@fulltimegeek delegates 350,000 Steem Power to #stewardsofgondor in Steemit user retention and community support drive

in #stewardsofgondor6 years ago (edited)

In a selfless act of monumental proportions, FTGs Steem Power has been loaned out to over 40 users to help curate and support communities across Steemit.

If you have received an up-vote from myself, or anyone else on the following list over the past month or so, then you have @fulltimegeek to thank for the much larger vote you have been gifted.

If you wish to know 'why?' someone would loan out this Steem Power, you can find out here.


Steward Activities


Some stewards are currently delegating small amounts of Steem Power to new users that are heading in the right direction and just need that extra push to keep them going.

For example, reaching 500 Steem Power is really sweet if you are using steemit.com as your main interface, as with 500 SP you can choose to lower your voting weight and give more votes each day. A delegation of 50 or 100 SP is such a boost at that level -I was pretty happy to get to 500 Steem Power :)


We also have some contests that run weekly and some special one-offs. This is a nice way to pay forward some of the kindness shown by FTG and can be great for building communities.

If you would like to enter my weekly contest, based around curation and engagement, with a chance to win some SBD then let me know in the comments.

To the numbers we go!



Steward: Steem Username
P: Number of Top level posts in the past 7 days
Cmts: Number of comments made in the past 7 days
C_len: Total character length of all comments (excluding posts)
W_v: Number of Witnesses voted for
Vts: Total number of votes made in the past 7 days
U_v: Total number of unique authors who received a vote in the past 7 days
S_v: Number of self-votes made in the past 7 days
D_v: Number of down-votes made in the past 7 days


(@crimsonclad witness proxy @followbtcnews)
The table can be copy/pasted into excel for sorting and further analysis
Data extracted from @arcange's SteemSQL DB at 8:30 pm 11th January 2018

Totals: This week (previous)
Posts : 423 (490)
Comments: 7733 (7042)
Up-votes: 23517 (22509)
Unique: votes: 11025 (9711)
Self-votes:392 (532)
Down-votes: 135 (124)

Stats and Star Stewards

This week, the Stewards have written a total of 7733 comments and cast 23517 up-votes.

Last week these totals were 7042 and 22509 respectively and so engagement in these areas has increased nicely this week.

Also, less self-votes than the previous week. More sharing I guess!


@cranium and @cecicastor, out on their own with over 500 comments and @taskmaster4450 with over 100,000 characters in his 261 comments in the past 7 days - hail keyboards!

@luisucv34, @lyndsaybowes, @cecicastor, @stackin, @coolguy123, @howtostartablog, and @hitmeasap, all handing out over 1000 votes this past week - up-vote legends!

@howtostartablog - Master steward of goodwill to all with over 1200 unique Steemians reached with his votes this past week - how to spread SP!


So Stewards, how do you think you've done this week?

The price of Steem has fallen a little since the last post but our vote value is still much higher than it was before Christmas - when most of us received out delegated SP.

I think it's still a good time to vote more frequently and with a lower weight, but each to their own of course :)

Thank you!

On to the final sentence of this blog, where I try to find another way to say how grateful I am to @fulltimegeek.

Many of the Stewards now visit my blog frequently and I'm trying to do the same - I see contests, delegations, and some really talented and heartfelt writing, and I feel you're playing a huge part in encouraging this gift-giving mentality. Thanks man!

Steem-on Stewards!



Let's see. how am I doing? I am doing AS AWESOME AS An SOG can do!
I am still having weekly contests- this week's is the #healthy2018 challenge. WHat do you want to change about your life? Not necessarily a NY resolution... but from financial to better habits to everything in between. What in your life is holding you back and what can you do to change it.

I'm continuing my weekly EMBRACING of a steemian. I visit a committed steemian who posts quality work daily and they receive 100% UPVotes from me for seven days. I announce a new EMBRACING every Sunday.

I have figured out the delegating of my own SP and am in the process of narrowing it down to who shall be the recipient.

I continue sweeping and fluttering across the steemit pages and feeds finding new homesteaders and gardeners to join our community on Discord. I UPvote quality posts, comment like there's no tomorrow (although @taskmaster4450 definitely has more to say than me) and I'm still doing my garden seed giveaways every other Monday.
Oh there's more.. but I can't remember all at the moment.

If only saying ditto here was sufficient... but its not

Many of the Stewards now visit my blog frequently and I'm trying to do the same - I see contests, delegations, and some really talented and heartfelt writing, and I feel you're playing a huge part in encouraging this gift-giving mentality.

THANK YOU @fulltimegeek

Hi, I'd like to forward #healthy2018 to a friend. I tried browsing through you blog to find its introduction but got dizzy because of the scrolling (I have vertigo).

Could you be kind enough to post it's intro post (mechanics) for the #healthy2018 challenge? Big thanks!


here is the link. While this first contest officially ends today, I do have more contests and challenges planned for the tag; starting tomorrow

Thank you. Have forwarded it to @erlwayne.

I would, but not great proper etiquette to post a link in another's post. Just search the #healthy2018 tag in the search box and it should come up. I linked to it a few posts I have made.

THANK you for your interest!

I have no issue with this Dawne at all - It sounds like a community builder so feel free :D

Thank you Asher. :)

I think you are doing an incredible job!!

thank you- I 100% enjoy all that I do!

Epic work @goldendawne!

You have so much going on to help the community thrive and fully deserve all you receive in return!

Thank you!! I have more plans... just pacing myself- lol

You definitely go above and beyond..

<3 <3 Thanks for keeping the Stats! HAHA! Bless you, Bless FullTimeANGEL, great work everyone!! xoxoxo You all rock!!! oxooxoxxoxoxo

Team high 5 for Stewards of Gondor!

Thank you @fulltimegeek, #fulltimeangel, and Lord of the STEEM!

All this is made possible with @fulltimegeek's delegation! Appreciate what he's doing for the community. It's nice to hand out bigger votes these days. :P

It sure is :)

Great times!

Enjoy your weekend man, cheers for the support!

Thanks @abh12345 for last week's performance results for us.
As usual, I first like to thank @fulltimegeek for the delegation.

So Stewards, how do you think you've done this week?

I think I have done what I use to do over the last few weeks, though I lost my first position in terms of "number of unique Steemians reached", great work @howtostartablog.

Keeping in mind about your contest on curation, I have tried to do some things differently, like, upvoting utopian.io posts with a possibility of getting upvote from utopian. I have succeeded to some extent as I can see my daily curation SP increased.

Thank you again for these reports and the curation leagues.

Congratulations all the #SteewardsOfGondor team members.

Thank you to @fulltimegeek for making this all possible. I just keep plodding along looking for others to encourage.

If you are plodding @cecicastor then at full speed you would be dangerous! :D

Excellent numbers as always!

Thank you. Just so you know, I am retired and have slowed down a lot from my younger years! 😊

You'll always be young at heart my friend :)

Thank you for your kind words.

still having the same problem with the chart unfortunately, can I get a link to the data?

Bummer, what browser are you using? Chrome seems ok for me.

I'll sort an image out shortly..

Thanks for the heads-up, i've added an image too. Cheers!

cool ty! :)

cool ty! :)

It is always a pleasure to read your analysis. Super grateful to the man, @fulltimegeek for making it happen, he gave us wings and some have already reached the moon :)
Thank you all for being an awesome community.

Thank you @greenrun

Wings indeed, what a motivation to try to follow in his footsteps.

Playing it forward in every way you can is the best way to celebrate such an altruistic attitude.

Woaah! What is the average % of vote to give 1000 in a week?o.o
Thanks for making this analysis to keep us aware of how we are doing! Is it possible to add a % after number of comments and upvotes related to last week? Something like +5%, -14%...
Btw I have decided who to delegate a nice amount of SP, I will just wait a week or so bc it is a brand new account, and I think we all need to know what it is to start from 0 and upvote and see no change hehe :P

mmmm more data, people are hungry :D

Yes i'll try to add some more information next week for everyone. Good luck with your delegations :)

Thanks!! If it causes trouble don't worry n.n

Hey just following up for your last week post mentioning I was interested in becoming a steward of a steward. Have you had a chance to follow up with that?

Awesome initiative and those are a lot of upvotes being handed out especially during a time when autovoters are on the fritz!

I have delegated a small amount to 2 people recently, and will be looking to add more names this week.

Thanks for your support!

Hooray, I already occupy the first place for the third time in terms of the number of comments. This week, the gap between me and @ taskmaster4450b in the number of characters, only some 20k. It was a good week for me.

Ура, я уже 3 й раз занимаю первое место по количеству комментариев. На этой недели разрыв между мной и @taskmaster4450б в количестве символов, всего каких то 20к. Это была удачная неделя для меня

@cradium how do you do it
I think i need some tips because I wanna surpass those statistics.

@samiwhyte, by writing comments :)

Thanks boss but its not easy o, you have to look out for posts, read them first before dropping relevant comments.
@grrenrun I will apply your advice atleast with time i will get use to it.

@samiwhyte, You are most welcome. You just gave me another name :)

As usual, keep pad issues

It's simple, find people that are nice to comment on, for example @abh12345:) Subscribe to them, and then just check the tape) so you do not miss the new articles.

Ok man, thats great
I will start applying your tip

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