Christmas Elves - 2

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Rated G - Written for Steemit: Elves at the North Pole are Interrupted in their task of making enough toys for children at Christmas ©Jeff Kubitz 2016 - All Rights Reserved.

Christmas Elves - 2

Image Source - Web Weaver

In case you missed it: Part 1

Eldric the elf supervisor busied himself overseeing the operations of the toy making, toy supplies, and cookie and cocoa by making all the all the necessary signs. Suddenly, unexpectedly, without any warning whatsoever the right ear of Eldric began to twitch all by itself.

"Oh no! Break time!" Eldric yelled. He also made the signal for break time which was his hands up in the air breaking something, a snap of his wrists. It was too late, the Elf wizards made a truckload of extra blue paint. His right ear continued to twitch as all the elves stood up and began to sing as they went off to break to eat fruit cake:

Ha Ha Ha
Ho Ho Ho
Off to break we elves do go
Eat some fruit cake
Stretch a bit
Chat aloud with joyful wit
In the break room
On the frozen lake
After fruitcakes
We will skate
Singing songs so merrily
Ha Ha Ha
Ho Ho Ho

And the elves moved out of the toy production area. A wizard, named Tonyach, came up to Eldric and asked, "Is it break time or do we need more blue paint?"

"It is break time," Eldric answered and he made the break time signal with his hands again. "There is a problem as you can see that has happened for the very first time, my right ear is twitching all by itself."

"Yes," Tonyach, the wizard observed, "I can see that your right ear is twitching which is why we made so much blue paint."

"Oh good, my right ear just stopped its twitch." Eldric said as he noticed his ear return to normal and awaited his next command. "Maybe we all just needed that break." He said as he walked with Tonyach the elf wizard to the break room.

"Agreed, it was getting to be time." Tonyach replied and both she and Eldric took their cups of cocoa off the stand and walked to the break room. "Ahhh...cocoa is so delicious." Tonyach said after downing a sip.

"Ah, so good," Eldric agreed as he drained his cup of hot cocoa. They continued to walk. Soon they were in the break room, seated and looking out over the vast lake of ice where the elves were playing hockey, curling, ice shuffleboard, and figure skating. There were several types of figure skating including the paired dance, and group dance. The elves were a wonder to watch at play.

Tonyach finished another cup of cocoa as they watched while Eldric shared a fruitcake.

When they were done with the fruitcake, "I think I'll go join everyone on the ice," Tonyach said. "Would you like to join us all?"

"No, supervising is quite a bit of effort and I'll just rest here thank you." Eldric replied and poured himself another cup of cocoa.

"Very well," Tonyach said as she turned away and then her right ear twitched. "My right ear is twitching now too." She said then sat down.

"Oh no," Eldric blurted. "Now my left ear has a twitch and a wiggle!"

"This is odd." Tonyach said as her ear twitched right through her long brown hair. Her ear almost knocked off her pointed wizard's cap, "My ears have never twitched before and I thought you were the only one who had twitch-able ears?" She straightened her cap a requirement for wizard magic.

Just then, they looked out over the lake of ice and there was some sort of consternation, a big to do among all the elves. Hockey pucks were being shot wildly all over the place instead of at the goal net. The curlers couldn't seem to sweep it is the lane and no matter how hard the swept there was mayhem on the lanes. The shuffle board sliders slid surreptitiously into the figure skating rink and all was chaos as skaters and dancers dodged the hockey and shuffleboard pucks whizzing across the ice. Curling stones left the rectangle and zoomed around.

"What is going on?" Eldric laughed then hiccupped in shock as his left shoulder cramped and moved on its own. "First my ears twitch, now my arm."

"With me it is now my foot. Look at my left foot, Eldric it has a will of its own." Tonyach exclaimed! "Whatever will we do?"

"Quick! Sit down before it is too late and you fall." Eldric pleaded.

"I can't move to a chair with a foot like this. I can barely stand." Tonyach said.

"Here I will help you with my good arm and set you in the chair." And Eldric did set Tonyach the wizard in a chair and then quickly sat himself in a chair next to her.

"That was close. Whatever is happening to us?" Tonyach asked.

"I don't know as it has never happened before, perhaps we have a cold or flu." Eldritch surmised.

"We are elves we don't get colds or flu’s, we don't even get sick." Tonyach said.

"Well, here we are with a strange twitch and out on the ice it seemed like all the elves have the same twitch as we do." Eldric mused.

Just then, the gnome cocoa squad entered into the break room. And, all the gnomes walked normally, with not a twitch among them. "All the cocoa pots are refilled and we are ready for our break." The gnome leader said to Eldric.

"Could you go fetch Saint Nicholas?" Tonyach asked the gnome leader, "We elves are having a twitching problem, are you?"

The gnome leader whose name was Grrch looked at all the other gnomes, "Anyone twitching?"

"No," all the other gnomes replied one by one. "We are not twitching." Then all the gnomes giggled, including the leader, Grrch.

"Please go fetch -" Eldric's jaw began to twitch and wobble and he could not finish talking. All that came out of his mouth was garble gobble glubble words. No matter how hard he tried to speak all that came out of his mouth was dribble-drabble.

"What did you say?" Grrch the gnome leader asked.

"I think he said to go fetch Saint Nicholas. Would you please?" Tonyach answered.

"We can't fetch Santa Claus, we are gnomes." Grrch said.

"Please. It is an emergency." Tonyach asked.

"Gnomes are not allowed in the living quarters." Grrch answered.

"Could you please write a note and slip it under the door." Tonyach suggested. Then her jaw began to twitch and wobble and she could not speak.

"Gnomes do not know how to write." Grrch answered.

Eldric made signs with his right hand for a pencil and paper which the gnomes brought to him. Then he wrote, "Saint Nicholas please help us. Eldric." His right arm twitched and he dropped the pencil and paper on the floor.

"Take this to Santa?" Grrch asked.

"Eldric nodded and Grcch was off on his errand.

Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7

Follow me: @jeff-kubitz


This is really good I can't wait to read more

Thank you. Tomorrow will be some more

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