ZIMGORA- A TRUE LOVE STORY [4] The Journey Begins

in #story6 years ago (edited)

images (17).jpeg
a pic of the forest

We all made a decision to stick together, we had an enthusiastic leader, everyone of us had boosted spirits and the future looked a bit hopeful. But for me all I could think of was ways to protect her at all cost.



We continued through the forest and we were amazed to find out that the forest was actually enchanting in the afternoon. Hundreds of butterflies were flying around, the beautiful scents of many beautiful flowers were in the air, everything thing felt welcoming, everyone felt relaxed and playful.

Dipo: It's almost as if the forest is making us feel welcomed

Emmanuel: Yea, creepy right, because since I got to this forest, I've never felt welcomed until now.

Suprise: Good to have a change of events

George/me: But all the same, let's not put all our guard down, we don't know when next we might be hit.

Dipo: Relax George, the forest has seen it's mistakes and is now welcoming.......... (yawns) us.

Multiple yawning could be heard throughout the group

Phoebe: Is it me or is anyone else feeling sleepy

Dipo: Why can't you people just relax, we have been awake for the past 48 hours, what else do you expect.

Just then someone falls down and dosen't even wake up, He just kept snoring,

Dipo; looks at meThat guy is seriously exhausted, can you blame him after all he's been through

George/me: Something's wrong, this dosen't feel right.

then Dipo falls down, and the whole lot of us started falling down to a blissful sleep, but before I closed my eyes, I saw them, and what I saw reminded me of cannnibals and I couldn't help but hate the forest more.


When we woke up, it was to the sound of drums rolling, women singing and men shouting. We could actully feel how happy they were. The language was unlike any of us ever heard. The headaches were bangs to behold, and fear was deeply rooted in us.

We were locked up in a room made of heavy oak wood tied together with thick ropes and with roofs made with the same materials. The odour of decayed substances was thick and nauseating. Dried sculls were lying around and clothes of people were lying around.

I had the opportunity of peeking through a hole large enough for me to poke one of my fingers and what I saw was no where near comforting. Outside it was a jubilation galore, most of them were half naked, some women covering their breasts, some not bothering, the males covering their private parts only.

Children were running all around, mostly naked, playing with human bones. It was frightening.

We all huddled together, scared of the known, because it was very obvious, THEY WERE CANNIBALS!!!!!!!!!!. And we were their food, their reason for celebration.

I searched for Phoebe and found her starring at me. I moved closer to her and she did the most surprising thing, she hugged me. I felt her shiver and I think I shivered too. The urge to protect her was to strong, and I hugged her more tight and she did it back.

Dipo: Guys this is it, it was nice knowing you guys, I only wish we spent more days together.

Emmanuel: I never thought I was going to get killed and get eaten.

Suprise: I never imagined I would meet cannibals. Fine, I knew they existed but meeting them, Naaaaaa

George/me: Guys, stop this, it's not over until it's over. Truly, the situation seems hopeless but I know "there is always a light at the end of the tunnel". We can work this out if we stick together, we've watched films where the heroine and hero are connered and still make it out alive.

Yes I know this isn't a film but if we work together, we can make it out.

Emmanuel: Nice speech

Suprise: Smooth


Phoebe: Guys, this is not a joke, it's either we work together or die, or at least die trying.

George/me: I know it seems impossible, but I erased that word from vocabulary, since I got to this forest.

Paul: It's not going to be easy.

George/me: No one said it was going to.

everyone feeling motivated

Dipo: So, how do we go about it

George: Am not sure.

I start praying silently

Phoebe: Lets think together. Any ideas, anyone ?

Just then, a little girl of their clan came to the window of where we were, carrying an iron spoon and an empty can. This couldn't be any better.

George/me Hey little girl, am George, what's your name

Little girl: shakes her head

George/me: I just need what's in your hand

Little girl: *smiles, and starts banging the spoon on the can.

George/me: No, no, no banging, can I bang
I imitate a banging action

She hands over the spoon and the can, just then a woman ( I think her mom) called her.

Emmanuel: Great, now we have a spoon and an empty can.

Phoebe: Why can't you have little faith

George/me: Guys this is not the time for that. There are 23 desperate people in this....... prison, that do not wish to die. There are 2 options, it's either we wait till they come for us, and make a run for it, OR, we cut the ropes holding his prison together and make a run for it. But either way, w have to act fast.

Suprise: I say we cut these ropes and make a run for it.

Dipo: Oh boy. I need to pee.

Paul: Should I open my mouth for you.

Just then, thee was a loud scream, and shouts of battle were heard. There were grunts of pain echoing throught the camp, women screaming and cries of desperation




You can read the previous chapters here;

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3


Scary story. I wonder how they will get out of that. Hope the next chapter comes out soon.

Yea, it will. Thanks

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