Christmas Elves - 5

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Rated G - Written for Steemit: Elves at the North Pole are Interrupted in their task of making enough toys for children at Christmas ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights Reserved.

Christmas Elves - 5

Image Source - Web Weaver

In case you missed it:

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

As Saint Nicholas walked and Grrch kept up, as they passed elf guard after guard fallen and twitching, Santa waved his staff over each one and after a moment remarked, “The same, all the elves are the same.”

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They kept walking and were about to pass the kitchen where all the cookies were made and the fruitcake when Saint Nicholas said, “Grrch do you hear anything?”

Grrch stopped and listened carefully and then answered, “No not a thing Saint Nicholas.”

“Wait here,” Saint Nicholas said to Grrch and then he walked into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, which was huge Saint Nicholas looked around and saw that all the cooking elves were down on the floor twitching. He walked to the ovens and saw that the elves were down as well. There was a stack of cookies on a tray that were very fresh and so he decided to take a few, chocolate chip with almond and pecan. He placed the rest in his pocket at least two dozen and bit into the one in his hand. “Delicious. Cookies are just the thing to break the fast of my long nap. The cookies will help me think.” He said. “It really is dreary and silent everywhere in the castle.”

After examining everything in the great kitchen, while he munched on the cookies, Saint Nicholas said, “There is nothing wrong with the cookies and I was afraid there might be foul play of a sort.” Then Saint Nicholas walked back toward the kitchen door and to Grrch.

“Cookie Grrch?” Saint Nicholas asked as he held out a cookie to Grrch.

“Why yes, thank you Santa,” Grrch said taking the cookie and biting into it. It was so good and just the thing he needed after pulling Junior in the red wagon and lifting the door knocker three hundred and fifty-nine times to wake Saint Nicholas. Grrch ate the cookie rapidly and quickly it was gone.

“Another cookie Grrch?” Santa asked as he held a cookie out to Grrch.

“Why yes, thank you Saint Nicholas,” Grrch said as he took the cookie and began to eat it.

“Grrch, does the castle seem dreary to you? Silent?” Santa asked.

“I hadn’t thought about it but yes, where are all the Christmas decorations?” Grrch asked.

“Aren’t the Christmas decorations usually up by now?” Saint Nicholas asked.

“Well yes, and they were up. I could swear it. I know the Christmas decorations were up all over the castle.” Grrch stated.

“You are very certain the decorations were up?” Saint Nicholas asked.

“Yes. I am now certain of it but I don’t remember when they disappeared.” Grrch replied deep in thought.

“Are you ready to continue over to the fairies?” Saint Nicholas asked.

“I am very ready.” Grrch agreed.

“Let’s continue then.” Saint Nicholas said and then started to walk in the direction of present wrapping and bag packing where all the fairies should be. Grrch kept up with Santa as they towed Junior in the wagon. “I wonder where all the decorations went to or how they disappeared.” Saint Nicholas remarked as he looked around the castle as they walked and he munched cookies. “Another cookie Grrch?”

“Yes please.” Grrch said taking the offered cookie as they walked.

Santa and Grrch with Junior in the wagon continued their walk toward bag packing and present wrapping when they passed the doors to the cathedral. “Wait here Grrch. I think I will step inside the cathedral for a moment and see if I cannot pray for some guidance as to how to remedy this problem very quickly.”

The little gnome nodded and waited while Saint Nicholas entered the cathedral and left him alone in the hall with Junior. “Are you feeling any better Junior?”

“Frth Mes Yesh.” Junior replied.”
“Not yet then,” Grrch said more to himself. “I am sure the Christmas decorations were around just before break. They had to be didn’t they Junior?”

“Agh yon knugh.” Junior tried to answer.

Saint Nicholas burst out of the cathedral and said, “Like the Christmas decorations, everything inside the cathedral is gone!”

“Everything?” Grrch asked.

“Evgrarg!” Junior said.

“Everything, quick to the fairies, Grrch!” Santa said. “Wait Grrch go get the rest of the gnomes and meet me at present wrapping and bag packing and hurry!”

“Yes Santa.” Grrch headed off pulling Junior.

“Grrch, speed is of the essence. I’ll take Junior; you hurry and fetch the gnomes.”

Grrch handed the wagon to Saint Nicholas and sped off. Saint Nicholas strode off down the hall toward present wrapping and bag packing, staff rapping the floor with a tap with each step of purpose.

Part 6 Part 7

Follow me: @jeff-kubitz


This is getting really interesting can't wait to read more

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