nick stepped aside as hundreds of decorations for the castle shot by. The room was hit by a very great wind as all from all the flying decorations that had taken wing.

When everyone thought that they neared the end, out popped eight tiny reindeer, Rudolf, and their groomsmen. And low and behold, was it all done, no nay, for after the reindeer out came the sleigh.

“Must be back off toward their stalls, is that the end of it?” Santa Claus paused and looked close at Shelly.

“I think so,” said she but with a pop and whoosh out came the tree and the star on the top followed after quickly. And the mouth of the bag then collapsed.
“Now that has to be it,” Said fairy queen Shelly.

“Perhaps just a moment more to be certain,” Grrch stood there hunched waiting, the gnomes still uncertain.

The bag burped, out came silver bells to tunes ringing and tinkling the song, ‘White Christmas’ and a full manger scene with statues life-size. “I should have remembered those too!” The fairy queen Shelly sighed.

“Just in case, as we head out the door, watch your back with care, as you walk down hall’s floor. I’ll see if Merry Christmas is right then for me it’s to bed, Good Night.” Saint Nicholas ran out the door.

Grrch said, “Forward gnomes to help the elves.”

Fairy queen Shelly turned to her charges, “We fairies must go forth as well to set all the castle aright!”

Junior was up, nearest the door, before he was out, he called back sure, “Never call forth spells in haste.”

The fairies said, “We know, we know, what a waste.”

Junior nodded, satisfied, and more, then he zipped right through the door. All others followed but the guards were up.

They had stopped their twitching now the decorations were up. They started to sing a song all together. Down the halls their voices echoed:

Shelly’s spell
We weathered
We stand now
Though once we did fall
Looking good are we again
Now standing tall
Ho Ha Ho
Elving our posts
Throughout the hall
Tee Hee Tee Hee
Elven guards to guard
Those are we
Guards do see
All about is right
Merry Christmas to all
To Santa good night
Until the eve is here
Merry Christmas is held so dear
And now it back to good cheer!
The twitching is no more here.
Let’s cheer! Merry Christmas!

Follow me: @jeff-kubitz


Very good story, great song, my friend @ jeff-kubitz, congratulations
Appreciation of heart your visit and comment to my post

Thank you for your comment

Many thanks my great friend @ jeff-kubitz for being present every day in my post

This is a very good story thanks for writing it

You are very welcome, so glad you loved it, and thanks for your vote

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