My Appeal with Medieval coins - Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven - The Inn

in #steemsilvergold5 years ago (edited)

Thaler à l'effigie de Ferdinand II, 1626 Wiki Source license CCO

Something about the crazy history of the Holy Roman Empire is that it was simply a miracle it was able stay together for so long before coming apart. Years of conflict and wars lead to the debasement of the coinage over time. However the money have their own appeal to me and their affordability is not too bad for typical strikes and with any numismatics quality and rarity rule. Crude by today’s standards but I find the Vintage aspect along with the history feel makes them attractive simply for collectable value than for the Silver if any. So I’m shopping for a Parvus Denar Matthias Corvinus, and or Bohemia: Sigismund of Luxembourg silver Parvusthe. The coins that circulated in where is now known as Transylvania.

'this agglomeration that calls itself, and still calls itself the Holy Roman Empire, is neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire' ~ Voltaire

Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven - The Inn

Sabat (formerly Menine) township, Khazaria 1509

The tavern was beginning to see the end of the business day wind down. The old Inn keeper abided the remaining time in stocking the counters waiting for his last patrons to finish. The feature of the Inn was the magnificent fire hearth to which the Inn lends it's name is now reduced down to it's last embers. It was the welcoming fixture of the business when the town was founded over two hundred years ago to provide hospitality for visitors, travellers and improvised housing for the locals. Back then business was good, people and honest money flowed and generosity was common practice. The people flourished but not anymore. The firewood for the next day's business already stacked proper. Most of the tables cleaned and chairs stacked.
One table were a group of Silver miners he knew quietly spending their found wealth on a fine meal and drink the best that of what the inn could possibly offer. Their tone changes as the local patrol came in for some reprieve from the damp cold weather. They settled on a table at the other side of the inn, Sabat's soldiers resting from a routine evening patrol of the town. These men were not in the mood to finish their rounds as the rain continue to fall. They'd rather patrol the warm confines of the Inn.

There was the sound of a lone horseman arriving outside the Inn, the door opened with only one solidarity figure entering the tavern seeking refuge from the late evening weather.
The Inn Keeper welcomed the stranger, "We were about to close soon but..."
"Then I will require just a room for a several nights." She replied. . The figure pulled down her hood and removed her damp outer cloak, her coat appeared foreign yet she also spoke in perfect Khazarian. Her large brown doe eyes and feminine features glistened with the glow of the lamps around the counter, her countenance and style reminded him of Lady Menine wife of Grigory. As if tending to a maiden in need isn't enough to encourage the business, "I will pay in advance." From her purse she placed a few silver coins on the counter more than the typical fare. With the Inn situated at the town entrance many travellers imported various silver coins as the old Inn Keeper was familiar with foreign money. First large coin was a rare old Khazarian Zollar, then an Austria Guldiner Sigismund, and then a Bohemian Dinar.

Guldiner Sigismund 1484 Source by CNG License by CCO 3.0

BOHEMIA, VLADISLAV II (LADISLAS VIII of HUNGARY) 1490-1516 --- DINAR Source by Jerry Woody License by CCO 2.0

"You are quite the Traveller, how long were you out of Khazar?"
"Very observant of you, it has been twelve years since I lived here." Even with the scarf obscuring her mouth the Inn Keeper remain fixed upon her face, "You must have been just a child then and where are your parents?" The question piqued a vague memory of the day the dark times came. How the loss of Lord Grigory changed things. The controversy of their beloved Lord turning traitor to the crown still had unanswered questions of his character and doubts legitimacy to the current Lord to this day. The long lingering feeling of hardship and oppression had blanketed the land of an unspoken darkness. With the soldiers present any criticism of the new Lord easily begat charges of sedition.
Out of The corner of her eye she observes the soldiers take an interest in her conversation.

They stared over to the counter with an air of suspicion. Their eyes were upon her and then set upon her purse as she tucked it inside her coat, typical behavior of criminals more than keeping the peace. Pappa would have never tolerated corruption by his men. Things have changed much in this land.
"I am Pochatta," Smiled the Inn Keeper, "Why certainly and you must also be hungry too, I will reopen the kitchen for you. I'm sure you must be traveling's with a caravan; it is too dangerous now for a lone woman to travel these roads. I'd be honored to provide my lodging services for them too."
His eyes shifted brief to the solders. She picked up on his warning. They were dangerous men, men with authority and they seem the kind that would likely abuse it.

"Oh yes, they are choosing an appropriate Inn for their large size. Not enough room so I came here."
The sound of a finger snap came from the officer and two of the soldiers got up and slipped out into the night. Claudia's lie was about to be tested.
Disappointed The Inn Keeper shook his head slightly and leaned forward to whispered, "I hoped that there will be no trouble." He slid the coins back towards her. "You better flee, I seen what these men have done to women before." Leaning upon old tradition and honor it was better to turn down business than to witness the suffering of a young woman let alone a native Khazar maiden.
She nodded, “Very well.” As she reached for her silver coins when one of the soldiers got up and blocked the door. She felt the atmosphere of the hall change. "Or… I can take care of myself." She slid the coins back. "I've gotten out worse situations. I just hoped not to resort to this." She reveals the hilt of her sword and dagger under her riding coat.
Pochatta sighed with reserved apprehension, "Many fights here do not end well but you got courage. God be with you."
She resumed her candor, "I have for most parts along the way. I've been to many places out west for these twelve or so years."
The Inn Keeper slipped through the beaded doorway urging someone to open the kitchen before continuing the conversation further. A woman steps by the door way donning an apron and a younger man steps out to set a table for the new guest. "Please, have our best seat by the hearth." The younger man stoked the dwindling embers back into a bright inviting fire.

She placed another silver coin on the table and slid it towards her polite Service. "I have a black mare named Storm, see that she is taken care of for me. And say, 'Vanyà, Storm', and she will obey you."
"Yes my lady, I shall put her in our best stall with good feed and fresh water right away. My name is Olan and I will be at your service my lady."
"Thank you, Olan. I seem to be in no hurry."
"My father will have your room ready soon. I will tend to your horse and be back shortly my Lady."

In traditional Khazarian manner she turned her chair and set her feet upon the apron of the blazing hearth. She basked in the warmth of the fire while out of the corner of her eye observes the Inn Keeper's approval, respect and to also assess the response of the soldiers. It was a proper act in demonstrating the importance of accepting the host's hospitality. His apprehension gave way to the grin once again. He turned to his immediate duties but hesitated to perform a motion of the cross and a quick prayer for her predicament.

Pexels image by Caio Resende License CCO

“I must remain calm.” Claudia thought as she sipped her drink before pulling a bound book from within her rucksack.
"Dei gratia." She opened the book to ribbon mark and settled back to read quietly.
The Inn door swings open, the two Soldiers return to their watch officer. Their survey have yielded their answer with evil grins. Though the officer kept his voice down to an inaudible whisper she could still read his lips, a skill her Mama passed on to her.

Old Book Pexels Image by Skitterphoto License by CCO

The Watch officer tucks his thumbs into his belt and steps to her table, "I think my men need some entertainment; I see you are able to read. You have a book, what does it say?"
Claudia kept reading for another moment before responding. The Officer seemed patient enough. The book is titled in large script on the top of the page as is the cover, "Vulgate" An uneducated heathen as he only glanced at the book before bathing his eyes all over her.
"Do you always disturb a Lady of the Manners when she reads?"
"What Lady of the Manners?" Snapped the officer. "We just like a little entertainment!"
She raised her tone to that of a person of status, "You may prefer to prey upon helpless peasants but you should have realized my educated status and I will not be trifled with."
Without taking her eye off the officer she turned to a page and pointed to a select passage, "I quote from the living word of God ... And thus spaketh John the Baptist, by the River Jordan to the solders, be content with thy pay be given upon yea...."
One of the soldier steps over to the miners, he lays his hand on the hilt of his sword, "I think you fellows need to leave, you're finished here." The miners picked up in haste, another soldier steps up to Pochatta and places a few coins on the counter, "Remember, you saw nothing! Understand? Nothing. Here's an extra copper to clean up the mess."

Friesland Duke of Saxony Netherlands 1/16 Stoiver 1501 – 1504 From license CCO

The Watch officer kept his predatory eye fixed on her, "This must be an important book to you."
His face leaned close enough for her to catch his foul breath. His right hand clutches the top of her book, while his left reaching behind her to very likely grab the hair. ”A foul tactic of the vile.” She thought. "Yes, It is a gift by the Abbott of Bvlgarius. It required two years for his brother monks to craft from original manuscript in gratitude for my service to his Monastery."
His right hand’s grip tightened on her book, “Then you won't mind if I...." yanks the book away. His left hand clutches nothing but empty space as she tucked down to her left and rolls up into a defensive stance with her back towards the tavern wall.
He snarled. "You are quick." His men surrounded her leaving no route of escape. He motions his men to close their circle. "I prefer women to scream and cry by now, but you will soon enough!"

A. Gothic sleeve Re-enactment/Theater costume category Ali Baba
R. Clip art from 123RF
W. Wiki Commons


Image source Pinterest Fan Art by Cal Crozier

Previous Flashback Episodes

The Heart of Ezio

Claudia Auditore da Firenze Italy 1498

“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”


And now what? Does Kerris come in with her samurai sword and settle the dispute once and for all . Anyway @Goldrooster asked me to leave a full upvote here.

Thank you @powernap and @goldrooster. That would the Tiana Mintauru/The bloody Raven era late 18th Century in the South China seas & South Pacific.
It can't be that easy. Then where's the moral dilemma, the struggle, self doubts, overcoming of adversity, and then there is the Silver!? I should consider having my readers suggest the elements of the next installment. 16th Century Europe is shifting from the Medieval to the Renaissance age and the development of more elegant styles and disciplines of combat. The Rapier and Dagger combat emerges in this time and context in the political climate of many constant power struggles within the Holy Roman Empire. Mercenary armies for hire are more prevalent rather than standing armies and new advances of battlefield weaponry so those with the money also have the power.

you have one of the coolest blogs on here

Aye see wit me Unpatched eye many Bots do stop by but hardly leave any swarthy critique or accolades mentioning coolness. However I cherish those few precious living souls that do take the care to spare a few encouraging words for me to sally forth and continue me adventures.

You cant leave me hanging like that......... You are killing me

My humble apologies but I had to or this post will top 2500+ words.
Some days I think I should have took up something more simple like photography.
So I could simply upload any cute Cat picture add a few lines of text and title every photo: FISH.

Wow... Your Posts are almost like reading a Book... I always try to keep my Posts as Short as can be... Even then, I feel like no one is reading them from start to finish...

Anyway, at least with our U.S. Clad Coinage, we don't have to Worry about our Circulating Coinage being Debased... Let the Clad Coinage Circulate, and let it be Backed by U.S. Bullion Coinage, which will do very little Circulating...

Thanks for leaving me a Comment on my Post...
March 17, 2019... @pocketechange or #ssg-membership

I understand. Most tend to be auto-votes, and few read from top to bottom. Funny thing as I tend to on odd occasional huge comment too.
I tend to be totally manual.
Since I am posting only on a Casual rather than a daily basis Bots are of no use to me. So I put my energy into one good post and I get the odd massive upvote from dedicated curators. Thanks for dropping in.

I love the fact that you’re replying to every Comment... I only do manual voting myself...

She must have been 8 turning 9 years old when she left, and now she is 20 turning 21! So much courage! Can't wait for the next episode.

Courage could be driven by many reasons including revenge.
I wrote this little Flashback segment during my work commute over the last two weeks.
Khazara is a real place, I renamed as Khazaria but very little is known about it in terms of people, language and culture. So I got plenty of License.

Ms. Ravenhill BRAVO and Thank You for Always Bringing your Masterful Compositions to the Table on #PirateSunday ...........
These Pieces and Your Steadfast Way is What Makes me Honored to be just a small part of what Sundays mean on Steemit...........@kerrislravenhill

Just trying to hold up my part of this community, saving my best for the #piratesunday.

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Thank you, I could use any means of encouragement possible to stay the Steemit course.

That dude on the first coin is a very handsome looking man, Not, cheers.

That dude on the first
Coin is a very handsome
Looking man, Not, cheers.

                 - silverbug

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Maybe he was cool to his Catholic friends and To an Austrian Lady of persuasion perhaps so, or more to his wealth and influence. Those of the Nobility and Aristocracy sure ate well and wore the nicer threads and it's too bad for the remaining peasant masses. Ferdinand II the Holy Roman Emperor 1617 if there was a fellow that thrust an iron stake into the division between Catholics and Protestants it would be this guy.

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