
Well, I try my best... though in my case my feed is an "artist personal blog", I do not think I have a particular niche except maybe a "fantasy-nature-geek thread that joins it all). So it is more a "personal artist page" than a blog per se. I've been posting some old songs, but ever time bringing over things or anecdotes I have not shared before, and I've been sharing also new things as they are being born now.
I just hope that people who click follow have a consistent idea of what I write about at a first glance... so I try to keep them reasonably entertaining. Of course that doesn't mean I will step out of comfort zone to post about other things sometimes (even my opinions on Steemit as I've done on occassion, last one was the enthusiastic newbie... maybe soon again a bit further into this experience).

I see a lot of need of more "steemcleaning" and people showing desperation for the rewards falling into misuse, and it's sad as a whole, they don't see that long term, they're cutting wings to themselves precisely.
Of course in all honesty I need it too, though I don't want to go personal here, I'm not well off precisely and some of my projects have been stalled a while due to it, but I try not to rush it, not to hurry... I trust in building up slowly and consistently. And maybe someone stopping by will somehow see... ok, this might be interesting and check.
(Thanks you did, by the way)

I think the true power of blockchain is that it stays to talk about what you do, or what you've shared... so I do try at least to put some love so it stays in a way that is meaningful. Posts of steemit doesn't expire on seven days... the thing about the chain is that you're leaving an imprint on the internet that lasts longer than that. Make it mean something... about any field, of even about your work.

I would say start being part of organizations or creating them yourself that either helps the needy or spreads awareness on Steem which is a win win situation

Thank you for the timely reminder @drakos. Sometimes it does feel tempting too just churn out a post for the sake of churning.

I like how you summarized it:

  • Write something you are passionate about. If you write with passion, the reader can tell. They can feel it.
  • Keep the reader in mind. Churn out something that is useful to the reader. With passion, you will attract an audience.
  • Mix it up. The number one reason why people go onto social media is to cure boredom. So write with interest and gusto. Be creative!

@drakos Yes good to have some people like you who are willing to help and vote.
Writing for more than 5 hours a day is hard and challenging and I get used of it but the sad thing there is no one notices or just small people appreciate your hard work that you put in it which is discouraging. I came to the point that I almost wanna give up in Steemit. But I realized I needed to extra push my self and limit. Hays Godbless you

Thank you for the information! It is really interesting, sometimes it turns out that I think a lot that should publish, I think if they really liked it or not or if I give enough votes, so I pressed too much and I forget what really matters, be myself and I think many people are the same , only those who really want to dedicate themselves to Steemit manage to grow

This is a great topic! I'm pretty new to steemit, but it seems to me that people who buy their way up may be able to get away with less quality content, and still make it, because they bought their way up! So this can feel a bit disappointing when you see some whales who don't really post great content and still earn a lot with it. The poor can never really compete with the rich, I feel...

We all start somewhere. Right now, we are all one of only 60.000 active users on steemit! If you believe that eventually there will be 6 million or 60 million active users in the future, and you stick around - you will also be one of the rich that other people feel it is difficult to compete with :)

That's a good point! But also, the more people join, the more will buy their way up, and who knows what chaos and what contents this will bring on. I guess we'll see! I just wanna suggest to everybody to not to buy into the Numbers, but search for Undervalued content, content that's not so In Front Of Your Eyes. Because that may be much more valuable. Stay real! :)

For me something that instead of giving value to Steemit detracts from it, I mean the bots because thanks to them many can deliver the SP and earn a daily percentage and the community runs out of curators, this generates that people are disappointed of Steemit since they spend hours creating something and in the end not receiving rewards, instead the contents without some value earn a lot of money and thanks to the bots that vote for anything.

If the new members enter and see that a publication obtains 100sbd and the publication is only a picture of a panty, they will think that Steemit is a social network more than the heap where anything without content is published and that is why they will make money.

I also believe that there are many projects that are only responsible for flagging but in my opinion I do not think that is good for the community, I mean, I do not say it is bad, I just say that these projects mark anyone or despise instead of first teaching the new member who should not do that, here things should be built and not just about making money the easy way.

Instead of that kind of projects there should be something like a Steemit school where they teach people to be true bloggers and how to make good publications, I think that would give Steemit more value.

That is my humble opinion.

Well said, you almost explained the whole steemit philosophy right there. Value is something that will always get my upvote and appreciation, and I do hope that creating value is the main goal for most people here in the steemit community.

To earn more, focus on quality. Nobody will remember what you ate for breakfast or how cute your cat looked this morning.

This made me laugh :) Maybe your intention was not to be humours and maybe it was but it did resonate with me in a funny way. I get that some people have a blockade or something and occasionally post a simple "this is my breakfast/cat/door..." post, that is ok but there are some who only post in that way. I am not judging or saying that behavior is wrong (we all have our preferences) but I upvote more the ones who actually have something clever to say. I am subjective, of course, and what I may find to be a great post does not have to be for other people. Maybe (for sure), that is the beauty of this platform, our great diversity.

Honestly these are the kind of whales we need here on the blockchain. People who seek to support and assist others who adding value to the community, i hope other whales will see from this and also apply the same. A've gat so much respect for you sir. Stay blessed

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