Our Rescue Dog - 1 man's garbadge is another man's Gold - Life is Good :-)

in #story7 years ago

My wife screams " Cody stop the car, there's a puppy on the road " !
late one night while returning from our friends place on the coast, not far from home ( 6 km's or so ), Where thoughtless people dump their garbage.
So I find a place to turn around, return & stop the car, with the puppy in my headlights. Johana dashes over, with me close behind...

A few days after the event

Good Lord, she seems intact but is full of wounds ( big holes all over her ), Full of small worms already moving in on the kill.
We can't leave her here, even though she's probably drawing her last breaths, And we don't even want to touch her, so Johana gets a jacket from the car and wraps her up.

On the drive home I'm thinking, In a few short hours @ first light, the Turkey Vultures would have eaten her alive.

her home while recovering

When we get home Johana and her sister get to work, they take her out back and start the washing process. But soap and water is not working on the worms ( what now ) ? The puppy is to weak to stand, or do much of anything, but never complains until... for lac of options ( pour gas in the wounds ), now the puppy has some energy and cries, trying to get away !
But the worms let their meal go and drop off ! " Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind ". And if she lives through the night we go the Vet first thing in the morning...

Our Nieces dog Scooby-Doo

Our introduction to the local vet went Great, One of the kindest people you could ever meet. ( he will get a blog just for him soon ). Once I said " Give her everything you think she needs ", I could feel the Love from him. But will get long winded on his blog...

back home with our arsenal of medicines of all sorts ( and only $11.00 lighter ! )

We become Manchita's ( little spot ) or Cheeta for short, Vets till the next checkup. And aside from the gas stinging the first night, never cried again, even though she was full of infections and open wounds.
And recover she did, with only minimal long term affects...

about 4 months later, still a little nervous & shy, but recovered mostly

I still find it hard to believe someone would dump Cheeta on the side of the road, So I prefer to think, that her Mother had her pups in the woods near there, Kilometers from the nearest house, But its all speculation ?
I even went looking in the area for more, just in case but nothing.
So I'll close for now, more to follow...

Cheeta + :-) just taken for you

Thanks so much for your time

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So sweet!:) Happy that she's OK!

She's a great dog, getting a little aggressive with visitors because of the pups, even with people she should know. Natural I guess, and she hasn't bit anyone thank goodness.

Thank you for rescuing her and showing her kindness. 💗

Your very welcome, like I had a choice LOL she chose us :-)
It was destiny

What a cutie!

I can't tell you how many dogs I've found wandering around on the side of the road. I always stop and try to rescue them.

I actually have a vet that I can take them to to see if they are microchipped, and I do that first.

Unfortunately, I just cannot keep all of the dogs (and cats) I rescue, but I do make a very strong effort to get them returned to their owner.

I only bring them to the animal shelter as a last resort. Before that, I try the Humane Society.

It really sucks when people just abandon puppies or kittens. I don't know how people can be so cold and heartless.

Luckily, there are people like you in the world to help save some of these amazing animals!

Your very sweet, but I will warn you, the humane society can be anything but human at times. A city near us "Chitre" has a huge place, Hectors of land and buildings that just let the dogs live out their lives if not adopted. Panamanians are very generous people, and I think a local food chain supplies all the food. Very noisy place to walk around LOL. most run free if warrented ( on the grounds ).

Oh wow. That sounds a lot different than the local one here in Phoenix. I've toured their complex many times and also volunteered there a few times, and while the dogs don't have a lot of room to run around in, they are kept inside where it is air conditioned and given plenty of food and water and their kennels are always spotless. The one in Phoenix does have a lot of volunteers, though, so plenty of people to make sure the dogs are cared for.

I know the Humane Society is not an ideal solution, but I think it's better than the local county shelter. The county shelter is my LAST resort.

I'm also a little afraid of advertising in hopes of finding the owner because I have heard that people will often try and adopt dogs that are not their own and use them to fight or for other awful reasons.

It can be tough. I do wish I could keep them all, but it's just not possible as I live in the city and do not have much of a yard or a very big apartment.

One of my dreams is to hit the lottery one day and to build a huge sanctuary for dogs and cats! If I had the money I would definitely spend it on helping animals as I think it's a noble cause.

The kindest most loving people I have ever known, tend to be the most troubled, many turned to drugs to escape.
So for most others, I think its just indifference on the surface only, kind of a survival tool to get through the day.
I could get long winded as to why I think this way. But always happy to meet someone like you in the crowd.

Thank you, you have made my day :-)

Great save, thanks for the kindness rescue story.
I'll have a post coming up about a dog rescued from the
Apache reservation, by my sister in law later this am.

Great, looking forward to reading it :-)

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