Puppies Arrived Today, Life is Good !

in #story7 years ago

I woke up today to find our dog had her puppies !

Mom with  her new puppies

Wow there so cute, and only 3, that's great !
So I call for my Wife johana, and she starts checking the sex, 3 male's, more good news as we have 2 orders for male only dogs and we'll keep 1 for our selves.

Pouring my first coffee in me, and thinking Life is Good, then Johana has a second look, no this 1 is a girl and this 1 too !
Apparently the umbilical cords looked like penises at first, but the 3rd was male. Ok cool we will keep 2 then.

Must have been over an hour and look another is coming !
cool, I've never had a female dog or watched a puppy being born, so right on. It didn't seem to bother her at all and before long we had #4. Mom reached back, grabbed the umbilical cord, pulled out a rather large after birth and ate it. then lifted the puppy up by what was still attached to her meal and chewed the cord off close to the puppy. Nature is so cool :-)

#5 shortly there after, whew our second male, right on, no one in Panama wants a female dog, as most are left to run, and females just multiply.
Dogs have gained a lot of status since I came to Panama, dog food was almost non existent in store's, now there is a isle dedicated to it complete with pet accessories just like Canada, but they have a long way to go reach pet worship.

           Number 5 being born


Before I knew what happened, Johana has the puppies and mom in the chicken pen ! Bad idea Honey, chickens can be very mean, and I don't trust them not to peck at the puppies or try to eat them, bring them back please.
Then... come quick another is coming, male please :-)
not to be, wow 4 females now.

I notice a hour later Johana is in the kitchen cooking, and the dogs are still in the coop, go down to check and WTF there are 8 in total now ! clean out a box, put the puppies in and bring them back to the house, Mom happily following along.
Ya you guessed it 6 females now.
We'll deal with it :-)

This is my first try with a editor, so better see if I can post it ?
plus i need to learn to resize photo's
Follow me for a interesting story on how we found/rescued our dog that got us to today's adventure.
thanks for reading


What a sweet family! 🐶🐶😇😀

You now have 8 cute little Grand-puppies. Congratulations! I birthed a lot of puppies; nature sure is amazing. One of my dogs had 4 puppies and I guess the first one gave her pain and she was scared. She tried to kill it but thank goodness I got it away from her. It was a girl too. After all of her puppies came out, I felt like I just gave birth to 4 kids!

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