Love in EmbarrassingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemparents7 years ago
Anyone who has children knows that love can sometimes be embarrassing. I often look back on my single, pre child days and wonder what I would think of some of my now routine conversations. “No I do not want to look at your poop”, “pull up your pants”, “go and put some clothes on”, “did you wash your hands?”, “Don’t put that in your mouth!”.
Okay, so I probably had those conversation with most of my friends at the time and thought it was pretty funny. The point is being a parent makes you look at the world in a different light. You often don’t care as much about what others think of you anymore. You do things instead to ensure that your child behaves, learns, and grows up to be a functioning adult.
You are willing to do embarrassing things to ensure that your children have a great upbringing. You are willing to dress up in a silly Halloween costume and go out in public. You are willing to take them skiing even though you can barely stand up in the snow. You are willing to go to a wiggles concert and pretend to know all the words to the song and sing them out loud!
One thing that my son Luke is now into is making his own silly YouTube videos. He got the idea from the millions of other kids who post meaningless videos online of themselves just playing with their own toys. Luke likes to take his Beanie Boos to the park and take videos of them playing. If you don’t know what a Beaning Boo is than you probably don’t have children or your child is already in University. Now guess who gets to be the Cameraman for Luke’s adventures. You guessed it. Lucky old Dadview. I get to walk around the playground and take orders from my five year old. “Dad over here, they are going down the slide now. Did you get it?”. I admit it. I get a lot of funny looks, but I also get a lot of big smiles from my little guy. He loves it and can’t wait to get it up on you tube so he can tell his Cousins, Aunts and Uncles to go and watch it.
If your kids spend hours watching “mommy finger mommy finger where are you, Here I am, Here I am how do you do” then maybe they will enjoy Luke’s adventures. This one here is episode #2, filmed by the embarrassed dad!

Never let being embarrassed stop your kids from having fun. Keep on parenting and keep on being embarrassed!

Darryl (@dadview) resides in Canada. He is a loving husband and father who enjoys spending time with his family no matter the activity.
He is an active member of steemparents and #teamcanada
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What's your take on the dangers of YouTube? I know guys whose kids ended up watching some really dark or inappropriate stuff on YouTube, which started from a series of recommended content begun at children's themed videos.

I have my son logged in under my account so that I can always check the history of videos he watches. He also only plays on you tube while I am present.
I have my account set for o mature content but there is still the risk of hitting a video that is not yet flagged or has content that I dont support. I always just say to "Luke pick another video. You can't watch that one because..." insert reason here. Those kids are not being nice. They are not saying nice things. This is for grownups.
By explaining it to him he has understood and has actually saidnto me "Oh, I cant watch this one daddy" and changed it on his own.

Darryl @dadview

Cool thanks for explaining it my boy is only 8 months but he's my first so I havent come up against this stuff yet.

That's gotta be the best edited little kid video I ever seen, watched it with my 6 yr old twins they loved it. And don't worry about being embarrassed now, aparently when they turn 11 we are the ones who embarrass them ha ha

I never thought of it from that angle.
Like I said... love is embarrassing!

Thanks for checking out my post and actually watching the video!

Darryl @dadview

Nice post! I think it's awesome that you don't let anything limit you from being a good parent. I think embarrassing is those parents who let their consciences of what other think limit them to have an awesome time with their kids !

This is a great post. It's so true.... there have been many times I have found myself saying things I never would have dreamed I would say! Thanks for sharing :)

Haha its weird how young kids are just so inquisitive about the world and full of curiosity and then they reach a certain age and become self conscious. Kids can be brutally honest sometimes but I think it is better than as adults we learn to suppress our feelings and hide our emotions

Great comment.
I did have my first experience with my 5 year old where he was self conscious. We bought him a new pencil case to start school and it had some goofy aliens on it. He said to me "I don't like this one. I think that people will laugh at me if I use this pencil case". It hurt my heart but I let him pick out a new one of his own choosing.
Then he picked out a pink water bottle with sparkles that had Beanie Boos on it and that was okay. ha ha ha

Darryl @dadview

Sounds like lots of fun to me, I've never had a problem embarrassing myself so now I can even let loose more that I have some little ones to help justify the

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