Puppies Update - Around 1 week old Now ! - Puppy Power - Big Milestones LOL

in #homesteading7 years ago

Many puppies & too many pictures, Time for a Update :

  • Their eyes are opening just now, the last day or 2

Nice after watching them for a week, they can now watch us back
eyes opening.jpg

  • Can almost stand, and get a few steps in

Exciting times, they will soon be running around ! ( I have a solution below )
starting to walk.jpg

  • Almost climbing over there block barrier ( too close )

I smell trouble coming.... When they can breach their containment area , there gonna have the run of... well everywhere & everything ( solution coming )
climbing out.jpg

  • My solution for a WTF free zone, Time will tell ?

  • Built a dog pen inside chicken yard ( when they start to drive us nuts or cause damage )

Its not quite done ( too much steemit time LOL ), But will be when needed. All the female pups ( if no home is found ), will have a job here at night, to protect the chickens from predators ( we lost 30 chicks a while back, And the reason for the chicken yard ), Because of a local hungry cat, but there are also coyote's, wolves, foxes, some left to be discovered creature or even a hungry person ( that would sooner steal than visit us or anyone really ), and be offered something to eat. ( that's a story for my Panama blog hehe ). there is a good size area from the hen house to the new fence on 2 sides, so that is going to be their pen. where I will build a house for them, and we will be safe from them LOL. at night, when the chickens are roosting, they have the run of the whole chicken yard.
dog pen unfinished.jpg

  • Drinking pure cows milk ! Yes its legal in Panama ( soon to be blog )

drinking milk.jpg
This is cattle county, and there are many dairy farms, so ( fresh from the cow milk ) is easy to attain ( cheap too ). We don't always get it, but nice to know you can. Today a friend brought by a 2 liter bottle as a gift. So my wife poured a bowl and they drank !

  • Only 1 has died @ 2 days old, (female thankfully ) for explained reasons here :

Most people let their dogs have the run of the hood, so female dogs are not wanted ( you guessed why ! ) so when or dog delivered 6 out of 8 were female ( ouch ), you get the point and my above sentiments now ( I hope )

  • we have homes for 4 already, 1 across the street & 3 to family ( for visits - Yes ! )

  • the rest of the story is yet to be written

I'm tired and my slow connection struggles with photos so will close for now
I recently read a story that most Writers/Editors are chain smoking drunks ! ( I'll drink to that ! ) with Cuba Libre in hand - Cheers LOL

thanks for reading. if you didn't see the first story

here it is : Puppies Arrived Today, Life is Good !


Nice puppies!

The puppies are growing fast and they are so cute. Nice dog pen too.

As it stands, only 3 are left, I was going to keep 2 ? 3 won'y kill me LOL, but we find homes for all ( I can live with that too).
Thanks for your reply, sure to be more puppy stories to follow :-)

Adorable puppies

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