My First Sleepover In An Hospital After 30 Years - How To Stay Positive No Matter What 🤙

in #steepshot6 years ago


Surfers don’t cry 🤙 They take life as it happens, try to find a way to ride waves as they break, overcoming any type of fears, embracing the challenge, appreciating the lesson. So here I am surfing a different wave, staying positive and making the best of the situation. My doctors believe that it’s time to have me a bit closer, since I’m suffering breathing issues for too long now. So let’s find the monsters in my lungs and fight them! 💪 They say mental strength is as important as medicine in situations like these. Lucky me! Also the lemon cake‘s outstanding here, which makes my life complete no matter how complicated the circumstances 😉 Stay healthy, steemians! Our body’s our most valuable good. Pronto I’ll be back full Steem ahead... Promised! Much love, Marly - xxx

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ouch bro, get better soon.

May the wind in your lungs soon be like sweet ambrosial nectar once again! 🌬️ Last time I was hospitalized was for breathing issues related to the volcano erupting in Hawaii... Breathing that stuff is no joke. While I was in the hospital I met a guy who was in a Caterpillar tractor at the base of Mount Saint Helens when it erupted, and had all the little hairs in his lungs burned off when his tractor was covered by the super heated ash. So unlike me, he had to go in for breathing treatments on a weekly basis. Again, so much appreciation for the way things work without our noticing most days. You'll find balance again soon Marly! You are a master of balance. ❤️ Rest up, and enjoy the tlc.

Thank you so much for your lovely words, Brandon!
What a horrible story from Hawaii :-( The problem with breathing issues is that it takes a long time to heal them, and depending on the incident it can even cause you trouble for the rest of your life. I'm an ex-smoker which automatically converts me into an at-risk patient. Still I hope I'll get it under control soon. Now I just enjoy not needing to do anything :-)

Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

Marly! I didn't see your comment until just now though I swear I check my replies rather obsessively! Yes, i'm a really occasional smoker, of hand-rolled goodness only of course! ;) ...but I think my main lung vulnerabilities stem from having grown up with two parents that smoked in the house my whole childhood. Oh well, what can you do! I played soccer (futbol) for 13 years and that helped clear out most of the funk. I haven't had a puff of anything for quite a while now, it's best that way... our precious lungs, they do so much for us! Well, I hope you are well on the path to a full recovery by now! Much, much love! :)

Hey Brandon! Now it was on me to miss replying to your comment...1:1 haha

You hit the nail: these precious lungs - beside the heart - are quite valuable, so we should do whatever it takes to maintain them in best shape.

Sports is great in any sense, and I'm pretty sure it also helps to improve one's lung capacity. I'm still in my recovery mode but once I'm back at 100%, I'll be surfing as if there was no tomorrow :-))

Stay healthy.
Much love back!

Get well soon! I hope they find the 'monsters' and scare them out of your body for good!

Oh I very much hope that, too!!
They are small little beasts and hard to identify, but we'll catch them anyways :-)
I'll stay at least one more day/night at the hospitel...

Those doctors better put in their maximum effort! Hope you're feeling okay today :)
Maybe this track will cheer you up....?

@surfermarly, I love your positive and matter-of-factish perspective when it comes to life. Here's an extra hug for your time out there, maybe that'll warm your soul up an extra bit.

If one was to desire regenerating one's lung, I'd point out Diatomaceous Earth. Maybe you are already familiar with this compound that provides at least over 1100 healing benefits for us. It is quite easy to find in health food stores, if you are interested or if it is of any interest to you.

I sincerely wish you prompt and thorough healing. Keep your smile as it can only help, may the force stay with you and us all, keep on Steeming and, above all, thriving on sista!

Namaste :)

Thanks for your lovely words, @eric-boucher! I hadn't heard about Diatomaceous Earth so far, but since I've plenty of time now I'll google it :-)
Every recommendations is welcome, even though I'm in best hands here. It's a private hospital with top professionals, and I feel that they're doing a great job. At least feeling it is already a good sign to me.

I hope to be back on track soon :-)
Again thanks for stopping by

Love your IV surfer sign! Our bodies are amazing and wonderfully made and we absolutely do need to take time to care for them.

All the best for a safe and quick recovery.

Lemon cake always makes everything better! I agree....mmmmmmm lemon cake.

Our bodies are amazing and wonderfully made and we absolutely do need to take time to care for them.

I couldn't agree more. Sometimes - when we're in perfect shape - we forget about how valuable perfect health is. My little excursion to the hospital is a great reminder and will definitely change my life for better afterwards.

They just told me that I need to stay at least one more day/night.... my first thought: more cake!!! :-D


I have been having some "breathing issues" on and off again. Mullein has help me get rid of anything that might be hanging out in my lungs.

Matthew Wood is an amazing herbalist and he has lots of info on-line.

Take care, @surfermarly. I turn 49 years old tomorrow, and getting older ain't for sissies! <3

Thanks for the recommendation!
I'm impressed how many people are obviously facing breathing issues only by reading all your comments here...

I'll turn 37 soon but actually still don't feel old...:-) Hopefully, it's just a particular case and not the beginning of something interminable!

No problem. I remember being 37.....and you are definitely NOT old. :-)

Hope they figure out whatever is going on with your breathing! A couple years ago, I had a lot of breathing problems and to my surprise, it turned out to be severe acid reflux. When acid reflux gets bad enough, it can start to block your airways.

I cut back on the foods that were bothering me the most, and tried to increase the amount of good stuff I was putting into my body. Eventually, my stomach healed itself and the acid reflux is barely noticed anymore.

Buena suerte, amiga. Get better soon!


Wow I had never heard about such a correlation, that's really interesting! Also I'm happy you found the reasons for your issues back then. In my case we're still a bit at a loss. I'll have to stay at least one more day/night and do a couple of tests. Hopefully, tomorrow we'll have some precise information.

Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo!
Besitos para los dos :-*

Your mental strength is undeniable! But still watch out for your body! I know this too much from myself to be honest. My body is something I don‘t care for. I want my mental joy. I know at some time it won‘t work anymore like this. I really will have to change my habits. And yours are better than mine. But no matter where it comes from: exhausted body is exhausted body. And I don‘t want to be a teacher. I guess it just grabs me on my own inner conflict.

It's been a great weak-up call I appreciate a lot!
Honestly, I've been too lazy regarding my health care lately. I have to recognize that I'm not superwoman after all....:-) So once I'm back home, I'll definitely change a couple of things about my day-to-day life.

Everything happens for a reason :-)

oh noooooooo!!!!

Get well soon. Much love and wishing you strenght!

Thank youuu! I've got a fast internet connection, so couldn't ask for much more now :-)
Big hugs

Marly, my best wishes to you. Fight those monsters with fierce !! Stay Strong and when you come back I know you will do it stronger <3

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