Pennsif's Progress #596 - Should I, Shouldn't I ... tell him about Steem?

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

One of the voluntary roles I have taken on in the recent past has been as a business mentor for new startups.

I had been doing this for several years for one of Prince Charles's charities until I got too busy on steem last year.

A new Mentor Co-ordinator has just been appointed and he contacted me a few days ago to see if I would be interested in restarting the mentoring.

We met in a local cafe. He ordered a latte. They ran out of milk.

Fifteen minutes later the milk arrived from a nearby supermarket. Unimpressed by what my local town has to offer we began the meeting.

A big European grant, which should continue after 2019, has funded coordinators in every county in Wales. Operations are being ramped up, more 'clients' are being found, more mentors are needed.

I agreed. It could be fun to get back into mentoring.

He told me about some of the startups looking for mentors. One was a woman setting up a vegan food trailer to take around food festivals and other events.

That is right up my street but alas just too far away.

It reminded me of a project I saw on Fundition recently... @the.foodini's STEEMtruck project.

And I was about to tell the Mentor Co-ordinator all about steem, and all about Fundition, and how we could get all the startups on steem and they could help finance their new businesses through the blockchain...

But I held back. It might just be a bit too much for a first meeting. Maybe when I have got to know him a bit better.

Would he get it? Would he think I am too weird and cranky to be a suitable business mentor?

It is difficult when I spend so much time in my little steem cocoon to comprehend that the rest of the world might not yet 'get' steem.

They should, they must, they have to. But slow and steady wins the race. One step at a time.

Next time I'll tell him.

Did I bottle it? Should I stand up and be counted at every turn? Do I need to be bold and brash and throw caution to the wind?

Do we need to shout it from the rooftops at every opportunity?

Is that what it will take to fly steem to the moon?

That may be so. Soon.

For now I will follow the shining path, but tread with caution. One step at a time.

There are times and there are places.

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This idea of startup funding via the steem blockchain is an area that's of great interest to me - will be interested in your thoughts around this and around how your discussions progress.

Hi Steve. It has some potential for supporting startup funding - particularly through Fundition.

I work with Fundition now so seeing more and more of the possibilities that that offers.

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

I think taking it slowly is the right idea, apart from anything else it is such a lot to take in and understand. I've been talking about steem at work since I arrived, now they are looking for the money in their budgets to fund someone to go to Steemfest 3. I'm just about to start persuading them to move some money in my budget to fund two more people from the community groups we work with.

Sounds like you have been successful at getting your workplace on board with steem. Are they active on steem now?

I agree with you, I have held back telling my friends about Steemit. I just recently received a gift of a one Oz. .999 Silver round. I felt that this was the perfect opportunity to spill Steemit out to him. Will he get involved ???? Time will tell. Someone once told me people need to think that it is there idea, not something that you are trying to tell them. I can kind of understand this. So i posted the Silver round on Steemit and sent him and my grown sons the link...... will they bite??????


Hi @silvertop, I will be interested to hear whether your son and your friend take the bait...

Time will tell, we will get Steemit out there!

They should, they must, they have to. But slow and steady wins the race. One step at a time. - I think that is a very good attitude. Patience is the key. I think that in a few years they will start asking what is STEEM. 😉
Thank you mention! 👊

Go with your initial 'gut instinct'.

One foremost lesson learned from my entrepreneurial pursuits including the countless 'quick pitch' competitions on which I've participated, is the "too much information" issue ... Generally 'quick pitches' in the states are 30 seconds (perhaps twice the attention span of our typical VC's and angel investors, lest I digress ;-) )

So I tend to 'pitch' Steemit with pithy catch phrases, hooks ... Then gauge by the response the level of interest I have piqued ... Slow and arduous, though it seems any other means of barraging the world with all the fine details of this 'game-changing' (if you'll excuse my use of venture cliche) platform could lead to early dismissal from any further exchange due to a variety of reasons.

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