Saturday Ramble Through Steemit -- Notes on My Favourite Reads Sept 10th

in #steemsquad8 years ago

Day 8 and heading into the second week of Steemit Rambles, I’m really enjoying doing these. I get to read, which I love, and be productive at the same time. Who can’t love that? 

It’s rather humid out there today but not as hot as the last couple of days. September is a fickle month in my part of Canada. We can go from brutally hot, humid weather to cool and crisp 50F weather in literally hours. If the forecast is correct, we’ll have cooler weather starting tonight. 

Was over to the Legion once today. Did my duty to welcome the Ladies Auxiliary from area branches to the Branch for their Zone Euchre Tournament. Will be heading back over in a few hours to wish our departing serviceman safe travels. He’ll be away but not really gone as we’ll still be in touch. He’s been a valued member of the executive this past few years. 

So, onward to my ramble for today. 

Creators and Consumers: An Unfathomable Gap

Nevermind if you’re introvert or extrovert, outgoing or reserved. @steemitpatina looks at the difference between consumers and creators. Written from the perspective of the creator whom eventually becomes a consumer. 

Learn Anything : Rapid skill acquisition

@funnyman explores how we learn. While it can’t take up to 10,000 hours to become expert on something, anyone who chooses to can learn new subjects and skills. You have to want to though, that is the place to start. I’m a fan of always be learning myself. 

Steem Talk - Your Daily Best of Steemit Newspaper - Weekender (Edition 5)

If you recall, back on Monday I told you about the Puffin Post which was the first newspaper style layout for Steemit. Well @davidbrogan has developed another newspaper style layout with some good links to posts on Steemit and also some on other crypto news sites. Nice twist on providing a broad range of info. Don’t forget to follow, upvote and then click through to read the latest edition. 

The Day I Became Famous: Helicopters, Hamburgers And MSNBC Tucker Carlson-Former Narc Turned Humanitarian - A Life Series by Barry Cooper

I haven’t read all of @barrycooper’s posts but I have read a few. They are always interesting and well written. He’s a former US Drug Agent turned activist in regards to the prohibition of pot at the federal level in the US. Many US states have legalized it. 

As an interesting aside, while several US states have legalized pot and Canada is moving to do so, American border guards are banning Canadians from the US for life for just admitting have once used pot recreationally. I just read another report about this today in our media. Crazy stuff. 

My best friend dying changed my life...for the better?

@lauralemons writes with raw honest about her struggle to deal with the loss of her closest friend. We can all relate to losing someone near and dear to us. How we respond to that loss can shape our life for good or bad. Or, in this case, for bad and then for better. 

The Secret Formula. How to Be Successful in This Unstable and Unclear World?

@kental writes about success and how to get there. Nothing happens by chance, least not very often. If you want to be successful at something, you need to be deliberate. While @kental appears to have written 10 rules for success, you get a bonus because he did two #7’s so you have 11 rules for success. 

Happiness Is Reaching Out To Others In Challenging Times

@positivesteem brings us the story of a man who brought beauty to one who couldn’t look at the window to see it himself. What he didn’t know was the man brought him a whole lot more. I don’t want to give the story away, so I wont say what. 

Reading this post reminded me of an experience several years ago when I was hospitalized for almost a month over an allergic reaction. I was warned on admission that the elderly lady in my room was scattered and wandered a lot, ‘she’s not all there’ I was told. 

The morning after my admission, I woke to find her staring at me. "OH oh," I thought, "this is going to suck". Within a few days, I learned she was very all there. She was a lady who struggled to express herself in her second language and none of the staff had taken the time to hear her. We struck up a friendship of sorts. 

I smile remembering her sitting by the window waiting for lunch to come and sharing her imaginary lunch of cucumber sandwiches and wine knowing what was coming wasn’t going to be close. 

#22KILL 22 Push-ups for 22 Days - Raising awareness for Veteran Suicide through Steemit [Day 6]

I know, I’ve already included this series twice. I’ve also said that I will continue to do support this cause. I notice that this post is doing much better on upvotes. Looks like @senseiteekay will be able to make a donation again. Help him make a bigger one in support of the care of the troops. 

Where were you when... a perspective from inside an American classroom as the tragic events of September 11, 2001 unfolded.

@hanshotfirst writes a first hand account of where he was the day of 9/11. I think all of us have a story from that day unless we were living under a rock or in a cave for a few years about then. I remember getting a call from a client I was doing a project for that day. He casually mentioned that some guy had flown a plane into the a tower in New York. Thinking small plane, I responded, "could the idiot not see where he was going?" We carried on our conversation about the project. 

About an hour later I got a call from my priest. I was serving as parish secretary. He and I had become friends and he needed someone to express himself to. He started off the conversation emotionally telling me that hundreds of firemen were missing in New York. That was the second time I heard about New York that day.. What the hell? 

As he talked I flipped on my TV and watched the images on my screen. The Canadian stations had joined their American counterparts and the screen was wall to wall coverage of the attacks. I didn’t get much work done the rest of the day. 

Time to Wrap-up

Time is getting on that I need to go back to the Legion. I guess I need to wrap this up for today. Didn’t read as many posts as I normally do but it was nice there was some posts I really enjoyed. 

I don’t know yet if I need to do a volunteer shift on the bar tomorrow or not but I should be able to do more reading tomorrow as it will likely be a quiet day even if I am on the bar. 

By the way, you’ve seen me talk about these guys, I guess I should show them to you. The big guy on the left is Fawnya, named for his fawn colouring and amber eyes and the one on the right is Dawn. She’s the bossy one. 

Until tomorrow 

If you like this, please follow me and upvote the post. 

If you’d like to see the other days I’ve posted, just visit my profile 

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@shadowspub Thanks for including my article here. This is the motivation that will push me to write more articles.

you're very kind @positiveesteem, you write well. You should write more.

Thank you for your compliments. English is actually not my mother tongue

well it doesn't show up that English is not your mother tongue. Some posts are hard to read even when trying to adjust to the fact the writer doesn't likely speak English as a mother tongue.

I am also into continuous learning and much appreciate your summary of what you have collected from steemit.

thank you @steempoweredwhale .. really enjoying doing them.

@shadowspub Thanks for the mention and shoutout. Much appreciated. Great collection and variety of articles here too :)

thank you .. you are very kind.

Many thanks for the mention, @shadowspub! Really looking forward to each of your roundups because I always discover something new and good.

thank you .. I enjoy doing them ... fun to help others and have a blast too :)

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