My entry to the contest: My special steemian.

Hello dear readers!

Today I bring a publication, which represents my participation in the contest What Steemian is special for you?, I must confess that this contest is a perfect excuse to pay tribute to a very special character on this platform and that He has been in charge of selflessly supporting people inside and outside of Steemit.


This guy has made a big difference within a group of people who have followed his example and are forming a very solid community, committed to each other and to this ecosystem, making this platform a more pleasant place to work.

My postulate

When you interact in a medium where there are many generous, committed and high-quality people, it is very difficult to choose a single person to apply for in a contest like this, however, I know that many of my colleagues will agree with me. The person I think should win this contest, is my favorite person in the entire platform @crypto.piotr, this guy is the creator of @project.hope, an initiative that began supporting people who were victims of HF20, who had problems to publish for its low steem power and RC, trying to avoid leaving the platform.

The project evolved to help 4 Venezuelans in crisis situations @juanmolina, @lanzjoseg, @jadams2k18 and @fucho80, at the same time, this guy struggled to strengthen a community of crypto enthusiasts who also wrote on varied topics, emphasizing support us through commitment, striving to drop quality comments on each post and thereby strengthening a closer relationship, for @crypto.piotr a quality comment is more important than upvote itself.

Impact on the platform.

The initiative Project Hope has achieved important things in the members of this community and all those who are close to it, through this project many of us are still adding content to steemit and we are not part of a lot of people who stopped writing long ago, also project hope has transcended the borders of the chain to benefit people with food and accessories to start on this platform.

The effort made by this character really deserves to be taken into account to win this contest, since it has become a great influence for many people who today receive their support week after week to stay and grow in this environment.

Project timeline.

Everything started for us in December 2018 when I was barely meeting @crypto.piotr, I was pleasantly surprised by the sensitivity and generous initiative of a perfect stranger in this publication Santa & Piotr Visits Venezuela - JOIN OUR VENTURE TODAY where he organized a collection to help 8 people in Venezuela and a dog lol.

A month later he wanted to give two of my classmates a nice Valentine's Day with their wives TODAY IS VALENTINE's DAY and for that occasion I would like to invite you to join my little challenge and project hope was finally born and was known through this publication PROJECT HOPE - day one

Transcendence and evolution.

Some months have passed since the creation of the project and special things have happened, wonderful and inspiring all this time.

In addition to the growth that has allowed us to have this project, it gives us the opportunity to take it beyond the platform, achieving an important impact outside of this medium, helping people with food and accessories to enter steemit, work that we show in these publications: Project Hope, extension and repercussions in Venezuela (Food Donation) and Project Hope, repercussions in Venezuela (Education)

One of the last surprises of my friend @crypto.piotr is in the content of this publication WOULD YOU CONSIDER INVESTING YOUR TIME AND ENERGY into raising kids as investment in your future?

All these things and some more he has achieved @crypto.piotr through Project Hope, so I think he has enough merits to win this contest, since he is not only my favorite person in steemit, but he has earned the love of Many people in this environment.

@crypto.piotr, you are a great guy, an example to follow .


Dear @fucho80

When you interact in a medium where there are many generous, committed and high-quality people, it is very difficult to choose a single person to apply for in a contest like this

indeed. And I'm honoured to be nominated by you in this contest. And you made my day already :)

It's worth to mention that Project Hope is on steemit: @project.hope and I'm about to release our website to public:

Yours, Piotr

Hello leader @crypto.piotr

indeed. And I'm honored to be nominated by you in this contest. And you made my day already :)

No friend, for me it is a great honor to have met you, for me you mean support, growth, learning among others.

Thank you for that support you always give to the group.

Hey! I didn't know about

That's a piece of great news! It's a beautiful site :D

I love it :)

@fucho80, Definitely @crypto.piotr pursued the right path and that is, Spreading The Hope. On Steem Blockchain he learned, understood, faced criticism, but after travelling a long journey he started becoming a change and definitely it shows a journey. I hope that through Project Hope many will going to be empowered. Stay blessed.

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Hello dear @chireerocks, thanks for your words.

On Steem Blockchain I have learned, understood, faced criticism, but after traveling a long journey I started becoming a change and definitely it shows a journey.

He is definitely making a great effort with this project, I am sure that we will continue to grow and positively affect more people in this environment, project hope is an alternative to empower many.

Thanks friend!

Welcome and great to know that. Hope that this project will going to travel a long journey while spreading encouragement and hope. Stay blessed.

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Hope that this project will going to travel a long journey while spreading encouragement and hope.

Thank you friend @chireerocks, that is what we all expect, to continue sharing hope for a long time, that this project can grow and benefit many people on and off this platform.

Thanks friend.

Welcome and let's hope for the best.

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Thank you for your encouraging words @chireerocks

Also please check out website i'm currently working on: :)

Welcome brother and will look into the Website. Good wishes from my side and stay blessed.

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Hello, my dear @fucho80!

Excellent post my friend, I am very grateful that you have done this tribute to our great friend @crypto.piotr.

He really is a great person and has dedicated a lot of his time to encourage many other people to invest their time in Steemit.

And in my good friend @chireerocks' words:

"I hope that through Project Hope many will going to be empowered."

Thanks for sharing and caring! :D

Hi @jadams2k18.

Excellent post my friend, I am very grateful that you have done this tribute to our great friend @crypto.piotr.

Friend, you know that @crypto.piotr deserves much more than this, also when you know him, even if it is not personally, you do not have to make an effort to honor someone who has much merit to receive this tribute.

Project hope is growing and I think it will lead us to achieve many things on and off the platform.

Thanks for being here brother.

You are right, my friend! Piotr is a great person...

Como decimos aquí: tremendo pana (Big Buddy)! 😄

Thank you so much for your kind mention.

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Don't mention it, my friend 😊

You've made a great choice, my friend.

I have shared some things with all of you, but from the beginning I felt supported and valued. You are great people

It is good to know that there are people who are willing to help others, without asking anything in return. Never imagine finding this here when I enter the platform.

I'm happy to be a part of Steem and more because I'm close to the "@project.hope" family.

Thanks to everyone and especially to partner @ crypto.piotr.

pd: a beautiful smile, happiness!

Hello dear @yonnathang.

I have shared some things with all of you, but from the beginning I felt supported and valued. You are great people

Wooo friend I really feel happy that you feel valued in this group, it is the effect we want to cause, to make project hope a team where people can find support to grow and develop, if you feel that way, all the merit is of @crypto.piotr, he was the one who started all this.

Never imagine finding this here when I enter the platform.

Yes, that is correct, after a time of fighting against the current I felt that everyone was looking for their own interests and it was very difficult to get close to someone to find support, until they appeared piotr with hope project and all change, you are a great guy, Let's keep moving forward and make this community grow.

I'm happy to be a part of Steem and more because I'm close to the "@project.hope" family.

We are happy that you are here, to have people who value this effort, understand the purpose of this project and be willing to grow together, that is what we need. Welcome to project hope friend.


Piotr is certainly a special individual. His impact is felt among many and grows with each passing day. Super choice.

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