Star Wars: Bury Us On Tatooine #5: Protocol Droid [Tabletop Fiction]

in #story8 years ago (edited)

After each session of Star Wars: Edge of Empire, I write out my RPG group's adventure as a story.

Last Episodes:
#1 Never Stop Running
#2 Hypermatter Theater
#3: How to Start a Riot
#4: Flicker, Flicker

4: Protocol Droid

Ashadrakka sat uncomfortably in the waiting room of Spaceport control. Waiting wasn't in their playbook. Neither of them were very comfortable with stillness - it went against everything they believed in. Sure they could sit on a freighter for weeks at a time, but the freighter was moving, its hyperdrive shooting them through space at unimaginable speeds. The entire process was torturous - the chairs, the waiting room, that 3PO-series protocol droid staring blankly at them with its perpetually excited-looking glowing eyes. She watched Malix's leg tap-tap-tap as he too nervously waited for the security droid to finish repairing the Barrik Treg.

Malix looked over at her. "Maybe we could-"

"Nope." She shook her head. "We just have to wait. He'll be back."

The protocol droid standing by the receptionist desk pivoted toward them. "Would you like some refreshments while you wait? I would be honored to provide each of you with a glass of filtered water."

They nodded. Best not to speak with a 3PO unless you had to. They might be excellent translators - they spoke billions of languages – but the problem was that once they started speaking, they'd never stop. Best to nod and shake your head.

"Excellent." The droid pressed its hands together like a schoolgirl. "I am so excited for you to try out our new water filter." He – 3P0s always seemed male, didn’t they? - skittered out of the room.

"This is insane. It shouldn't take this long to install a hypermatter reactor igniter."

Ashadrakka laid a hand on Malix's thigh. "It hasn't been that long. You're just paranoid."

"Are you sure? I feel like it's been ten rotations since that little bastard left."

She sighed. "It's been fifteen minutes."

"Sir. Madam. Your water." The protocol droid delivered their drinks on a tray. Malix and Ashadrakka snatched their glasses, chugged the water down like it was a race, placed them back on the tray, and waved the droid off. "Oh, my! You two must have been thirsty. I will get you some refills. I hear the water is delicious thanks to the new filters. You know the last filters were so filthy that four of our clients became ill."

Malix and Ashadrakka nodded.

"Excellent!" The droid skittered a few steps, then swiveled back. "I will have you know that I specifically researched and requested these filters from merchants in Naboo. It is said that their water filters are the best in the galaxy."
Ashadrakka gestured with her Lekku. Just go get the water.

"Certainly! More water for both of you. I am happy to be of service."

Malix pressed his head into his hands. "Force be with us," he muttered. The droid heard him and swiveled around.
"Sir, it appears as though you are in some sort of pain. We have a variety of the best pain medications in the galaxy, legal and otherwise-"

"No," Malix said. "I don't need painkillers. Just get us the water."

Ashadrakka snapped her head towards Malix. "Why'd you talk to it?" she hissed through gritted teeth. Her lips barely moved.

The droid pivoted away, didn't move and swiveled back. "I will tell you I was nervous when I was first sold to my new master here on Tatooine. Smugglers and mercenaries terrified me. But as a protocol droid, it has been a great relief. Any product my Master needs I can retrieve, and a black market is a wonderful place for trade." He clasped his hands together again, turned fully in their direction. "Just the other day, Master Sulla asked me to-"

Ashadrakka and Malix looked at each other. They both drew their blasters, training it on the 3P0 unit. In unison, they shouted, "You work for Sulla?"

The droid immediately dropped the tray to raise his hands. The tray clattered to the ground noisily. "Sir. Madam. Please, there is absolutely no need for violence."

Malix stood up. "Did you just say you worked for Sulla?" He charged toward the droid, which stumbled backward, its servomotors humming furiously.

Ashadrakka ran to cover the door. "Have him seal this place!"

"Master Malix, sir, please-"

"Malix?" He stepped closer. "How did you know my name?"

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh-"

"’Oh dear, oh dear’ is right." Malix grabbed the droid by the arm and dragged him toward the hangar entrance. "How did you know my name? Does Sulla know we're here?"

"I scanned you the moment I walked into the waiting room. He has known for precisely nine minutes, twenty-nine seconds."

"Shit." Malix snapped. "Ash, look out there, see if any of Sulla's people are coming."

Ashadrakka peered out the door. There was still chaos in the streets. If people were coming after them, it was going to take longer than usual to get through the crowd.

"See anyone?" asked Malix.

"Hard to tell. The riot's calmed a little, but it's still pretty chaotic out there."

"Droid, seal the entrances to this place."

"I will not," he said defiantly. "Master Sulla has been an excellent Master. I will not betray him."

"I don't think you heard me. Seal. The. Entrance." He bit off each word.

"Sir, I could not, even if I wanted to. It seems Master Sulla anticipated this action and had the door control permissions transferred exclusively to a remote droid."

"You've gotta be kidding me."

"I assure you I am not."

Malix pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose and thought. "Your buddy, the security droid. Is he installing the part?"

"How dare you, sir," the droid said, offended. "That brute is not my friend, and he is barely an acquaintance. He needs his circuits rerouted-"

"That's not the point," Malix hissed. "Did he install the part or not? Is the Barrik Treg operational?"

"It's very likely," the droid said. "He is a dull droid. He probably did not see through your charade. He is probably done by now, off oiling his joints. That selfish, lazy droid."

"Shut up," Malix snapped.

"Can you open the doors to the hangar?" asked Ashadrakka.

The droid said nothing.

"Answer her!"

"But sir, you told me to-"

"I know what I told you. Answer her!"

"Rude sir, very rude," said the droid, pivoting to face Ashadrakka. "The doors are not remote controlled, only the exits and entrances."

"Fine. Then open the door to the hangar." Malix pressed his blaster under the droid's chin. "Or when I get out of here I'll take your head with me. It'll be just me, her, and your head flying around the galaxy."

The droid opened the door.

Edited by @beowulfoflegend -- Check out his service here.

I'm Decimus
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