The Steem Sister Show - Episode 38 // Purging Your Personal Belongings

in #steemsistershow6 years ago

Welcome to the 38th episode of the Steem Sister Show!

Your hosts are @coruscate and @maryjaney. We are two sisters using the Steem blockchain to chat about our life experiences and provide a little entertainment value to the Steemit Community.

Topic of this Episode – Purging Your Personal Belongings

I am deep in the middle of moving and so I have been doing a LOT of purging and going through things! It has been over 6 years since I moved and I honestly didn't even think I had this much stuff! Mary moved into her new house only a month ago - and so she had a lot to say on this to say on this topic as well!

Here are the questions covered in this episode:

  • Do you find purging to be fun or overwhelming?

  • Audience question from @aussieninja – Have you kept anything from your childhood that you’ll never part with?

  • What is your criteria for keeping an item?

  • How do you decide which items to sell vs. give away?

  • We got 3 awesome questions from @cheekah! Question #1 – What is one item you can never throw away?

  • Question from @cheekah #2- What items are easy for you to throw away?

  • Question from @cheekah #3- Do you think women are more attached to their belongings than men? (slightly reworded from the original)

What is the Steem Sister Show All About?

We aim to bring more “non-crypto” related content to the Steem Blockchain. Although there is nothing wrong with this kind of content (@corsucate even posts on crypto related material sometimes) – we want to help create a better onboarding experience for new users. We talk a lot about attracting new users to the platform – but if the trending page is filled with crypto posts and flagging wars, they are likely to lose interest quickly.

We hope that by creating content that is more similar to what they are used to seeing on other social media sites – they will feel more excited about being here and creating content of their own!

How Does It Work?

We pick a different topic every episode, and then throw totally random questions about that topic in a hat and go back and forth. We always have a mix of our own questions and some audience questions. Our rule is that we cannot tell each other our answers before filming! So you guys are getting our raw, unfiltered reactions here.

Every episode we announce the next week’s topic so people can submit questions.

Want to win some SBD??

If we chose to answer your question in the next show… we will send you 2 SBD! Now that’s some easy money.

Next Week’s Topic : Good Customer Service

One of the first episodes we did on the Steem Sister Show, was sharing all of our CRAZY customer service stories! We decided it was time to bring a little positivity to that topic though and so we are going to be chatting all about GOOD Customer Service.

So shoot us your questions! We both have a lot of experience working in customer service fields - from food service to phone center to hospitality.

If you would like the possibility of winning 2 Steem - please submit your questions! Anything on the topic of good Customer Service is fair game. Listener questions always end up being the best ones - so thank you in advance to everyone who submits one!

That’s a Wrap!

We hope you guys enjoyed this episode! We definitely had fun chatting about this topic!

With Love,

The Steem Sisters

@corsucate and @maryjaney



Here is a YouTube link for anyone who needs it.


Ps... The Steem Sisters will be on the road to Toronto soon! If you are at all thinking about attending - just do it!! It is so worth it. Besides - maybe you'll have a surprise appearance in a Steem Sister Show episode!


More of my Steemy Adventures

Check out the Latest Steem Sister Show Episode
Steem Monsters Fan Fiction Show with @littlescribe and @coruscate
Watch My Talk at the Steem Creators Conference
Follow The Muse Project - Empowering Women on the Blockchain - with @ogc and @coruscate
Learn More About Mene 24k Gold Investment Jewelry

▶️ DTube

Greetings, beautiful girls

Excellent video of you. I notice that when they are together, they look more beautiful than apart. Blushing, your sister is very charming in the video.

Me, I wear clothes until she gets pretty old. I do not care about these things. Here in my country people like status and clothing is used for this differentiation. I do not care hehehe.

In short, I keep items if they are useful to me.

Thank you and good morning!!!!

Ah, young ladies... making us wait for 2 weeks for the next episode is not good customer service. Don't expect a good Rotten Tomatoes review from me.

JK... hello hello! Thanks for answering my question, so exciting! Keeping a tiny little flowergirl dress is super super super adorable.

Ah, I wouldn't worry about pronunciation, all variations are acceptable fun. In more important news... that clothes hanger strategy is genius! So clever! Well done Alex. So good.

I totally, totally disagree with the notion that ease of purging or hoarding is gender-centric. Both my dad and my partner find it super hard to part with things. We moved a lot as kids, and moving my dad's office/study was always the hardest part; boxes and boxes of articles and books and magazines. My partner loves things so much, they genuinely make her happy and her own dad is a bit the same. There was a couple of times when our own purge brought her to tears which was super cute.

Good customer service hey? What a great idea for a show! Let's bring on the positive...

I like mucking around with people, and so good customer service to me is someone who jokes around too... I honestly don't even care about anything else if the customer service peep is fun and/or good natured.

What is it that really makes or breaks customer service for you?

Also, I've got a bonus question that I'm really curious about, if I may.... would you be able to name a company that has given you great customer service?

I ask because I feel like the bigger companies are making it really hard to help you these days.. and I didn't realise how bad it got until I had to return a Casper Mattress and a lady just answered the phone straight away and she just fixed the problem herself. It was incredible, I was expecting to go through all those annoying menus, and different divisions and put on hold all the time, and it was just amazing. So amazing that it breaks my heart a little when I have to call a big company... cos I've seen a better world, haha.

71 Whoot Whoot....down sizing for a move. Oh the memories. Darn you emotions. Congrats. C U 2 in a few.

Posted using Partiko Android

Aww thanks my friend!! Your the first one to notice the rep change! 😃

See you soooon!

I've been enjoying purging so much. I shop at thrift stores for a living, and I've accumulated a TON of stuff. For a while there I just LOVED stuff. My house and my life were complete chaos because of it. Now I am just all about simplifying, simplifying, simplifying. There just is not enough room in life for all that stuff. It takes so much energy.

Talking about good costumer service is all about the satisfaction of the costumers who use our services in term of our attitude toward them. The question is, do you think we have to give a good service too to a costumer who is impolite? Just like the one who say things about body shaming to our appearance, treat her/himself as a big boss to be served, etc. Do you think we still have to be professional in this case?
I need to hear your opinion for this one. You are wise, I need your point of view here.
Thanks Lea!

Hi girls, this is very interesting. How do you think it's easier to deal with? face to face or through the phone?

haha...nice video.

¡Hi friends! Beautiful as always, my question this week is: ¿How do you evaluate the good service in a fast food place, for the attention received (treat)or the rapid delivery of the order?

Thanks for another exciting episode and also for choosing my question. Good customer service is one thing that attracts me to a place as a person. My question is, should customer service be restricted to a department in a company or should it encompass every department?
Also, should good customer service be used to rate how successful a company is?

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