The Secret Formula. How to Be Successful in This Unstable and Unclear World?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

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Many people think that it’s very difficult to be successful. Actually, you just need to have a real aspiration, you should really want something. If you follow some rules, you will probably be a successful person. I’ll tell you something about these rules.

The first rule: correctly placed priorities and goals

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You shouldn’t immediately set a goal like «To be a president of a company!». Yes, it’s a very good and impulsive aspiration but this achievement can’t be get fast, by one step. You should share this long way at the different little parts and go straight ahead to your goal. It’s better to have a plan but you should understand that plans always brake suddenly. Anyway, it’s better to have one.

The second rule: to do something that you really like

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It’s really difficult to try to get successful in the area in which you’re not interested at all. If you want to be successful, you should have a real aspiration. If you haven’t found something yet, don’t worry. You should just keep trying to find something really interesting for you. You will find something that will burn a fire in your hurt.

The third rule: practice

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You should practice a lot in what you’re doing if you want to achieve any success. Our standard «study, study and study», which is put into our heads from the childhood, not always works. Theory is a very good thing but theory without a lot of practice is nothing. If you love your job, the practice will just make you happy. Moreover, the results will be great. Do you remember the ancient warriors, for example? Practice and just practice in their deal was the way to be successful and also happy and alive.

The fourth rule: be seriously

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You will be able to achieve the success only if you are serious about your work and results. Some people perceive their work as a hobby. Yes, you can achieve something going by this way but in the most cases, people who see just hobby in their job don’t achieve great results. The successful is possible just for people who take their work seriously.

The fifth rule: study the work of other people

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By learning how your colleagues work, especially people who are successful in your industry, you can learn pretty well by taking their experience. It’s a really good way to learn on other’s people mistakes.

The sixth rule: work not for money

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Money is a bad motivation. More precisely, it shouldn’t be just a one thing why you are working somewhere. The money force you to ignore the voice of your hurt. You just can live someone else’s life instead of yours.

The seventh rule: don’t give up!

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You must always stand up after every fall. It’s not a good idea to give up after just a little or an absolutely destructive failure. The way to give up is a way of weak people. That doesn’t mean they’re bad, they’re just weak so they aren’t able to be really successful. Strong persons learn on their and on others mistakes.

The seventh rule: don’t be afraid of risk

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Go to risk. Just do it. You should know what to do in the serious, very difficult situations when sometimes you must risk. Don’t be afraid of a failure; it will just give you a very expensive gift – the experience. You can’t be successful without experience and been able to risk. Person never really regrets inside about he has done comparing with regrets about he hadn’t done, about the chance that he had lost.

The eighth rule: don’t be lazy

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Don’t be lazy! Yes, it’s very tempting idea to go home after work and watch the TV, drink the bottle of beer or something like that. You must try to find opportunities and possibilities everywhere all the time. Agree on them. Make an habit to say «yes» to things more often then to say «no» because it’s only the one way to find yourself in this deep and wonderful, full of everything world. The lazy person will just try to find excuses. No, you should think a lot before say «yes», think about different arguments. Actually, that are different things: try to find excuses and think about the arguments «for» and «against».

The ninth rule: don’t pity yourself

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Of course, every person in this world had a small or big or several failures. Life can’t be without them. Our failures are our experience that is the right way to success in any area. You shouldn’t pity yourself because it will take a lot of energy, time, strong, it will take a great physical and moral part of your life. Pitting yourself isn’t a good way to success.

Tenth rule: save your time

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That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have parties, going out, meet with your friends or spend time on your hobbies. That means that you mustn’t do nothing for weeks and months, you shouldn’t spend your time to no propose. Adding to that, you should remember that you won’t live forever. Everything will end one day. Do you want to get successful before that moment?

@kental with you!

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Very Well Put

thank you. I tried

great article!! thank you

follow me and you learn more

I will!! :)

Hi @kental, just stopped back to let you know you were among my favourite reads today. You can read what I had to say here.

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