Chronicles of the Bloody Raven – The Nemesis: Episode 5 part 3

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Pirate toy boat By blickpixel CCO

Show and Tell: The Surprise from my Father’s little Stack

After his passing, my father’s stack was found inside an old dusty brown alligator skin suitcase tucked away in the attic. I found the old pictures, some papers, some cards, an old cracked plastic binder with an assortment of banknotes, and the familiar Violet “Crown Royal” liquor bags that he let me play Pirate with those many years ago. In a small box were a few coins in old cardboard flips I’ve never seen. One peculiar coin was in a small unmarked brown envelope with a blank white card taped to it.

My own Mexico 8 Reales Carlos IV An actual Spanish Pieces of eight as illustrated in the book Treasure Island as it was read to me along with watching the few Pirate movies on the television when it came up on the TV guide. It’s dull and pretty worn and may have gone though many hands over the years and If it could only talk. Still a fine old historical coin that represented the world reserve money at the time, and now a precious memory to me so I dedicate this blog in his memory.

I can only guess that he was saving this for me as a future gift for some special occasion to reminisce the fun times we spent together making the ship out of some large appliance box, fashioning some wooden swords from scrap wood using an old table saw, using a card board shoe box decorated with pirate drawings as a treasure chest, playing pirate in the carefree days of my childhood. Perhaps he could have been saving it for my wedding as I can almost see him giving me away to a ‘new command’ and a new ‘first mate.’ Funny how things seem so different on the other side of growing up and not able to see things you hope for and to wish see go unfulfilled. My eyes just tear up thinking about it.

Thank you Daddy. You’ve always hoped for the best for me even when I was stubborn and rebellious in my later years and thought I knew better. It may be too late now to say this but you were right, he was a no good creep. I love you and still miss you.

Doing a little further research there was also in circulation a rare English version United Kingdom 8 Reales George III Countermarked coinage
The countermarked variety were captured Spanish 8 Reales and reissued as Spanish dollars to alleviate the chronic shortage of money following the war with the French Republic. For a little further information on this emergency issue click Spanish dollars . if you’re in the market for one of these babies, be ready to pay and beware of counterfeits. Arrrrh!

The Nemesis: Episode 5 Part 3

With only the sounds of the waves and the gentle creaking of the ship, a predawn morning thick fog began settling in and around the two warships Fury and San Cortezia. The Cortezia's Crow's nest watch buttons up shirt from the unexpected chill as he observed the distant deck lamps of the Fury's disappear behind the incoming fog. He cups his hands around his mouth, "Sir, contact lost of the Fury!"

The midshipman acknowledged, "Observation noted!" He immediately confers with the Officer of day before resuming his post but not before the feeling of his hair standing on end.
The midshipman had barely settled back to his post when the same Watch reported again, "Mast approaching from above the fog eight points due east!"

The watch officer aimed his spyglass towards port side. A set of masts floated above the heavy incoming fog. Her foremast alight with the set of signals identified as Lernaean Spectre. “They're early. We we’re not expecting her for another three weeks.” The briefing from the Captain’s meetings discussed the possibility that rebuilding of the Spectre could be expedited ahead of schedule. And that would be a welcome addition to their forces. Some of the crew felt almost fearful as this Pirate reputation is as dangerous as testified by the survivors of the Spectre, almost too fanciful to believe. Even with years of battle experience this night attack added a different sense of dread that filled each man's belly. “Relay to the Fury that the Lernaean Spectre has arrived.”
“Sir, we still cannot see the Fury through this fog.” complained the signalman, "Which rocket shall I light?"
“This is nonsense, the Fury should be just three hundred yards off our Starboard.” The Watch officer aimed his spyglass starboard seeing nothing but impenetrable fog, "Curses, standby on both signal rockets."

By now the air became frigid, the fog thicker as the inbound Ship's bow becoming visible through the fog. The silhouette no longer matched that of the hulking Spectre but that of a mere passenger ship. It’s name becoming visible as she quietly drifted alongside the Cortezia. As the Eastern Dane stopped alongside the Cortezia, the crew frozen in shock as they watched aspects of the ship’s form changing from moment to moment from appearing solid, then not. Some areas charred, others missing, disturbing were sections appearing clean, the next charred, and then barnacle encrusted or barely visible another from moment to moment.
Most unsettling were this ghost ship's it's phantom crew and passengers somewhat recognizable as human with their glowing angry accusing eyes staring back. One figure held up a lantern in one hand and a cane in his other, his steps echoed deeply as it walked aboard the Cortezia without even a gangplank. The elderly man held up the lamp revealing his grotesque features.

"Fire!” shouted the First officer. Pistol and rifle fire erupted obscuring the deck with smoke. Upon clearing the figure remained steady and unharmed. "Can you kill someone already dead? I am just but a ghost, I am the good Dr. I've have only the time and energy for Captain Whitmore. However my friends don't have that problem."
A voice emerged from the starboard side of the San Cortezia. Another ship had silently drifted in from the dense fog. "Irregulars of the Troubadour, attack!" Armed men poured over the starboard rail and began cutting down many of the unsuspecting sailors before they could either reload or bring their swords to bear. Captain Ortega shouts to his officer's, "All hands, repel boarders, all hands on deck!

It was too late for the Cortezia’s crew to respond as more pirate's poured over unto his ship. Marines were felled from the crow’s nest from Pirate sniper fire. Grenades we're dropped into every hatch and door exploding their payload sowing smoke, chaos, and confusion preventing any counter offensive they could muster. The Reinforcements could only drop their weapons to stagger out blinded and gasping for air. In a matter of minutes Captain Ortega found himself staring down the sword of the attacking Captain. "Sir, I believe I now have control over your ship." exclaimed the stout mustached man with long brown hair. His appearance was remnants of a Dutch officer's uniform. With a small bow he continued, "Ah introductions, where are my manners? I am Captain Louie, "My friends call me Losing Louie and I hear you’ve been looking for me. A pleasure to finally meet you." Captain Ortega’s squadron was charged more than a year ago with finding and eliminating this man and his threat. He was quite familiar with his intended prey but was diverted to this new mission by the Pay Masters, only to fall into the hands of his own nemesis. Captain Louie the Pirate Dutchman a gentleman, a master at naval tactics, flamboyant, and distinguished not only as a swordsman in his own right but a fine musician of the Cister Lute, a pirate captain that commanded three vessels, primarily an old captured Spanish Man of War renamed The Troubadour escorted by his former Frigate, and a captured Brigantine. “Good god it is you!” as Ortega, wide eyed, surrendered his sword he pondered, “Where are your other ships?”

<Part 4 Preview>

Several crew of the Fury clung at the rail as if they were able peer through the fog to see what was happening over at their sister ship. The first Leftenant turned to his junior, "Get Captain Whitmore, we heard gun fire and explosions coming from the direction of the San Cortezia." The Second Leftenant immediately dispatched to the Captain’s quarters. His spyglass again searched the direction of the Cortezia yielding nothing. The arms fire and clashing of swords could only indicate a boarding attack in progress but who is boarding who? The Storm Crow? Half her crew and the Bloody Raven was reported to be on the Island. This fog may have been the only chance of escape if the remaining crew decided to make a run for it, would be the likely answer, and apparently it had the misfortune of running into the San Cortezia’s position.

Captain Whitmore stepped next to his Watch officer then joined by the remaining senior officers, “What is happening, report!”
“Captain, I believe the San Cortezia have engaged what may be the Storm Crow attempting to escape in the fog.”

A Cute little Pirate Video

The Back Stories:

Some have Videos (Click on the Raven and Katana)

Opening Episode 1 Chronicles of the Bloody Raven

Episode 2 Coin Keeper: Dragon Bar

Episode 3 AgEnder: Ickabod’s Skull and Crossbones

Episode 4 Dr Masterson: Fog of War

Episode 5 The Nemesis

Episode 5 The Nemesis Part one

Episode 5 The Nemesis Part two

Episode 5 The Nemesis Part Three

Episode 6 Part one The Heart of Ezio

“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”


I love the story about your very own reales. Your Dad loved you very much, and he did leave that coin for you. I enjoyed the video very much. And oh yes, thanks for the bonus photo! Take care, SIS, I will see you again, soon! Take care.

If my life's movie played as I had thought he would have shared those stories with everyone. And my period Pirate wedding, with the perfect swave costar, to TSFH's Canon in D. Complete with epic swordfight, and banquet with plenty of rum or red wine/bar options.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

I love people using Latin. I had Latin for one schoolyear once. The dutchman!

I like the old forms of English like Elizabethan or Shakespearean too as well as Latin, they have a elegance and sophistication in their usage in literature unlike the devolved and fluid English practiced today. Thanks for reading.

I just had to give you an UP Vote for the Pirate Toy Boat. Happy #PirateSunday
Memorial Weekend a time to Remember those Great Pirates that have Gone to Davy Jones Locker...................

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