Chronicles of the Bloody Raven: Episode 5 The Nemesis - Part 5

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Show & Tell: Polar Bear Pours - The WRECKED Bar

With the pent up Unfulfilled Stacking Needs reaching an acute phase I started out scheming a way to purchase a set of little One Toz Jolly Roger bars until Shane suggested a different product that would be more for this Dark Blade wielding Pirate Wench. And, as if that epic music track “And None shall Live.” started playing in my head. I persuaded my friend for a little loan tossing in a shoulder rub, not that his wife didn’t mind, and secured the bridge financing for this beauty until my meager tax return gets into my hot hands!
Polar Bear Pours’ Five Troy oz. WRECKED BAR!

Behold this beautiful and unique version of a smiling/gummed Jolly Roger and crossed Cutlasses produces in Shane's own custom made mold.
And one of our own top #steemsilvergold Members @phelimint wrote a fine March 3rd, 2018 Bio of this Pouring Artisan at

About Polar Bear Pours

I started PolarBearPours out of a passion for silver. I have always felt that silver is very undervalued. The properties of silver are unmatched by any other element. The electrically conductive, highly reflective metal has been prized as a store of value and wealth for millenia. In the age of ballooning national debt and "digital currencies" Polar Bear Pours provides an investment you can hold and own.

Polar Bear Pours’ Website
PBP on Instagram

Be skilled in your Attacking, give the enemy no idea where to defend and, be skilled in your Defense, give the enemy no idea where to attack. ~ Sun Tzu 544 BCE

Episode 5 The Nemesis - Part five

After dawn broke a confirmed report of the Pirate encampment was found due east in a heavily wooded ravine were the telltale camp fires and activity can be hidden from the observation posts. There are accounts of men present, simple shelters, and even some graves from causalities they’ve suffered. And that dark wench was also observed laying fresh flowers upon those new graves, Greer and the Duke grinned; they were not invulnerable after all, even this Raven has some misplaced sentiments. With a clear target opportunity, the Duke displaced his request to Lord Perry but once again Cannon fire was heard once again in the distance.

The window may be brief but it was the only solid intelligence they had. The Duke was somewhat leery that they could be walking into another trap as well considering the setbacks both the Nightcrawlers and Spyders had suffered. They were tough men and had endured many difficult situations only to come out more tougher and much richer for it. Just happens that these were very clever opponents that he'd even dare admit are somewhat a match to his own command. An attack must happen midday with the sun is at its highest.

The Raven laid another set of flowers on the grave, "You heard the cannon fire?"
John crouched down next to her, "You think it's the Troubadour and La Savior?"
"Yes, the Crow was not to engage at all and surrender if necessary. It's our orders with Chang."
Charles spat, "Chang? You left the ship's Cook in charge?"
"Chang is more capable than most of us would think, Flint and I agreed. Besides he's been the most senior crew member long before I took over."
Flint elbowed past the circle of men and knelt next to John, "Well the camp smoke should bring our friends here in a few hours and the men in the rushes will be ready soon.”

"Good, I'll have to be in this camp in plain view so I'll be the bait this time. They should be on that ridge before they attack and you should be ready charge them from behind. Get into your positions and wait for the signal."
"Scouts haven't seen anything yet. We're still far outnumbered. Will we get our support?"
The Raven emptied a silver coin from the pouch tied to her belt, it boasted the likeness of a Bobcat in the early morning sunlight. At that moment a chill swept into the camp like that of full moon surf. She could barely discern a familiar outline of a figure before her, he only nodded once and then smiled before disappearing.
"Yes, they are on this island and be here very soon."

”Be extremely subtle even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the Director of the opponent’s fate.” - Sun Tzu 544 BCE

The mortar crews were well trained at silently moving their equipment into place as the Mortar officer took his time in judging distance and trajectory for various targets. His spyglass centered at the woman in black as his first priority, "About three hundred and twenty five yards an elevation of 65% and yaw to the right 2% for wind correction."
The request for Marine reinforcements from any ships had yet to yield any reply, the Duke had to therefore commit all he had, throwing in the Nightcrawlers then the Spyders as close support when needed. He still had numbers, full daylight and this ridge as his advantage. No survivors. He still has his last card to play, The Nemesis itself. The Pirate camp appeared settling in for breakfast. The Raven herself resting upon a mossy patch under the largest shade tree. Greer shimmied up next to Mortar officer, "A gold guinea if you kill her on your first volley."
"But if I wound her, you'll have t' finish her wit 'Butch' b'fer I give yea me guinea."
Greer drew a large blade from his boot and checked it's sharpness, he thought of the many men and women 'Butchered' over the years with this very blade, especially in private with the women. "You're on!"
"A Georgie crown extra if yea make er squeal nice an loud for the fellas when ye play wit 'er."
"I'll have to hack her hands off, this one's got quite the set of claws Har!"

The newly promoted officer chimed in, "Pipe down, the Duke may still want her alive."
“You’re still wet behind the ears boy, and ye probably don’t know what to do with a woman if I dropped one in front of you, Har!”
"Enough, the gloves are off Gentlemen, I am tired of the incessant cat and mouse get off this forsaken island and retire." The Duke knelt in close to get a view over the edge of the ridge "Perfect, looks like only one way out of this ravine. We can pound their position with mortars and charge in to clean up !"
But out of this perfect target were a few irregularities. There no more than eight pirates visible. Accounting for the casualties there should be another twenty six more. But where?
Outside the entrance to the ravine, it is there in the rushes. There were figures that appear crouching down. His spyglass picks up an odd gleam of something metal like a sword or rifle, anything but enough to give them away. The Duke grinned, He nudged at the Mortar officer, "There, aim two of four the mortars there, looks like we found their trap!"
The Officer cringed at the thought, his chance if killing the Raven was reduced 50% hoping the four fragmentation shells falling in a circle will be likely successful, he reluctantly complied, “Yes, sir!” Greer might just get his way.

<part 6 preview>

There was a whistle in the air that sounded like artillery. She instantly dropped to the ground. The tree behind her exploded sending splinters of sharp wood in all directions, a second shell landed in front about a dozen or so steps away in turn throwing her backwards. “Damn, whoever was shooting is really good at it.” Dazed, she momentarily remained on her hands and knees to allow the blood to flow back into her head quick. It would be about sixty seconds before she could expect another round as two other rounds landed at the direction of the ravine entrance. It was a fortunate choice for her should they have chose to concentrated all their fire upon her.
Charles in urgency stepped in, “Are you okay!” As he grasped her right arm.
“Yeah, it’s all here.”
“Damn, you’re injured. You got three pieces of wood impaled in you.” He watch in awe as the Raven one by one pulled each one out with a painful grunt. Back of the left arm, the left thigh…
“As long as they don’t go through my heart I’m gonna be okay since I heal real fast. Would you mind pulling the one out of my left buttocks? Crickets, my outfit is ruined!”
Gun fire erupted from the ridge pocking the ground around them.
“Sure, have to make it quick.” Charles felt reluctant but braced her hip with his free hand and used the other to pull it out throwing it aside then picking up his rifle and quickly lifted the Raven to cover.
“Oh you’re so sweet Charles.”

Back Stories:

Opening Video (Click on the Raven and Katana)
Opening Episode 1 Chronicles of the Bloody Raven
Episode 2 Coin Keeper: Dragon Bar
Episode 3 AgEnder: Ickabod’s Skull and Crossbones
Episode 4 Dr Masterson: Fog of War
Episode 5 The Nemesis
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part one
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part two
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part three
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part four
Episode 5 The Nemesis Part Five
Episode 6 Part one The Heart of Ezio

Clip art from 123RF

“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”


Sis, time sure flies. I am amazed on the number of episodes and chapters you have written on the Chronicles of the Bloody Raven. You have so much inside you... the creativeness and right (and wild) imagination... a talent given only to a few. I enjoy ed reading this chapter, Sis. Keep going. Take care.

One day I'll get a big coffee table book published out of this.The writing Style has a bit of Hemingway and Micheal-I-forget-his-last-name influence. I wonder how many people actually read the stories? That's why I like to pair a piece of Pirate Eye candy and a story (doesn't have to be about the same piece.) Unlike the story normally, one should not pull out the impaling object, just secure, Immobilize and transport to the hospital for proper treatment. But the Bloody Raven is not Normal.

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Why Thank you friend, following.

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Thank you for being there for us.

Awesome as always @kerrislravenhill!! I am always intrigued ans thrilled at the adventures and the content in general!! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for dropping by @dwingsworld , I find your comments encouraging.

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