in #story7 years ago (edited)

It was just an ordinary day when you have just received an email stating that you will be given an opportunity to talk with the President of the Philippines. Do you know what you are going to say? You cannot just chat with him about his favorite color or what was his childhood like, right? You cannot afford to waste a chance like that.

So, let's try to play a game: What would you like to ask to President Duterte? It might not (or might will, who knows) happen but what's the harm about thinking over questions that you are going to ask to a person whom people trust and gave him the power to take care of us.

The following are the five things that I want to discuss with him (hopefully over a good coffee):

1. "How do you see the country at the end of your term? What are the three top changes that you are going to make, and why these things?"

Duterte is very clear on his vision for the country: a drug-free nation. Why not? That’s a very good vision for the country. Duterte wants Philippines to become like Singapore (He is even called by his supporters as the “Lee Kwan Yu” of the Philippines- which earned a reaction from a local newspaper in Singapore ). But how? No definite roadmap. But if you have seen one, please let me know. That’s why this question should be the very first question I need to ask him as all other questions to follow will be just a clarification to the asnwers he is going to provide in this very question.

I would like to hear how Duterte will try (or will provide initial steps for the next administration to follow through) to address poverty. What causes it, What legislation should we pass or improve? And, in the course of trying to identify the cause/s of poverty, Duterte knows he will going to step on the shoes of his financiers, landlord and capitalist kumpadres, political allies, etc. How he would deal the relationship that he had with the very people who are (or might be) causing poverty will determine the fate of the country for the next few years.

2. What happens after an identified drug personality will surrender to the police authorities and will be tagged as a 'surrender'. What's next? I think there's a little opportunity waiting for them. What can you say?"

‘They are slaughtering us like animals’ Photo Courtesy: Daniel Berehulak

This is one of the loopholes that I see even during the first day of Duterte's Drug War. Look, it's like catching/saving someone but you ended up neglecting them. It can't be denied that the drug money fed their family, made their children go to school But without it, can we guarantee that after the surrender they will live a straight, drug free life? It is poverty that pushes a Filipino to do illegal business (not just drugs). If the government is sincere in ending the drug trade in the country, they should destroy the root of the problem.

3. "Seriously, President. How much do you spend to keep your DDS keyboard-warriors? Do you also pay those bloggers whose been kissing your ass from time to time? (Follow-up question: Why Mocha?")

PCOO Assistant Secretary Esther Margaux "Mocha" Uson

A research institution published a report about how President Duterte and friends utilized the internet in getting the lead during the presidential elections and how they used it to shape public opinion. Not just one research agency arrived with that kind of conclusion, but two (and more).

Have you ever noticed some rabid Duterte fanatics spurring ad hominems to other social media users who speak bitter on Duterte and his minions? Have you tried to check on their accounts? Do you think they are managed by a real person? Those are probably keyboard warriors of Duterte, his tentacles to the virtual world.

Do you think Duterte really has this kind of machinery? Who knows? This might be with the help of his good friends and connections in the business world in exchange with a handsome favor that will benefit them in the long run. Hahay. Philippine politics, favoring the interests of the elite class since 1898.

And, why mocha? What did she do to earn your trust? What did she promise to deliver?

4. "The Filipino people have noticed your sweet romance with China. What can we, ordinary Filipino, get from that? Would it benefit the country as a whole or does it come with a price?"

President Duterte and President Xi JinPing.

How sweet! Phillippines doing good with its relationship with its bully. I doubt President Duterte forgets about his rhetoric circus during the elections about riding on a jetski to the disputed islands with the Philippine flag. What happened to the case we won over China? Can't the Philippine administration failed to see the meaning of China's continuous building of military infrastructure on the disputed islands (our island inside our territory). What kind of game is Duterte playign with the Chinese? or are we the ones being played at? Who knows. Duterte knows.

5. "What happened to your leftist, socialist brand that you flaunted during the elections? How did it shifted from "Hello, NPA! I'm your commie-friendly president next door." to "PUCHA, NPA! Terorista kayo! Oboseeeen!"?

Comrade Katryn during an interview at the NPA encampment.

This is the part where Duterte had my vote last 2016 election: for his "socialist", "leftist" ideology and his reputuation and good working relationship with the communist revolutionaries. I'm fed up with the same Manila/Tagalog raised/born politicians who have claimed to understand the plight of the masses and the needs of Mindanao. There's no other choice but Duterte.

One year after, everything changed. He withdrew from the negotiation tables and declared the CPP-NPA as terrorists. I wondered what happened to his socialist principles. What's worst: he might be just playing with the poor people , playing with the NPA to siphon more support. We don't know. But, he does (if he will honestly answer).

These may just cover a small part of the things that we wanted to ask/know. How about you? Baka may maidagdag pa kayo. What questions are you going to ask if you will be given a chance to have 2-hour chat with him? Game?

I also wonder: How do the people around the world view Duterte and the Philippines as of these writing? How do their media depict our country? Nah! Let’s not ask. “Why bother?” They might say. Share your thoughts.



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