LousingLouie and The Chronicles of the Bloody Raven : The Nemesis - Part 7

Show and Tell: The Booty of LosingLouie

Lousing Louie is the handle of one of the most laid back YouTube Silver Community pourers I’ve come to discover in the last three years as a subscriber. Since June 2008 His Channel he has published hundreds of videos since relating to Silver Stacking along with some history and commentary.
His distinct trademark is the Japanese Kanji Character 富pronounced as ‘Tome me’ meaning Wealth. As a talented guitarist himself he also use the letters RYS letters meaning ‘Rock your Stack (Silver)’

This bar is now just over two years old, Louie considers this an old ‘Vintage’ product of his. A two ozT 0.999 Fine Silver Matte finished Rock Your Stack Bar.

Like many pourers and members of this Community he never shows his face so In the Chronicles of the Bloody Raven I’ve imagined him as the flamboyant Lute playing Dutch Pirate Captain of the Troubadour.

Now this is a Sterling Silver 0.925 fine Guitar pick. It goes nice with the Guitar bars he also pours on a regular basis. Of course he says that Sterling silver has a higher melting point and cools much faster than 0.999 fine silver. I have yet to play my Fender Squire guitar with it. 🎸

Here is a limited edition Silver Currency in tribute to the Fallout Computer Role playing game that uses Bottle caps as the in game currency as they are considered limited supply in the game’s universe. Cool huh? The Video The round is cast in the bottle cap and the cap itself becomes the Certificate of Authenticity COA.

Even cooler, if you saw the Video, is the GLOW-IN-THE-DARK feature as Losinglouie painted the symbol of the international symbol for ‘Radiation Hazard’ on the RYS Wealth obverse side. Just shine a bright light on the surface and turn off the light and observe the glowing effect. Unfortunately my Phone camera wasn’t capable of taking a video or picture under very low light conditions. It is in his video.

Now how many other Silver products have this neat Glow-in-the-dark feature? Hint: The Royal Canadian Mint puts out a few.

Chronicles of the Bloody Raven: The Nemesis - Episode 5 Part 7

The splendid sunrise provided an unspoken sense of relief as the enemy could no longer conceal themselves in the dark shadows of the night. The fear perpetrated by this devil woman has yet to be killed let alone captured alive are fanciful exaggerations of rumor and unsubstantiated claims. No one is invincible. Only the Organization is. Captain Jaagen carefully sights the distant inbound Fury and San Cortezia before handing the spyglass over to the watch, “And all that cannon fire we heard earlier was likely the result of sinking the Storm Crow, nothing like superior fire power, Excellent! And that eliminates any viable means of escaping the Island for our prey. The command assumed the Storm Crow would attack or flee before daylight so we can now concentrate on supporting the troops ashore.”

"Captain Jaagen, what can you see?" Perry put down his spyglass.
"Looks like the Fury in front and she's taken some damage, the San Cortezia seems in ship shape. They are in full sail approaching our position and be alongside within the half hour. I take it that they were successful in sinking the escaping Storm Crow my lord."
"But for that much damage by a minimally crewed ship, Whitmore couldn't be taken by surprise unless he'd grown incompetent overnight, I look forward to Whitmore's report, prepare to render assistance, I shall retire to my quarters and await his report"
Jaagen turned to his Ship Master, "Stand down, stand by to assist the Fury for expedited repairs as soon as she anchors."

Captain Louie felt confident their ruse will be a successful on the remaining three Shield ships, it won't be long until the enemy will spot the Troubadour, La Savior, and the rest of the Squadron following behind the cover of the Fury and Cortezia. By that time he calculates getting off two or maybe three broadsides before they could reply in kind. The Captain of La Savior waves over from Cortezia signaling her readiness, "Ready, mes amis!

In turn each vessel signaled their readiness as they close in on the unsuspecting ships. The only thing unclear was the readiness of the Storm Crow under the command of the Ship's cook Chang, babbling something in Chinese. Despite that ambiguity it will be our six ships against three with surprise on our side. Louie opened his spyglass and kept an eye on the flagship's nest for their reaction.

Captain Jaagen stepped towards the starboard rail, he didn't need the spyglass. The Fury and the San Cortezia we're heading the wrong direction before breaking starboard into an attack approach rather the right one to come along side against the wind. To his horror black flags were hoisted up in plain view. Concealed by the sails of two war ships were another group of distant but unknown ships. “Beat to quarters!” Cried Jaagen as puffs of white smoke billowed followed by a thunderous ripple from the two incoming ships. The Mist shook from the incoming barrage of projectiles smashing spars, rigging, long boats, hardly any structure was spared above deck in the punishing volley, only the thick oak hull withstood. The crew tarried to move the wounded and push what cannon that were dislodged and re-secured back into operation.

"Boarding party, assèmble!" The Blade of Nassau made a quick inspection her team, "What are we Messieurs?"
The boarding crew of La Savior bellowed as they brandished their weapons high, “Nous sommes badass!”
"We are so bad áss! Mais non?" She grinned in satisfaction and stared at her second in command, "Messieurs Dubois, take command of Le Cortezia and follow Le Fury into combat while we go fix the Minas.”
“Oui, Captain Madame!”
“Over the side!"

“Damn what’s happening Jaagen!”, Lord Perry emerged from below deck amidst the din of the chaos. He made a quick visual assessment of the situation. Junior officers joined the senior officer reporting the ship's status. “Four Cannons are out of commission sir!” reports a young Leftenant. “Eighteen men wounded Sir” reported another.
Jaagen composed himself, “They’re the Pirates! They have control of both the Fury and San Cortezia!” The shock of the news was inconceivable if it were not the Black flags flying on the ships. The two ships swung around and loosed another broadside with most rounds pounding the tough hull but continued to wreak havoc on deck.

“Gun crews be at the ready, have the Minas and the De Cote concentrate fire on the....Fury!" The order choked in Perry's throat. "How in the world did Whitmore...that imbecile!"
Before the Shield ships were able to bring the cannons to bear the pirate controlled ships positioned themselves just outside 400 yards as if content to fire from a distance turning it into a battle of attrition.
The Gunnery Officer reports, "Ready to return fire, My Captain!”
“Captain Jaagen, you may fire at will!”
Captain Jaagen relays the order to his gunnery officer, “Fire at Will!”

Captain Bellini of the Minas patently observes the battle as far as he's concerned the gun fire exchange is largely between the Flagships. “Keep firing gentlemen! Concentrate fire upon the Fury as ordered.” The Minas’ guns were fewer but larger Eight and Ten Pounders with the battle now down to who can do the most damage at a distance, and his ship was designed for this very strategy. If somehow he could be allowed to be mobile rather than anchored he could deploy his Bow or Stern Eighteen pounder Guns then finishing the pirates would be much easier, it will just be a matter of time his gun crews will be scoring superior results, the fools these Pirates.

There was a clatter of commotion behind him. Captain Bellini turns and sees an unfamiliar woman on his ship, her clothes were soaked as if she had just climbed in from the sea. In her hands a pair of short melee blades. He watches in shock as his Ship Master collapse to the deck with slashes across his chest and neck. Then, a line of unruly looking cut-throats climbed in over the rail behind her, "What are you doing on my ship?” said Captain Bellini

“Bonjour Captain. Men of La Savior, Attack!” The boarding party instantly swooped upon the unsuspecting deck and gunnery crews with speed and ferocity. Bombs were dropped into hatches and access ways, doors were blocked. As the brig fills with prisoners the guns of the Minas become silent.

As the boarding crew secure most of the Minas the Blade of Nassau beckons her number one, “Messieur Calabrè, get your men to ready the Stern Guns!” She nodded towards the Mist. Mr Calabrè looked towards the rear of the warship and sees that the Mist has yet to be bought up to date of the Minas' change in command. "It will be my pleasure my lovely Captain!" In a few minutes Calabrè poked his head out of the Minas' Stern gun deck porthole, “Almost ready Captain!” Calabrè disappeared and a pair of very large cannon barrels moved into place.

Jaagen and Perry heard the Minas’ distinct huge Eighteen Pound guns deep thunder. Before they could even think, planks, cannons, men, equipment and the entire gun deck turned into a maelstrom of instant chaos. The Quarter deck bent and buckled as if the ship itself almost snapping in half throwing the officers and crew off their feet. Wood and metal fixtures splintered and shattered explosively piercing sail, wood and flesh.

The Gunnery leftenant’s vision was blurry, his mind numb and disoriented. The muffled ringing of his ears slowly gave way distorted thundering of distant cannon fire. He tried blinking and his vision cleared enough to see the masts, smoke, and sky. He could just begin to hear the clamoring of panic and agony followed by the odd sense of vulnerability. He turned his head and stared into the distant lifeless eyes of his former Midshipman.

His legs fought the numbness as he struggled to his feet to stand tall in the face of the enemy. Perry grimaced as he braced himself on the rail to reassess his immediate situation. "Report!" He gazed over the devastated deck, "I will not see my ship in this insufferable state, this lack of discipline will not be tolerated!"

A surviving Leftenant traversed the shattered stairs towards him, the young officer pointed past the bow, "Sir, it's the Minas! She's been overrun by the pirates and fired her stern guns into our bow!"

The junior midshipman was almost breathless, "Captain, the pirate ships are breaking formation and are now closing, shall we prepare to repel boarders?"

Meanwhile Captain Jaagen was still composing himself unsure if he had his wits about. Perry glanced portside observing the Pirate captured Fury and Cortezia now pounding the Fleur De Cotè but now another five other ships appeared from beyond the smoke and closing. "The other ships." Perry hoped they were his reinforcements accompanied by the Spectre, "What are they? Report!"

"Maintain cannon fire!" Captain Fournier recalled his Marines back into the temporary safety below the deck of the De Cote. The rifles were ineffective as the Pirates are now beginning to fire upon his ship taking on too many casualties. Lord Perry has yet to issue an order to withdraw as he notices the Mist had ceased firing, he may have to take the initiative. A courageous young lad had just slid down from the Crow's nest before main mast took another direct hit sending the main spar and sails crashing to the deck. There’s no chance to escape now. "Ensign D'Auditore report."
"Looks like the Minas is overrun by the Pirates and the Mist has been heavily damaged sir."
"We can only provide support fire. The hull can only protect us for so long."
"Do we surrender sir? I have this feeling that we would be spared if we do."
"Boy, you got nerve to even suggest that to a Shield Captain! Damn these pirates are well organized. Our fate is sealed."
The ensign pulled a black pouch from his pocket.
"What's that boy?"
"A rippled silver heart that belonged to my great great grandfather's sister. It's a strange feeling but I just know we will be spared. There is something about this Bloody Raven Pirate that is familiar, it's as if I know her."

Captain Jaagen lifted his spyglass, "Largest is a Spanish Man of War, a Frigate, a Brigantine, a French Sloop, bearing Black flags led by..." Jaagen blinked hard to clear his vision to be sure. He felt his heart sink. It's flag and configuration is, "Led by the Storm Crow!"

Another deep boom thundered from the Minas!
The Mist once again buckled violently beneath their feet. Bowing and creaking almost to the breaking point. This time the rounds coursed their trajectory just below reeking terrible havoc in the secondary gun deck silencing his remaining guns. Looking over the bow the Minas' flag was just cut loose on to water and the Black Diamond flag run up in it's place. The grinning Pirate woman threw him a mock salute as her men again ready the Minas’ giant Stern guns.
"Where did all these pirates come from?"
With the ravaged Mist helpless, the Minas over run, and the De Cote almost wrecked, Lord Perry no longer had any choice, the three Shield ships had to surrender.

Image Credits

Copyrights belong to their respective producers.
Admiral the Movie (2015) or Michiel de Ruyter by Roel Reine Farmhouse Film and TV Productions, Frank Lammers as Admiral Tromp
Black Sails, Starz Entertainment 2017, Clara Paget as Anne Bonny, I just love this Mini series!

The Back Stories

Opening Video (Click on the Raven and Katana)
Opening Episode 1 Chronicles of the Bloody Raven
Episode 2 Coin Keeper: Dragon Bar
Episode 3 AgEnder: Ickabod’s Skull and Crossbones
Episode 4 Dr Masterson: Fog of War
Episode 5 The Nemesis
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part one
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part two
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part three
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part four
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part Five
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part Six
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part Seven
Episode 6 Part one The Heart of Ezio

Clip art from 123RF

“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”


Awesome pieces from Louie and marvelous writing from you! Thanks so much for sharing!!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

And thank you for being there!

.... where did all the pirates come from??? From the waters, lead by a female pirate... yeah, girls ALWAYS rule!

And the guys get all the press, we clean up the mess. Oh well, life in the 18th century. Mais oui?

Michiel de Ruyter a Dutch movie about our most famous state-pirates de Ruiter and Tromp. I know a person who figurated in taht movie. And Losing Louis - whats in a name - I know as well.

I loved that movie, How accurate was that movie? The Ending was pretty sad.

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