An Introduction of Kerris Ravenhill ....and my other self, The Bloody Raven

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)

About Me …..

Kerris Llewellyn Ravenhill
Full Time Heath Care Worker, Night staff at a delightful group home Facility.
Single Income provider caring for three dependants
Enjoys bike Commuting, Swimming, a bit of free weights. Cosplay. Practice in Kenjutsu, Sojutsu and Akido
Gothic Styled Silver Stacker

My stack actually began with my father handing down to me a couple of pounds of coins that had originally come from my great-g-grandfather. This stash held a variety of coins from all over the commonwealth before during and after WW2 And for official reasons was not allowed to join the Armed forces in the World war. Instead he operated offered his services as a railway rest stop and Billeting for Service men travelling back and forth during the war. He prepared meals, bunking space, and even laundry service for those who need it. He received in voluntary payment and tips many of these coins from servicemen and people as they passed through his town station. The bulk of the coin was Canadian but sprinkled in were coins from Newfoundland, India, England, Europe, even Hong Kong. Among these coins was a 5oz Johnson Mathey Bar my Father included from back in the early eighties as a souvenir of windfall when silver hit almost $60/oz Canadian and purchased a nice car with it’s proceeds. This was before my time and it turns out he was a bit of a collector.

When I was little more than a Tomboyish toddler one of my favorite memories is playing Pirate with the kids next door. The dolls and teddy bears were of course part of the crew, with a large cardboard box made into a grand sailing ship, and the reward at the end of the day of imaginary pillaging was the gold foiled Chocolate coins. One day my Father let us play with that stash of coins as booty and he said a lot of them where silver and that money used to be Silver!

Then I was an adult, the coins came into my possession after my Father passed away unexpectedly. There was a time I was in need of cash and I came pretty close to selling them for the bullion value just to pay my bills. I spread them out on the table and remember all the fun times playing with them. They bought back sentimental teaching moments. How hard Great gramps worked very hard to save them. And realizing how valuable they really were. I honestly believe my Father intended for me to pass them on to future family generations. He even added more surprise silver coins in those old cardboard flips than I remembered. Finishing my Nurses diploma I got quick employment and worked long and extra hours as the Bills that finally faded away, saving for a home for my kids, contributing into a pension.

It wasn’t until just more than three years ago I still kept finding that my Income bought less and less. I’m a frugal creature and living on a strict budget allowing myself few frills. Taxes also began to taking increasingly bigger bites out of my income quoting figures often above the official rate of inflation. My voluntary Pension was being eaten up not just by fees but inflation too.

Then there was the day I was “Red Pilled” that my dollars are not a real representation of value and really a terrible store of wealth. I recalled one of the stories of Great great-grandfather back in the Old Country how his neighbours lost their savings when the local banks went bankrupt while he himself held a physical hoard of Silver coin. I came to realize I have the Stackers gene.

I have a modest YouTube Channel of the same Name, Kerris L Ravenhill. I don’t know Mintage numbers by heart, I can’t claim to understand grading, and I don’t have the time and resources to flip coins in the retail market. But I buy what I like and a be little bit of a Gothic drama queen about it.

Aye, but be warned as me language digress to 18th century spake, egress with caution with sword and flintlock at the ready and not be faint of heart cause yea be treading in dangerous waters….. but there, there be where the adventure and freedom be at it’s greatest. Arrrh!

And Now the other me…… The Bloody Raven

In my Business Attire.......... And in my Combat Attire

Privateer, Adventurer and Captain of the Brigantine Vessel, the Storm Crow
Weapon of choice: Katana and Wakizashi
Favorite Tactic: Moonlight assault

Quote 1: “Poured Pirate Silver is FUN Silver, Arrrh!”

Quote 2: “Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius”
“I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”

A bit of the Back Story.....

Rumored to be hundreds of years old her obscure origin trace to Eastern European nobility, her family betrayed and unjustly executed, she was made a slave in her early teens, bought and raised in Italy under the name of Auditore, learned the skills of an Assassin, roamed Asia Minor with an Army for hire, migrated eastward to learn the Martial arts under the names of Hon Shu, Wing Gong, and Mintauru. In her quest for personal justice as she made pact with the denizens of Darkness in exchange for the power she desired, but at a steep price, this also has become a quest for revenge upon the descendants of those that betrayed her family. However, the Heavens laid their claim on her as the Angelic Silver Diva revealed to her the true path, to temper her lust for revenge but only in the terms of Light. She was given a purpose, a mission and it was revealed that her suffering was not ignored and not in vain but it was a crucible to prepare her to be what she was meant to be…. A Harbinger of Wrath … to remind that evil does not necessarily have free reign but awaits judgment in the age to come.
She had other aliases; The Red Dragon, Tigress Makkara, Lady Tianna Mintauru, Lady Tracy McMillan. But known more as The Bloody Raven.

Her Mission: Acquire and Neutralize Cursed Silver artifacts before the “The Powers That Be” can take possession of them for their own nefarious worldwide plans of domination.

“Each piece must have a story!”

Current Youtube Playlist as of January 2018

Nemesis: What’s in my Booty Bank
Coin Keeper (Now Laura Blade): Dragon Bar Treasure Map Update 2
AG Ender: Ickabod’s Skull and Crossbones Treasure Map Update 3
Dr Masterson: Fog of War, Treasure Map Update 4
Way overdue, TBA, WIP, Nemesis the Unboxing
Backyard Bullion: The Heart of Ezio, Treasure Map Update 6
Silver to Burn: the Silver Sword, Treasure Map Update 8
Silver Diva: Harbinger of Wrath, treasure Map Update 10
Mutiny Metals: Wicked Sick Relics Raven’s Skull, Treasure Map Update 11
Tree of Life: Silver of Narnia, Treasure Map Update 13
Metals Mafia The Bloody Raven’s Halloween Special
The Return of Laura Blade

I’d leave the Booty Box in plain view. It’s guaranteed to turn any dreary conversation from current events to what I do on my spare time. First opening my Booty itself turns curiosity into an engaging topic as my guests get to handle genuine Silver. Hand poured Jolly Roger rounds, Skulls, skull bars, crosses, silver Pillars, and various poured Silver. The Pirate theme often invokes childhood play memories and the same time they realize that what they hold in their hand is a real treasure. As I lay out the pieces onto the map my videos tell a story of each Pourer I visit. My Youtube channel videos does adds an element of flare and surprise to the presentation. What a way to teach young future Stackers about Precious metals and what money really is and what is not. I get to answer questions on why Silver is money, truths about our economic system, Inflation, the role of Precious Metals and so on. The parent(s) are sure to participate asking the questions as they can begin to see the looming systemic financial problems that they could no longer deny. The kids get a thrill, And if they or their parents are interested enough I will offer the child a little 5g or 10g Jolly Roger Piece, with the parent’s permission of course.

“Poured Pirate Silver is FUN Silver!” And yes the Katana swords are real and lethal weapons.


This post has received gratitude of 2.05 % from @appreciator thanks to: @thedamus.

Thar be a fine story and a fine keel-haul!
Grand-daddies often know a thing or two...


Glad to be here Governor, these are new waters to explore we certainly test our men and our ships to their limits only to come out stronger than before. Our enemies may be behind us but fear that we may have not seen the last of them. So we heed the wisdom of our fore bearers, their experience gives us the confidence to go forward in full sail into a promising future.

I learned more about you in this one post than following you on YouTube for an entire year. You'll love it here Kerris. And look this one post made as much as you would have made on YouTube in 3 months. Be yourself you'll do fantastic 😎

I never did monetize my YT channel, not even close to any payout since I borrow a lot of copyright stuff that take their own slice of any revenue.
Missed you on YT but figured you'd be still lurking about watching videos and get into a few Giveaways while you were there. In here, you sure are less reserved and more passionate in your postings like a Stallion running free across limitless grassy plains.

So now were back together again on Steemit. So back to working on my second post. and the other video projects on the docket. And thanks for the warm welcome.

Hahaha I love what you've done here! Those drawings made me laugh. And nope I haven't been on YouTube since I left really. I watch my guilty pleasure PewDiePie vids and Joe Santagato that's it really. It takes so much time to watch all the vids I cant keep up, Steemit takes my free social media time now and I absolutely love it here, not censored at all 😎 I do miss my friends but most of them are joining up here finally 👍😊

This is one of the best intro posts i have ever read.

I was suggested to visit this post by a #steemsilvergold member as you have been nominated to be added to the group. We are the biggest and best silver stacking group on Steemit. I cant wait to see some posts about your coins if you have plans to post them.

Well that was my first post, working on my second and it takes time. Something about my own Stacking plans, then compare that to the Bloody Raven's Stacking Plan. Got a few pics, some thoughts and comments, maybe some arts and crafts. Give a few days to put it together. Arrh!

Stacking plans? and alter ego stacking plans? You have 2 stacking plans. I wish i had thought of that.

Thank you for replying back to my comment, i look forward to your future posts. Ohhh, and you have been given a 2nd vote by another steemsilvergold member. I have now confirmed your membership and your are part of the #steemsilvergold silver/gold community.
Welcome to the group Raven

Why Thank you for the news and we're both in. having dual personalities does have it's hitches ever since my skull accidentally pummeled his beloved Baseball bat. Shame that my nose won't be the same but I won't be easy prey next time. Life goes on.

Nice to see ya kerris! 🤘

If PIT was a Good Guy he would have a Raffle in your Honor and have every One that wants to enter give you a FULL UP Vote as a Condition to entering that raffle on this introduce yourself posting.......

Aye, pleased with the attention Stokjockey, and I hope that thee Pick of Destiny be still there when me ship pulls in for me order along with a few other beautiful pieces of Pit's.

Kerris is in the house!! Good to see you old friend and familiar face! Excellent. Look at that SBD! Now you can move that into some crypto and get some more metal for thy stack!

Thank you Junius, that is the general "Ravenhill Steemit Business Plan" but I feel I'll need to accumulate a reserve first. It be nice if QSB take SBD for payment.

Welcome to Steemit - I like the mask a lot :0

I usually wear it as I commute bike in cold weather. Importantly it conceals my true identity from certain people that may recognize me and may be inclined to check out my home only to lose a body part should they forcefully enter uninvited. I failed to mention I also practice Tamashigiri - cutting with a Katana. The mask is a fixture on my YouTube videos and thanks for the welcome.

Nice to see you here Kerris! Very good introduction. I have known you for awhile on YouTube but I do know you better now after reading your into. Looking forward to your next post.

Thank you for the Welcome mrs-v, so much better than when I first started in YouTube, I hardly knew anyone back then as I do now.

Nicely done as always Kerris. I loved the story about your grandfather and you dad. Thank you.

Just like YouTube, I favor a little more quality than quantity.
Sigh I really miss my father, if only he were alive today he'd say "I knew that guy you were with was serious trouble!" on the other hand if Time travel was possible I'd bet I'd really screw things up big league.

Welcome to steemit. Great into, You'll find lots of familiar and new faces over at #steemsilvergold, I think you'll enjoy yourself over here with us all!

Thanks for the welcome, I remember way back in YouTube it took me a lot of time before I waded into the community scene, here... are familiar names and channels that I've grown to love. It's gonna be nice after all.

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