10 Things I Learned From Being a Victim of the American Medical Association

in #story7 years ago (edited)

Sword-wielding ninjas, knife fingered dream invaders, and the nightmares of Steven King have nothing on the AMA and FDA. Your worst nightmare is grinning insidiously under a white coat.

One harsh January morning, I awoke in the most excruciating pain ever. That’s saying a lot from a girl who’s lovingly referred to as Mommy by several big hearted yet obnoxious members of the male species.

It felt as though ninjas were sawing through my chest with searing swords covered in broken glass while a molten balloon of pressure was blown up so far that I would explode from the inside. I was rushed to the Emergency Room, where I was immediately hooked to an Electrocardiogram machine, xrayed, prodded and radiogrammed. All the while Draculas minions repeatedly swooped to deplete me of vial after vial of blood.

After hours and hours of tests, they found… Nothing. I was in perfect health.

They sent me home with some medication and some papers and informed me it will be gone in ten days.

It wasn’t.

What followed is 29 months of debilitating pain, numerous hospital visits, 23 Doctors and specialists, upwards of 60 different medications, dozens of treatments, and two near Doctor negligence homicides.

Prior to my getting sick, I had only visited Doctors for childbirth and bonesetting. I was super healthy. Played sports.
Summited a dozen peaks a season.

Now I couldn’t summit a flight of stairs.

From naive Sheeple to amateur FDA and Medical corruption expert in less than a year. Hey, at least I got something out of it.

10. Doctor’s are Not Heroes

Not for the simple fact they hold a medical degree they’re not. Sure, there are heroes in the medical field, just as there are heroes in any walk of life. That’s not the point.

When I found my first Primary Care Physician after getting sick, I accepted her word like Moses taking God's stone tablets. She was a Doctor, for heck’s sake! I was like most naive to the system patients and believed she knew it all. She was, after all a Doctor, and above me.

Doctors are not Omnipotent

Doctors are people too, just like you and me. They are humans with relationship stress, misbehaving kids, and mortgages. They make mistakes, and they definitely don’t know it all; otherwise there wouldn’t be so many Medical personnel only symptom tracking diagnosis programs. But many times good ol’ Google is used!

Never forget that your Doctor works for you.

9. Drugs are Bad

The FDA and Pharmaceutical Corporation are corrupt monsters. If I were to describe their evils you would be stuck in this article all day. Fraud, fabrication, and medical misconduct is the name of the game, and they are the reigning champions.

I started off with two prescriptions. Then I needed a third to offset side effects from the first two. Then another was added for the third drugs' side effects. I found myself on 19 different drugs (five of those "experimental") in less than 5 months! But nothing was found "wrong" with me! They didn't know what they were treating, so they had me an unknowing player in their medical russian roulette.

I became sicker and sicker, and my doctor kept adding more drugs. Finally, I cut all but two out on my own against medical advice, and I became better.

By better I mean I was back to the state I was in in January when I first became sick.

I hired new doctors, and they said removing the medications was the best thing I could do for my health and condition. My former doctors pockets were found to have been heavily lined by the pharmaceutical companies.

8. Marijuana is Good

Marijuana did not cure my medical ailments, however when pot was legalized in Colorado and Washington State, there was a mass migration. I met parents who immigrated from across the country because their children were having 75 - 100 seizures a day. They had tried years and years of drugs and treatments, watching their babies shrivel away from the legal poisons, their heart stopping their throat every time their child had an episode, day after day, year after year. Cannabis Oil was the first and only “medicine” that brought the seizures down to a manageable 10 to 12 a day, with zero side effects. But marijuana was illegal in their state, even after they brought their afflicted children to their Governor en masse for him to see.

Veterinarians and some rogue medical Doctors are using cannabis oil as treatment for many diseases, and the cannabinoids in cannabis have anti-tumor properties and are currently being studied as a possible cure or preventative for cancer.

7. If at First You Don’t Succeed- Stop Trying

When I first got sick, the medical personnel were scrambling to “cure” me. Yes, many with ulterior motives (see #9), however I was lucky to have about 5 good ones, with two of those being the perfect combination of awesome, super compassionate, and masters of their field.

After about three months, I began to notice a sort of desperation. My team of 8 main Doctors had a palpable aura of needing to fix me now. Frankly, it frightened me. At this point I had been given a perfect bill of health by nearly two dozen medical personnel. I had been given, regiven, and passed, every test known to the medical community. There was nothing to explain my symptoms, but my symptoms were glaringly obvious!

Then, your dear @ArbitraryKitten just sortoof got swept under the rug. Concealed, kept secret, shut in the closet. Forgotten. Or so it felt. They renamed my conditions a generic term, basically a blanket term for “I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with her so I’m going to call it something that can be chronic just to shut her up*.

They also labeled me as having “attachment disorder” in my permanent record. Depressed, unable to come to terms with her condition, blabla. Yea I was depressed! Who wouldn’t be, I wasn’t being cured! I couldn’t do anything minus lie in bed and watch soap operas- and I hate soap operas.

I am fortunate that my next Primary Care Physician cleared that off my medical record. She actually listened to me and did her job.

When your doctors stop working for you, besides the frightening aspects (me believing I’m gonna die and they’re just not telling me) you're likely to come down with a brand new symptom- medical anxiety. I would have a panic attack when visiting any doctor. And anytime I had a new symptom, you know, just a regular stomachache- something minor you easily dismiss- I would have an anxiety attack. So here I was, thinking I’m dying and any little thing throwing my poor, already abused body into a frenzy, and each and every doctor, nurse, and hospital believing it’s all in my head. All because one huffy physician secretly slid it in my permanent record behind after my pharmacist and I yelled at her for trying to kill me with bad drugs, twice.

6. Fight for Your Rights

You stand alone. You are your own advocate. Unless you have a spouse or parent with a big mouth and bigger bank account. Sadly, I had neither. Know your rights and fight for what you need.

5. The Money is Worth it

You will spend a fortune on doctors and treatments in the USA if you do not have primo medical insurance with ALL the bells and whistles. As I mentioned, I had never had the need for a Doctor, so I did not have one for myself. Neither had I ever found medical insurance for myself a necessity, besides when pregnant.

If you have the means, get in good with an insurance agent, and spend the money on the best insurance you can afford now, before you need it. I say get in good with your guy because in case you do fall ill, your buddy might accidentally hit the wrong button just after you become ill, pre dating the primo package so that your sick ass is covered.

4. Go Quietly Into The Night

NOOO! Do not, under any circumstances, settle! Ever! That’s what they want you to do. Sit down, shut up, and be a good little girl. Take their drugs- here’s a spoonful of sugar. I had a run there where I just accepted their diagnosis and treatment sentence. I was just too sick and tired. But, one day I had an epiphany and began a quest to replace my team of quitters-er- doctors. It was the best thing I had ever done.

Don’t give up.

You die when you give up.

3. Cancer is Big Business

The AMA HATES your chronic condition. Well… Sometimes. Depends on the condition. If it’s Cancer, they LOVE that you have it. Treatments are costly, and you need lots of medications. For certain diagnosis, you need a regimen of stabilizing drugs that only cost several hundred dollars a month. You are nothing to them at that point. They would rather let you die so as to forget you.

But cancer? Bring it on! Why do you think there is no “cure” yet…

2. Peer Pressure

If a medicine is legal in the United States and approved by the FDA, and could potentially help a patient, why wouldn’t a Doctor try it as a treatment, especially if the treatment is for a patient who nothing else has worked?

Oh, that nasty peer pressure rears it’s ugly head in the medical profession too.

A friend of mine introduced me to a worldwide network of 250 Doctors. After reviewing my chart, they informed me to ask my PCP for a commonly used, legal medication that they have been using to treat and cure people afflicted with my condition. Not it's intended use, but it worked wonders. Much like botox is being used to cure migraines now.

My doctor flat out refused. Because this drug is not on the list of common treatments for my condition, and she would be looked down upon by her peers.

*I later found my first hospital discharge papers, clearly advising whoever my new doctor would be to immediately present me with this exact drug regimine. Followed by, still quite clearly, if you don’t, condition may become permanent.

1. The AMA

The American Medical Association was founded in 1847 by a group of physicians who were tired of competing with all natural, inexpensive herbs and tinctures which had been in use for thousands of years. These remedies, although effective, were not profitable or patentable.

This prestigious organization strictly prohibited midwives, naturopaths, and herbalists. In 1905, the AMA created its Department of Investigation to hunt down doctors still using natural remedies. Their job was to shut down any doctor or healer who could threaten AMA profits.

Even today, the AMA makes heavily funded decisions designed to protect organized medicine, not patients.

If you think conspiracy theories are for survivalists, just look at your local medical complex.

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The Strays

Chapter 1
Chapter 2


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Nice post..Thanks for sharing.

You are welcome <3

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Nice post. Indeed doctors are neither heroes nor omnipotent. People put way too much faith in them and blindly swallow whatever they're told to because doctor knows best.
Pharmaceuticals are dangerous drugs, often more dangerous than those you might find being peddled on a street corner.

blindly swallow whatever they're told to

Literally and figuratively.

Perfectly said.

I've never heard of a dealer selling a crackhead somthing else to counter the side effects- he just tells him to take his crack!

Funny you should say that. I remember on the Dublin rave scene in the 90s, pushers sold ecstasy and heroin as a 'party-pack' so people could take heroin to come down after taking ecstasy.

Ok, that is funny. Modern drug pushing. My how times change ;)

it's unfortunate that our medical system is all about business.

What gets me is every doctor takes a vow to First, Do No Harm. Sadly many of them forget that soon after donning their white coat...

yeah it is unfortunate.....we need a shift in paradigm.

That's like opening a crate of cans of worms! With teeth! And a craving for human flesh!

There are so many things in society that need to be repaired, where to begin is the dilemma.

What a sad true...hemp oil as herb is too cheap and makes low profit.
How do people escape from their net...they just can't..

It's one of those things where if the ground begins to give way beneath you, you just keep getting sucked further and further down...

sounds like a nightmare. Glad you got through it and you are here to share your story now :)

I'm not 100%, but at least I'm stable and can live life more easily :)

Thank you <3

Great writing and research as always.
What a farce the system is eh?
Weed is great not just good!

Farce is the nice word ;)

Thank you for this post. This is extremely important information that sadly the masses most likely will never accept or realize. My father died after having a stroke because my mother didn't simply bring him home following the initial incident. He first contracted C Diff in a rehab facility, then a hospital basically euthanized him via starvation and dehydration. That's the short version of what happened as the entire insanity went on for a whole year.

I'm so sorry to hear this.

One of the biggest problems is most things are covered up or glossed over.

@arbitrarykitten, I'm coming across this only now. Are you better now?
This is one of the subjects closest to my heart. Having a little 7 year old daughter struggling with allergic rhinitis and coughing and wheezing as a result every month put on the doctor's carousel. Antibiotics and steroids all hammered my little one's insides for close to five years till I cut it all to a grinding halt and opted for going the homeopathy way.
I too understand that doctors are also but human with their own life stories and their own motivations. At the end of the day, it may feel good sometimes to let somebody else take the charge and to just relax, but we need to remember that we do so at our own risk. Ultimately, we are the ones 100% responsible for taking care of ourselves. And the sooner we realize that, the better.

Hey, how are you!

I'm stable, there's a possibility I could become cured if I were to seek attention outside my country, unfortunately that is not a possibility at the moment.

Did your little girl find similar or better relief with homeopathic ways?

I'm good, thank you! Glad to hear you are stable. I suggest you take a look at having CoQ10 supplementation if possible. Along with a good probiotic. If you cannot travel outside, then I hope you find somebody in your country who can treat you accurately and effectively without making any excuses for their ignorance.
I've just started my kid on the homeopathy. I'm happy at the moment. It is treating her effectively every time she has a bout of cough, but whether it cures her altogether is something that I'll have to wait and see.

Thank you!

I wish you much luck and blessing with your babygirl <3

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