My Appeal of Medieval coins 5 – Claudia Origins of the Bloody Raven – Weight and Measures

in #steemsilvergold5 years ago (edited)

The Golden Apple guilder by Wolfgang Sauber, licensed under CCO

Minted in Hamburg 1438 or 1439 they are about the size of a US Dine with the weight 3.6 g. A gold currency coin intended for commercial trade in other countries and was comparable in reputation to the Florentine Florin in purity and quality.

The Obverse is of Saint Peter holding a key with the inscription MONET NO - HAMBVRGE.

Reverse is the Imperial Orb of the Holy Roman Empire with the inscription ALBERTVS ROMANORV REX (Albert II of Germany).


Claudia – Origin of the Bloody Raven Part 7 : Weight and Measures

The lights of the Inn do not cast far from the doors. It no longer mattered as the day began to rise over the misty eastern mountains. There was a sense of urgency in Lukkas' tone. His men lined up awaiting his further direction. The nine horsemen almost prepared to disembark upon their search froze on their mounts as Claudia rode towards them at a leisurely pace. "Oh hello, is there something wrong?"

"Where have you been?" Lukkas sighed in relief as he climbed back down from his horse. "My Squire informed me that you forayed into town. It behooves me of no reason why to do such an endeavor at late hours."
"I must then apologize, Lukkas." As she dismounts from her horse, "I erred that you should be privy to my constant whereabouts."

Lukkas signaled to his men to stand down and to return their horses back into the stable. He held her hand firm, "Who knows what kind of vermin can be out there in the dark. Have you lost reason?" As daylight began to filter over the valley Lukkas was splendid in the mantle of his family's crest as opposed to that of his Teutonic affiliation. His words seemed to less important than what his feelings they conveyed. She felt how he held her hand in almost an affectionate manner. Back in Firenze there were plenty of men that sought to court her for various reasons, political reasons, familiar alliances, some for sport, or something to conquer. She bore the name Auditorè as a well-respected name among the higher circles of Italian political life. It was also proving grounds ripe to learn ins and outs of intrigue and in the art of courtship as they oft intertwine. What secrets can be whispered in private parlours and bed Chambers. Regardless of means, The Brotherhood is in business of Secrets. Lukkas' concern was genuinely sincere. She let him ramble on to bask in his indirect affection.

Knight Lukkas by The Digital Artist license COO

"What can you possibly need to do, tell me?" He released her hand to grasp her shoulders and look her in the eyes to say, "Maria, why you are all wet and damp."

With the somewhat oversized dress graciously lent from the Inn Keeper's wife. Lukkas insisted on the first order of business following breakfast was to acquire for Maria a more appropriate wear for a lady of manners than just a change in riding clothes. Claudia logically boiled it down to practicality. Yet feeling simply elated for the luxury of a beautiful new gown and shoes. Lukkas was satisfied with her reaction and generously rewarded the Seamstress a gold piece for each of three dresses and a riding cloak.
"You cannot be serious in buying all this for me Lukkas?"

Sign from Stocksnap by Bruce Mars License CCO

"You did not think I would notice that you had difficulty in choosing which one so I took it upon myself to relieve that terrible burden for you." He replied with an benevolent grin, "You appear beautiful in either in my eyes. A jewel in its proper setting has its new found beauty." Lukkas stepped back and motions her to turn around once more. "I would recommend you wearing the gown with the red trim as you will be my guest presenting your gift of the Holy Scriptures to the Cathedral."
“Oh, I am?” She replied, “I would simply deliver it and be done.”
“Oh no, I can attest that The Bishop himself does enjoy a more elaborate setting.”

The road to the Capital was of quiet conversation. The beauty of the landscape was almost a stark contrast to the dreary atmosphere within Menine’s township. Quiet but not always. Issak described in minutiae their pilgrimage to the Holy Land that was by all regards an uneventful expedition even under Ottoman rule. He was always deciding on whether embellishing some details for more entertaining conversation when in the company of impressionable young boys and ladies back home yet always ending with telling the truth. Theodore practiced quoting, memorizing and reciting scripture, manuscripts, and sermons. And he demonstrated a marvelous singing voice as well whenever a natural rock face or chasm provided an idea amphitheatre. Naturally the rest of the band and anyone within earshot provided the applause.

Mountain Landscape by Schwoaze under CCO

Lukkas often turned to her as if studying, wondering, asking himself questions that only his heart knew the answers to.
"Tell me Lukkas, do you not already have some fair maidens that have your eye?"
Lukkas appeared to give the subject some thought. "One time long ago as I was a young lad, t’was seven at the time, when my eyes beheld a lovely dark haired girl with large brown eyes and exquisite candor during the coronation of our King Hagrid. I recall just momentary glance from amongst the pews. But I never saw her again. I have learned that she and her family had died from plague a few years later as I have been told. I was quite saddened by that news. Since then her likeness has been the model that measure my potential choices."

“Come now Lukkas, there must be a throng of fine Trilonian ladies that would be a suitable consort and wife all eagerly awaiting your hero’s arrival home.”
"I have a few potential each having fine attributes, no lack in beauty and each having neigh I have yet to find good cause to commit to anyone yet, too demure, too predictable, too refined and not enough of a mystery just waiting to be discovered. Niegh with a sense of independence and clear thought. That is…until now."

Claudia felt her heart leap at the same time knowing not to form deep bonds to anyone. The road of an assassin forged on revenge is a lonely one and those in the way will be hurt. That is perhaps the most difficult discipline to attain for a woman that is without family even a husband is by most part feeling incomplete. Somehow her actions tend to contradict her intentions. The memories of her feelings to Ezio were a reminder to deny her feelings as unique cursed life as hers. Again Lukkas looked affectionately towards her judging in her reaction and weighing her words.

Claudia tried to find a reason to discourage the course of this conversation, "I thought Teutons like the Hospitalers and Templar before forsake wealth and women."
"Purity does have its place but to those most gifted in that according to those most close to God himself say in what has been written. Many of those in current holy leadership seemed not to grasp that."
"You think the Holy Pope is wrong?" Claudia hoped this divisive topic would be that wedge.

"He is after all a man and perhaps misadvised at times depending on the chosen one if it be by theological scholarship or by wealth and favors. I like what the apostle Paul wrote about the Bereans that they search the Scriptures to see if what is by God and what may be mere contrivance by men." He continues, "And he wrote. That some are gifted with singleness others not and neither should be considered any better than the other."

Forest from Pixabay by Valphotos Licensed by Pixabay

"You speak like a Reformist." She observed.
Lukkas replied again choosing his words carefully, "As the oldest of my siblings my grandfather wanted me to be a priest as by tradition. But as much as admire the holy ways I am not as inspired like my brother Theodore here as he will be going into monastic service rather than the Priesthood. My eyes were opened when I studied God’s written word. "

Claudia wanted to portray herself as if fully loyal to Rome as in her Italian upbringing but what see really have seen over the years have learned how power corrupts some of the men among those who were genuine in their faith but most of all it bothered her to lie, "I do not have anything against Reformists and their mis-characterization by the powers of Rome. I admit having seen many good men serve and some merely serve for the power. I know some of the workings of the Church as Bankers do not make good Popes."
His grin broadened under his moustache, "It is as you see it. Otherwise I cannot fathom why such differences could not be discussed in the open rather than resorting to force of arms. The strongest argument is from the very words God and those Apostles most close to him say. Some teachings have certainly changed from what is witness in the original Manuscripts."

“I can’t say you are wrong Lukkas as I have read this copy already during my journey so far.”
"As to forsaking a fine wife or productive land of what God has considered good I have concluded that is more the German and so forth the current Catholic thinking not to mention that definition of that meaning can change in these days of enlightenment. I'm more interested 'Sola Scriptura' what the Holy Scriptures actually says. It is as you put it Bankers do not make good Popes."

"So by what you read you see that the original witnesses like the Apostles are more correct than later Church leaders."
"Of course, they are closest to what our risen Lord himself taught and martyred for." Lukkas nods to Theodore for that teaching.
"I see, those that only seek power would be among the least likely to die for a lie." Mused Claudia.
"This is why the Crusades were such a fool's errand. Even the Lord himself says to the Sumerian woman that the kingdom of God is not necessarily a place but of the heart. And this is why I have the passion to see this Canon, the Word of God be made public, people must see and reason for themselves and not be led away by those 'Wolves' in sheep's clothing as the Apostle Paul writes. Is that right Theodore?"

Theodore gallops up next to Claudia, "And I have been inspired to teach common people to read so they can read not only God's Word but any book of classic thought and reason to their own satisfaction. I heard news in Germania a man that has found a way to faithfully produce a multitude of Canon, I can almost envision God's Word in every household!"
"But until then, my beautiful Maria, your gift to the Bishop of Khazaria is a most noble start."

Flowers by the Lake by Schwoaze Under CCO

Lukkas caught attention of something among the tall grass, he signals the band to stop.
The lake appeared idyllic with signs of an oft used encampment by previous travellers. Issak stood upon his stirrups surveyed the immediate area, "Am I to presume we are to make camp here?"
Lukkas' answer was yet to be forthcoming. He dismounts and gazes over the picturesque lake before tossing a small coin into the water as if he were making a wish. Then he slipped into the tall grass.

1432 Hamburg Schilling by Bullenwachter License under CCO 3.0

“I think the deed is about to be done.” Theodore signals the squires to bring the wagon around to begin making camp. “And there shall be many ladies hearts broken in Trilonia.”
“So it seems.” Replied Issack,“I do not fully feel at ease about her so keep an eye on our Brother.”

Claudia, for when you have forsaken your immortal soul for your eternal damned one, you made that as a child out of anger and rage remember this: That your suffering is only made worse when you cling upon the lives of others. Be it as it may, befriend but be not beloved encumbered and thus embitter your soul. ~ Giovanni Auditore

Lukkas emerges from the tall grass. His joyful eyes left no doubt of his intention. "My heart cannot deny my thoughts, I would charge through ranks of elite Ottoman Janissaries if they kept me from your side." Poorly hidden behind his back he knelt and presented Claudia with a bouquet of wild flowers. “Since your blessed father and mother cannot join us here among the living then I shall ask yea permission of you my Maria of Menine that I seek the privilege our courtship to the best of my abilities.”

A. Period Dress from Alie Express
R. Clip art from 123RF
W. Wiki Commons
Assassin’s Creed rights belong to UBIsoft Assassin’s Creed Universe Website


Previous Episodes of Claudia

The Heart of Ezio
Claudia Auditore da Firenze
Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven -The Inn
Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven –Sword of the Beast
Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven – Knight in Shining armor
Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven –The Cemetery
Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven – Weight and Measures


Claudia from DeviantArt by WisesnailArt

By Connormah – Wikimedia Public Domain

“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”


Beautiful coins. The most that would be available get will be reproductions in silver. Hehehe... I know what you mean when men freeze when a pretty lady walks towards them.. much more for Claudia who was on horseback! What a very romantic end to this episode, sis @kerrislravenhill!!!! What if Claudia says "No"??? Please say yes... it is only courtship. Sis... she better say "yes"!!!!

I've been looking at an Ebay coin seller in Ireland dealing in Medieval coins. I may try and carefully pick a few of the smaller ones of reasonable grade just for the sake of having a few historical HRE pieces. I cashed in a hundred dollars worth of pop and beer cans so I can afford a few silver and bronze ones.
Claudia... I don't even know yet how deal with this. So many dilemmas , so ironic, A Godly minded knight and a young Vampire girl come on, there will be issues. And now letting her emotions get the better of her. This is getting complicated.

This one I like for reasons you may already know:

Please make them fall in love!

Hard to make out the Inscription on the Obverse. Damasus II? I think my eyes are getting bad.
The Arch Angel Micheal with a Wreath and Palm leaf on the reverse SC VICTORIA

First! (PS The Dutch used the Gulden (Fl.) till the Euro came)

Here are two of the four Dutch Junk silver coins that are a part of my Stack, I just like to add variety!

Amazing! A half guilder I never used!

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